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The Wretched 2020

I enjoyed this more than most. maybe it scratched an itch, but I went in with low expectations and came out pleasantly surprised. Decent, but familiar story, good creature effects, likeable characters and a few twists. Definitely worth a watch.

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There’s a real shortage of good horror films recently, and although this isn’t phenomenal, it’s still a reasonable watch.

I liked because it’s not your normal overly repetitive storyline; you know, the house a family moves in to and is haunted etc...yawn.

Although this isn’t phenomenal, it’s got a different tale. It’s well done with a good cast. A bit slow, not really scary, but overall I enjoyed it.

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Follows classical horror movies schema, but the monster has a pretty original gimmick which makes it quite interesting.

Side story and characters are ok, so the non-monster parts don't feel too empty. One interesting thing is how quickly the main character realize that something is wrong, and the monster knows he knows, but it's impossible to convince anyone else, so it just goes on. Also the fact that even though he identified the way the monster works, it never occurs to him, or us, that it might be working on him. This revelation scene, with the flashbacks is really good.

Minor negative point for me: too many survivors. I mean, come on, he realizes what's happening just in time, not only once but twice, and even the girl is still alive at the end ?. The whole tree thing is also a little weird, the fact that it appeas/disappears doesn't quite fit with the rest of the story, neither does the final scene suggesting that burning it was not enough.

Still pretty enjoyable, well done, and a little originality in the genre is a very good thing these days.

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i really enjoyed the twists

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The movie is good in terms of effects and scares but the writing or characterization is pitiful because of the inconsistencies and you blatantly obvious in some of the scenes and character interactions... I think the witch is the center piece of this although her powers really are magically looool

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Good movie about some sort of woodsy witch that terrorizes a harbor town. Decent creature effects and some okay acting. Not scary but it's got a twist or two to enjoy.

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Wretched’:

  1. My biggest gripe was that the entire film treaded all-too-familiar territory. We’ve seen all of this before, in similar ways. The only anticipation here was wondering when and where the witch would pop up on the screen again. Nothing particularly unique.

  2. I’ll give well-earned props for the twist at the end. When Ben was talking to his mom on the phone and she said “I miss my boys,” I was wondering why she would miss the father. Then the twist happened and I had a major “aha!” moment. Solid stuff.

  3. While you could come to conclusions on your own, I wish there was a liiittle more backstory on the witch. Not much was revealed at all.

Bonus Thought: If Fright Night and IT had a baby.

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For me, a big disappointment, I expected more and the only thing that was good about this film were the effects and masks, but the plot of the film was weak or rather bad.

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not bad, low budget, practical special effects, when they explain at the end they cheat, they add a scene to justify a second part

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The film isn't wretched but as I had heard good things about it, I did come away feeling disappointed. It's a little generic, and it wasn't scary at all. It's watchable but don't believe the hype surrounding it.

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Its stupid fun. Like most horror movies. Had a few scares. Kept me engaged.

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Well well well... I am not certain what to think of this film to be honest. Overall, yes, it is a horror film and a unique story. But I have a thing against what they call a “teenage horror film.” Somehow these films don’t do it for me.

Overall, the acting was mediocre as well. The make up person of the “monster”, you are the reason I don’t hate this film. Hats off to you.

Would I watch it again? No. Would I make my friends watch it? No.

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As others have stated this isn't the worst effort but is also far from being something new. The way it unwraps ended up being quite unsatisfactory to me leaving a lot to be desired from the scenario.
Why is the only keyword on IMDB "male rear nudity" though...

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The first half of the film it feels like you are watching a kind of teen-romance which is definately not my genre, and then it will cut back to being a solid horror movie and you see what the movie is actually meant to be about. I didn't like that aspect. The best horror flicks should concentrate on being creepy and disturbing. Relentless. Beside that... an ok movie I guess, nothing to remember about.

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Another teeny-bopper occult movie. Entertaining but nothing to to really call home about.

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Entertaining movie if there is nothing better to watch.

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Shout by T-TOWN
BlockedParent2020-10-15T20:05:36Z— updated 2021-01-07T16:28:50Z

i feel like this would have been better as a book - using my imagination would have lead me where it needed to go instead of it playing out on film, which was disappointing.

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uff this one just looks nice on the poster. boring, predictable and way too less horror for a horror movie.

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Predictable and boring film. Except for a small nuance, nothing stands out.

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Felt like an overextended episode of Supernatural. The only reason it got a 4 for me is that I got to see some hot chick in the pool with a rocking body... lol

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A correct series B horror movie that benefits from the lack of major releases to arouse more interest than it deserves. It works better when the directors follow in the footsteps of the classic genre, with some film references, than when they introduce more topical elements of the modern genre.

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As far as modern day horrors go, this was ok. I didnt think that the acting was THAT great, Azie Tesfai should stick to shows such as supergirl. Although I always thought she may have a sinister side to her, I think it's the eyes.

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