Shout by Corey

The Wretched 2020


Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Wretched’:

  1. My biggest gripe was that the entire film treaded all-too-familiar territory. We’ve seen all of this before, in similar ways. The only anticipation here was wondering when and where the witch would pop up on the screen again. Nothing particularly unique.

  2. I’ll give well-earned props for the twist at the end. When Ben was talking to his mom on the phone and she said “I miss my boys,” I was wondering why she would miss the father. Then the twist happened and I had a major “aha!” moment. Solid stuff.

  3. While you could come to conclusions on your own, I wish there was a liiittle more backstory on the witch. Not much was revealed at all.

Bonus Thought: If Fright Night and IT had a baby.

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