Shout by FLY

The Wretched 2020

Follows classical horror movies schema, but the monster has a pretty original gimmick which makes it quite interesting.

Side story and characters are ok, so the non-monster parts don't feel too empty. One interesting thing is how quickly the main character realize that something is wrong, and the monster knows he knows, but it's impossible to convince anyone else, so it just goes on. Also the fact that even though he identified the way the monster works, it never occurs to him, or us, that it might be working on him. This revelation scene, with the flashbacks is really good.

Minor negative point for me: too many survivors. I mean, come on, he realizes what's happening just in time, not only once but twice, and even the girl is still alive at the end ?. The whole tree thing is also a little weird, the fact that it appeas/disappears doesn't quite fit with the rest of the story, neither does the final scene suggesting that burning it was not enough.

Still pretty enjoyable, well done, and a little originality in the genre is a very good thing these days.

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