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Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991

He's back! Terminator 2: Judgment Day re-envisions the franchise and became the model for the summer blockbusters of the '90s. Writer/director James Cameron retcons the series and changes it to have a more hopeful message. With the retcon, there is now a second terminator who was sent back in time to kill John Connor as a child. And unlike the predestination theme of The Terminator, T2 changes the message to "no fate but what we make." Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton return, and are joined by Edward Furlong and Robert Patrick. Furlong is adequate as John Connor, but still brings a lot of the problems and annoyances that are typical with child actors. However, Robert Patrick is outstanding as the T-1000, and turns him into one of the most memorable and terrifying villains in sci-fi. There is a problem with the film going a little too commercial, with the Terminator getting paired up with a smartass kid who teaches him slang and to not kill, but this is more than made up for with tons of action and amazing special effects. Terminator 2: Judgment Day is a spectacular film that combines compelling science fiction drama with action/adventure.

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@trippymanni Stupid comment. So you're saying The Terminator, Total Recall, True Lies and Twins etc aren't worth watching? Jog on.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2023-04-04T19:22:32Z— updated 2023-11-26T13:38:59Z

A smart flip on the premise of the first film. The set pieces are brilliantly staged and imaginative, you only have to watch them once before they burn themselves onto your memory. There’s also great comedic moments, beautiful camerawork, boundary pushing effects and interesting character moments. My only real complaint is that some of the sound effects and soundtrack in the first third can feel a little dated, even for a film from 1991. There are also some minor moments of weak acting, but in the broader context of James Cameron films, the one liners and emotional resonance are so good here that I barely even notice it.


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Epic movie, it makes you laugh, cry, think and make you crazy

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@dunpealhunter Excellent Review. I agree with everything you mentioned.

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So just to see how exceptional this movie was:
Until Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), this was the only sequel to win an Academy Award when the previous installment(s) received no nomination.

Terminator 2 is one of my favorite action movies of all time and here is why:

  • Amazing Antagonist (Robert Patrick) and Protagonist (Arny) with a set of great actors/actresses: Linda Hamilton and Edward Furlong
  • Lots of memorable moments that will stick with you forever
  • Action sequences with tons of explosions and VFX
  • CGI that still outshines current day CGI. Believe it or not, this movie was released in 1991
  • One of Cameron's biggest achievements ever imo.
  • Soundtrack that never gets old
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... what BenFranklin said, period!

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I love the chemistry between Schwarzenegger and Edward Furlong (amazing acting debut). I do think it's a bit too long though. Nevertheless a great sequel and I guess the last great Terminator movie, although I like most of them.

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Legendary. Best part in the franchise as well. Milestone in screenplay and well integrated CGI into endless practical effects with a well done story.

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Goddamn, I have to agree it’s one of the best Arny has made

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Imo, the best of the terminator movies, followed by the first, then Genesis, then T3...

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There are only three movie franchises where the sequel is better than the original. Rocky, Star Wars and Terminator.

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One of the best movies ever made for every movie fan!

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I don't really know how to review a classic, so instead, I am going to talk about the Extended version which has so many things which I feel should have been kept in the film. This film was already flawless but if you get a chance to watch the full directors cut or unedited which usually is on the Blu Ray, please give it a chance as the extra scenes add so much to the film and also shows that Cameron never wanted this to be a franchise because the first two films are so flawless.

The best cut of this film is the Extended Edition and for me, though I don't hate T3 or Salvation I will say that this cut of the film is perfect and ends the series perfectly.

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Shout by Deleted

Best Movie of all Time!!

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Seriously ? you want me to write a shout about T2 ?
I've watch it in premiere on a movie theatre and just stayed for the next screening again.

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Pretty much the perfect action movie.

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Milestone movie. Totally defined the action genre for generations to come. Proved that good storyline and breathtaking action can go hand in hand. I was 18 when this came out and it was the first movie I went to see twice. This should be part of every DVD or Blu Ray collection. They don't make em like this anymore and no actor today has that Arnold Schwarzenegger swag. Hundred years from now people will still watch this movie.

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This is my all time favorite movie. One of the few franchises where the sequel was better than the original. The cinematography, the stunts, the soundtrack, the dialogue and the character development are all just absolutely perfect.

Every time I watch it, I am reminded of being 8 years old in 1991, riding my bicycle with a shotgun-shaped stick jammed in the frame as if it were a Winchester Model 1887, ready to be drawn and flip-cocked. I was The Terminator then.

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This movie literally changed the game.

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This really holds up well. Some of the special effects are definitely dated, but the story, pacing, acting, and directing are all great. Some of the stunt scenes blew me away. It's just crazy what those actors were able to pull off with little to no CGI.

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Shout by Deleted

Agreed! Epic :)

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Timeless classic. Still as good, now as it was then.

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Probably the only Arnold movie worth watching. Probably because he doesn't speak too much, and doesn't have to make an effort to act.

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I might be in the minority here, but The Terminator was better than Terminator 2. The soundtrack made a big difference imo. The soundtrack of the first movie created a bigger sense of urgency and suspense. In addition, the kid that plays John Connor isn't the best actor, which was a slight annoyance.

All in all, still a very good movie and worth watching.

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1 The Terminator (1984)
2 Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
3 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)
4 Terminator Salvation (2009)
5 Terminator Genisys (2015)
6 Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

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for me the best film in the franchise, I really enjoyed it.

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A surprisingly good sequel! Gotta love Arnold

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If I tried to count every time I've seen this movie, the counter will probably show something huge, especially in the 90s. It was one of my favourite action movies at the time, and boy did it age well! It's still a masterpiece of directing.

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This is my favorite action movie of all time! A huge milestone for film.

Hasta la vista baby!

(10 out of 10)

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In my mind only 1 and 2 exists and the alternate ending in 2 finishing off the franchise If you haven't seen the alternate ending I recommend it. :sunglasses::thumbsup:

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I need your cloths, your boots, and your motorcycle.

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My favorite Director did an timeless epic-masterpiece. Yes, an epic. Every scene in this movie is beyond the perfection. The timeless plot. Groundbreaking effects. Unforgettable "Hasta la vista, baby." .

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Classic flick again, and again and again.

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Shout by Deleted

Wow! This was even more awesome! Terminator 2: Judgment Day is one of those cases where the sequel can be equal or even better than the first film.

I think this film might be one of the best action films of all time! This is serious entertainment from beginning until the very last minute.

We can look at it without caring about the time travel paradoxes because if we do, we will definitely find some flaws. The important thing is that this story is not over complicated and it exist to provide us a lot of action, amazing explosions and gun shooting scenes and also some funny moments.

My goal was to see the two first films, I am not going to see the other two, at least for now. I hear that they are not very good and the important is that I finally saw this two essencial films.

Another must see classic that I was missing. Loved it!

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Shout by Ben

Whaaaaaaat? There is an ALTERNATE ENDING! I had no clue!!! :O
It shows Sarah 30 years in the future.

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Another good movie about Terminator. A little long, but still very enjoyable.

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With a big budget you almost reach the limit of spectacularity.

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The way James Cameron's genius and Arnold Schwarzenegger's brawn blend together, it's like a big-budget ballet of bullets and bots. T2 is a glorious follow-up that amps up everything, from the breathless action sequences to the heart-racing, nail-biting suspense. There's just something about the sheer thrill of watching Arnie uttering the iconic "I'll be back", then ripping the whole place apart. And let's not forget Linda Hamilton, our Sarah Connor, who's grittier and even more badass than before, the real cherry on this cinematic sundae. The special effects, oh boy! They've pushed the boundaries of what was considered possible, making that liquid metal T-1000 a part of film legend. All in all, T2 is a perfect blend of action, sci-fi, and drama. It's more than just a popcorn flick, it's a genre-defining classic that still packs a punch. Believe me, folks, they don't make them like this anymore.

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The essence of action cinema. After 32 years from the premiere and many screenings, it still keeps you in suspense. And that music!

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Awesome movie. I’d only seen a few of the iconic clips, but I’m glad I finally watched the whole thing.

You have to watch through the bad CGI, but you can’t really blame it for that (‘91 for crying out loud). Even if you can’t do that, it’s still holds up really well in all other ways. One fun movie!

Hasta la vista, baby!

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Not only is the sequel better than the first Terminator movie, it has also aged really well. I'm watching a remastered 1080p/10-bit copy in 2022 and this can pass off as a recently made movie with a 90's theme. Even the special effects look fairly advance for a movie made in the early 90's.

I'm sure some of this can be attributed to the increased budget James Cameron received thanks to the first movie's success ($102 million vs $6.4 million for T1). I'm glad they spent it wisely.

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Fair. I like The Terminator original movie better but in my opinion this is the best ending out of all of them.

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This is a must see. I watched it so many times back in the 90s, I’ll probably need watch it again, but this is one of those movies that will always be a highlight of the 90’s.

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A classic! Yes! But there are better action movies that are rated much lower than this, which leads me to think that this movie is just overrated. People rate it high because it holds sentimental value to them. But as far as story and acting, it's pretty Meh, especially watching this close to the actual year 2029.

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Shout by Deleted

The Platonic ideal of an action film.

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Massive achievement of its day. Made for a different audience than the first movie but still as good. Kind of a blockbuster that stays faithful to the story. I think I slightly prefer the original Termintor because it's a flawless movie in originality, characters and pace. The plot in T2 started to get a little knotted and the gritty tone was replace by explosions. Elements of fun entered like 'the machine' learning humans habits, which is kind of unoriginal but a deal breaker.

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Still such a great, entertaining action/sci-fi classic. As time has passed, I've come to see through the bullsh!t in this movie, but that doesn't make it not entertaining.

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Between this and Aliens James Cameron has proved that you can make a great sequel that builds on the original story yet stands alone. Unfortunately, Hollywood took this as ‘all sequels can work’ and started churning out lazy cash-grabs. We probably need to send Arnie back in time to deal with him.

Then again perhaps we shouldn’t because this stands as a masterpiece of action cinema. The formula is simple - one robot is sent back in time to kill John Connor, another is sent back to protect him. On the face of it, Terminator 2 is just two robots shooting at each other. In reality, it’s all in the execution.

Everything about this film hits the spot. The special effects are still slick as ever and the action is used sparingly enough to still be effective. Cameron seems to have an instinct for when his audience might start to get fatigued as things get louder, and knows when to pick up the pace in quieter scenes. It’s hard to believe this is the same man who made Avatar.

An action masterpiece that has somehow aged less than the sequel they made in 2015.

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My favorite Terminator movie: the acting and SFX are far superior to the first Terminator flick and there are some nice twists in the plot...

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Hasta la vista, baby! :)

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Ben nailed it on the head

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Shout by Ben

Best action movie of all time, period!

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