Shout by Dann Michalski

Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991

He's back! Terminator 2: Judgment Day re-envisions the franchise and became the model for the summer blockbusters of the '90s. Writer/director James Cameron retcons the series and changes it to have a more hopeful message. With the retcon, there is now a second terminator who was sent back in time to kill John Connor as a child. And unlike the predestination theme of The Terminator, T2 changes the message to "no fate but what we make." Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton return, and are joined by Edward Furlong and Robert Patrick. Furlong is adequate as John Connor, but still brings a lot of the problems and annoyances that are typical with child actors. However, Robert Patrick is outstanding as the T-1000, and turns him into one of the most memorable and terrifying villains in sci-fi. There is a problem with the film going a little too commercial, with the Terminator getting paired up with a smartass kid who teaches him slang and to not kill, but this is more than made up for with tons of action and amazing special effects. Terminator 2: Judgment Day is a spectacular film that combines compelling science fiction drama with action/adventure.

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