Review by Acoucalancha

Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991

Terminator: "I need your clothes, your boots, and your motorcycle."
Biker: "You forgot to say please."

The first was awesome but this one's even better. It's not by much though. They're very similar movies but totally different at the same time. Same plot basically, it's a cat and mouse chase with a family-driven storyline. What makes Judgement Day a little better is primarily one thing: there's more action! The action is adrenaline pumping and the numerous action set pieces are all memorable.

We once again get three main characters and i'd say the characters were an improvement over the first. I love the twist on Arnold's Terminator this time around and him being good fits way better with the character and makes for some interesting character dynamics. My favorite subplot is Terminator learning stuff from John, what a cool and at times heartwarming combo. Sarah is even more of a badass in this one but I still think she's the less interesting character out of the bunch.

The T-1000 was the perfect villain, loved seeing his "powers" at play, truly great sci-fi. The special effects are completely different from the first, they're a bit more modern and realistic but just as innovative. Cameron sure knows how to use fire in his movies. The lighting and colors are impressive especially in the third act. The score is ok, nothing really memorable unfortunately. Sarah's narration feels unnecessary. Absolutely bonkers non-stop action third act.

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