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Shazam! Fury of the Gods 2023

This movie made me smile and laugh and, just plain enjoy myself the entire time.
If theater tickets weren't so expensive I'd happily watch it again, as it is I'm looking forward to it coming out on DVD.

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A shallow, vapid diversity-fest that is completely predictable and yet another example of how to turn a valuable intellectual property into a cringe worth mess. Not one iota of cleverness in the entire movie.

Stop having millennials write your scripts before you destroy all your assets. Hirer some mature writers with actual real world experience.

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A disappointing mess that lacks soul. All brawn and no brains.

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This was very much a movie for kids and tweens. The humor was definitely at an elementary/grade school level. I'm not really certain why this was the target audience, since that's a built-in audience for superhero fare. The story wasn't great, though I did appreciate the messages the movie sent, albeit some of it in a passing mention rather than an actual focus of the plot. This could've been much better, but DC really needs to find quality storytellers. They made a huge mistake getting rid of Zack Snyder. Those who really need to go are Warner Brothers management, as their egos have severely damaged what was once a classic IP.

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This felt like a really bad Power Rangers episode. Not offense to the Power Rangers though.

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Oh. My. Gods.
Just so much better than Shazam.
Has everything that a Shazam movie needs.

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Like Rob Schneider, I thought people didn't like Shazam 2 because of the anti-vax rhetoric but in fact it's because it's infantile and it sucks.

This pale Disney knockoff suffers from an insistence on bad jokes, a glut of product placement and a rash of bad acting. I mean, come on, this made Thor: Love and Thunder look like a comedic masterpiece.

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Either you love this movie or you don't. I loved it, I think it's supposed to be cringe and everything. I loved the cameos and the story line. I got a kick out of the one liners and references to other movies and shows. Hopefully we'll see more

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If you look close enough, you might find a movie in this big ad for skittles, uber, toyota and many more.

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Welcome back to Shazam, the fun, family-friendly corner of the DCEU! - As always, with an extra helping of nightmare fuel.

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It starts kinda cringe, but once we find out the motivations behind the daughters of Atlas and the action starts, it gets better.

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Sandberg giving us another almost Raimi style superhero movie that is fun, has heart and also some decent scariness and mfers want to bitch about it.

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The cringe in this movie is real!

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I think your enjoyment of this movie will come down to how well the comedy lands for you.

If it doesn't land for you, you will notice a lot more of the plot and other issues, but if it does land for you it could be enough for your brain to have a good time and overlook those same issues.

I fell into the later, where while I noticed the generic and done plot/multiple Macguffins I didn't really focus on them as I was just having a good time with some good laughs, especially during the first two acts.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2023-03-16T23:43:04Z— updated 2023-03-20T15:06:29Z

My niece had the same opinion as me. The movie was as entertaining as it was stupid. Spoiler: it’s cameo especially is awkward and random.
That just added to the fun stupidity. The same goes for the obvious Skittles advertising. The movie isn’t as fun or funny as the first film though. Which also had a superior villain. As well as the villain in the credits scene, that this movie should have had.

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The animated end credits was the best part.

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I understand this is based on a comic, but does it all have to be SO childish? And do all super-hero movies have to be the exact same, with the same exact plot? It's getting very tiresome.

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The thing with both Shazam films is that it does what most of the other DC films fail to do and that it knows its audience, but it does that whilst providing something for everyone. Yes, it's primarily focused on being a family-level superhero film but there's little pieces for more full on DC (in general) and DCEU fans. Most importantly it really feels like everyone making was having fun and that translates. For a film like this, that really matters.

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This is a solid superhero flick that should satisfy fans of the genre.

While the story is predictable and may not be as memorable as some of its contemporaries, it's still a fun ride with plenty of laughs and action.

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It had it’s good effects, some decent action, funny moments, an alright plot but it didn’t live up to the first film and did come off a little cheesy at times so could of been better but i still enjoyed it.

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Starts out pretty rough. Then gets better but still isn't quite it. Then the third act goes crazy. takes everything you like about the first one and sticks to it. The monsters in this film are eyecandy from the dragon to the unicorn they really pop. But overall a fun sequel to a incredible first film. Ending cameo was pretty epic.

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[HBO Max] This second attempt to reach a more childish audience is lost in a messy script, some unfunny jokes and poor CGI. The film always seems to justify itself in the focus for children, as wanting to show that the weaknesses of the script and the idiotic dialogues are made consciously. But if the 2019 film had a certain charm within its limited capacity to be remembered, the effort to continue turning uninteresting characters into protagonists is already causing the consequences of the collapse of superhero cinema.

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You're gonna love this movie...
... if you're 15 years old and love action movie with CGI all over the place.
If you aren't, please use those 2h10 to something more useful.

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130 minutes of a lazy, predictable and boring script. 130 minutes of explosions and empty popcorn effects. 130 minutes of bland dialogue, meaningless speeches and watching great actresses like Helen Mirren having to stoop to a film of this caliber.

A film at the level of the B-movies that we found at the back of the shelf in the video club and that does not even deserve to write a detailed review because there is nothing to highlight.

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It's funny. It's cute. The plot is soft but it is OK. I didn't think all the special effects were accurate but most are. Zachary Levy and Jack Dylan Grazer are just great. I also think they exaggerated with the brand advertisement.

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Let's be completely clear here, this is not as good as the first one. It seems a bit jokier and cheesier, and not in a favorable way. It almost felt more like a better version of Stargirl. Overall, a pretty generic superhero film that is easy to enjoy, hard to recommend.

Rating: 3/5 - 7.5/10 - Worth Watching

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I quite enjoyed the first Shazam! movie; I thought it was a lot of fun and it had some charm to it. This movie, however, I thought was a total waste of time. All the charm that existed in the first movie simply isn't here in the sequel, and it feels tedious to sit through rather than fun.

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I was looking forward to this movie (I’m a fan of Zachary Levi). I had liked the dynamic in the first of the franchise. However, the dialogue was too juvenile (yes, I know they are young teens) but there were some nice moments. Helen Mirren and Rachel Zegler we’re strong casting choices (What can’t Dame Mirren do?) and the surprise cameo at the end was a nice touch. I give this film a 7 (mildly entertaining) out of 10. [DC Superhero Adventure].

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the most boring movie ... and to make a joke about avengers in the end lol , you can't even get to 1 % of the level of those movies .
sorry for my language .

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"Shazam! Fury of the Gods" is a highly anticipated superhero film with thrilling action sequences and impressive special effects. However, despite its fun moments, the film is considered mediocre by critics, lacking the brilliance of its predecessor. Nevertheless, comic book fans may still appreciate the performances of the cast and the continuation of the story of the hero Shazam.

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it wasn’t terrible, not the best but not terrible.

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I can't tell whether it was intentionally done through makeup or not, but Lucy Liu looks really old in this.

I watched the first Shazam movie and this sequel back-to-back. Both are good. A tad too much drama in this one, whereas the first one was all goofy and fun. The final battle scenes were more epic compared to the first movie. Clearly, this one had more budget.

Loved the Fast & Furious references. FAMILYYYYY! :grin:

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A very enjoyable, fun movie. Helen and Lucy were great. Some good fun. Well worth a watch :thumbsup_tone1:

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Cringe worthy start, but a beautiful buildup & ending.

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The sequel isn't quite as good as the first movie due to the wrongfully assumed 'bigger is better' approach. But it's still entertaining, with some laugh out loud moments and a few emotional moments within the slightly overlong running time.

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After watching it, I just want to say that Liu Yuling is so awesome! Rainbow candy cut the check!

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So DC has been Marvelised ? It's CGI all day everyday all the time...
Well, I'm happy to see Lucy Liu, a piece of her lol...CGI

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First half was aweful...

Second half was half decent... Actually as soon as Shamam was the solo hero again it was better.

It wasn't bad... But it wasn't good ether.

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I'm giving this rating the rating it is because I can't tell if I like it more than the first. The witty humour, great cgi, and cool mythology all made it cool. Aside from that, 'Fury of the God's' has no fury. Helen Mirren and Lucy Liu tried but failed to save the dreadfully black and white characters, not only them, but 99% of the cast, too. It was mostly just mumble jumble. The DCEU is pointless now that James Gunn is thankfully reviving it, so all the movies that they release (DCEU) are wasted and pointless to people. The only reason I wanted to watch it was because of the the cgi and special effects, which looked good if it wasn't a background. The best thing about this was the slight mention of Peacemaker.

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Fun movie, lighthearted and, in places, just silly.

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What is this Gatorade? ROFL

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Film 28 of 2024 (Aim 300):

Is it perfect, no way? The final act could easily have 15 minutes shaved off of it. It operates in a universe that is on life support and yeah, the CGI is ropey at times. But its a solid enough Superhero film - that will sit firmly in the middle of the pack of the genre.

Early into the film, I was really against the idea of the family members being brought into it and given their own variations of the powers. But the film did a good job on winning me over on that concept.

As mentioned, it's standard fare - but it's better than most things the MCU is putting out lately.

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DC just doesn't make good movies. I expected this to be very bad and it was. It wasn't complete shit but was close to it.

I just want them to stop making superhero movies because so many of them now feel like they're written by children for children. Entirely reliant on special effects, like Fantastic beast movies (2+3).

The end credits scene upset me immensely because Peacemaker is absolutely a wonderful show, now going to get tainted by this level of shit.

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Cute and fun as expected.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Film was good..

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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I liked it, a solid sequel to the first movie

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Extra point rating for all things Philly!
Quite a few things wrong regarding that aspect but surprisingly quite a few things correct.

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Funny and enjoyable as the first one. Not much to discuss, the only questionable thing is the after credits scene and if they will make that happen. Fewer laughs than the first one.
But Grace was so hot!

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Who knew my little ponies ate skittles? They should have shat rainbows when they fly. Missed opportunity there!

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Movie was ok overall. It had it's moments that were pretty funny, and the action was decent. It was not better than the original Shazam though sadly. Worthy of checking out, but definitely could have been better.

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Shout by Luke Eros

this movie is so annoying!!! The jokes are horrible and not funny, there's no correlation between the younger version and the older hero version... Young Billy acts super mature but when he turns to Shazam he suddenly becomes 6 years old child that can barely form words!? wtf. this piece of junk shouldn't exist

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This was a great movie and loved it

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The latest victim of the "it's not written Marvel at the start" bashing spree...
This movie is actually really better than any DCEU or specially MCU movies we had in the few last years, yet, it failed spectacularly.
It's far from perfect, sure, but it's all it promised to be: fun, dynamic, and a worthy sequel for the first one.

My main criticism is that some jokes or funny moments are a bit long and keep and going, losing their momentum (I'm thinking of the letter moment, it's funny, we get that Steve writes everything down no need to keep on going, and we actually guessed that they didn't proofread it, so why waste time telling it?)

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Shout by Diego

There wasn't anything that I particularly liked about it, outside of Lucy Lou and Helen's performances of course. The writing wasn't great, the characters didn't really have an arcs or growth, the special effects wasn't that good and why exactly does Shazam act more immature than the normal version of the character? Levi's performance just felt so "try hard" and unfunny.l, he was trying too hard for laughs instead of doing what was natural and realistic for the character. Shazam!: Fury of the Gods is yet another example of a sequel that can't live up to the first movie. Hopefully the next person in charge of dc can either course correct, but i wouldn't mind them simply starting fresh either.

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this moviendo is a joke

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horrible movie. Shazam 1 was good the was absolute trash. now I know why The Rock didn't want anything to do with this dumpster fire.i

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I really like Zachary Levi, ever since Chuck. First Shazam I sincerely looked forward to and overall it was ok, but nothing special at all unfortunately.
So Shazam 2, ok, still Levi so I wanted to watch it. But this whole family thing again with the wokeness all over, less cool.
Some jokes and references, sure, funny. Much funnier than many recent 'comedy' I've had to endure.
But yet again, not that great. Too much fake drama. All the cliche are there.
Anyway. Overal it's okay. But that's it.

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It's not bad, a little less humor, but it's good story.

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The main issue this movie has working against itself is the fact that this feels so inconsequential; both with the DCEU rebooting and with many plot points feeling quite lazy in how they were executed. Not to mention that the humor in this movie is very hit-or-miss and too many characters get lost in the overall plot. I think this movie is fine, but there is reason to really watch it since I didn't really gain anything from it.

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Billy is almost 18, not 5.

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It tried its best to make a good to go action comedy.And it performed well.But the climax's seriousness created some expectations which were not met properly.All in all,it was a one time watch.

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It has good effects, ... acceptable history and some details of other movie (past and future) I have historical character.

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The best Movie of all DC Comics history!
Zackary Levi is fantastic in this movie!

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I found it better than the first one. Simple superhero movie to pass some time.

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This new Shazam film is cordial, with a puppyish good nature and an awareness of its own silliness.

That being said, it is a funny and entertaining movie, but nothing special. It follows the same old well-known super hero formula that we all know. It is saturated with silly but sometimes funny jokes, unrealistic relationships (e.g. Fred and Anthea) and CGI spectacles. Still, if you just wanna have a good time, go for it, but don't expect too much from it.

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A bit hard to watch; too childish…

Good skittles commercial though ‍♂

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For me, it was very weak, worse than the first part. Weak, boring story, I was bored by the film many times.

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This is not a good movie. If you liked the original Shazam you will most likely enjoy this as well.
However, for me, I did not enjoy it much, even though there were a few moments in the movie that were really good. Just not enough of that was in it tho.
Part of the problem might be me - as a kid I never really enjoyed the Shazam comics - a kid in an adult body always felt goofy to me. And in this movie Billy Batson is just shy of 18 and yet he still acts like a 12 year old and even more so as the adult Shazam and that is what really turns me off.
Sorry for the rant.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8

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I was not expecting to but I enjoyed this sequel more than the first. Switching the focus to the adult characters and setting a more tongue in cheek vibe helps set a lighter mood.

A big glaring pothole near the end was very unfortunate. They could have done better.

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Enjoyable but such a cringefest.

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Movie for teenagers, not for old geezers like me hehe

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I cannot rate this Film Yet as I started watching it while very Tired So watched it in parts, May have to give It another viewing but overall I enjoyed it albeit obvious in parts, It was entertaining and that's the idea of watching.

After watching this film and Black Adam (and Stingers) Before It's rumored or listed on Imdb I'm putting it out there that I foresee a Black Adam/Shazam crossover.

I think It's obious to anyone who's seen Black Adam & This there will most likely be a Justice Society Film in the near future

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I mean, I kinda dig it how they have fun to superhero around, and I had a laugh sometimes. Even the action is not that bad, but the overall story is still boring. With all those superhero movies around, I would for once enjoy a kind of different story, especially with a unique superhero like Shazam.

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Shazam fury of the gods review : Zachary Levi returns In this trite yet entertaining

Shazam 2 is visually appealing and entertaining sequel but is also a convoluted mess at many places. Peppered with some great action set pieces, adequate humour elements and amazing VFX, Shazam is a good if not a brilliant film. The storyline could have been a bit more engaging in order to give us a highlight of the future of DC universe but it doesn't so. Zachary Levi is exceptional and suits the character with his witty humoir and sharp style. Overall, a film you shouldn't take seriously and enjoy while it lasts.

Check my Instagram:

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- Humour is great
- CGI was stellar
- Most action scenes were fantastic
- 2nd post-credit scene was hilarious, given the state of the DCEU
- All of the Marvel family were played superbly, and I hope there's a place for them all in Gunn's plan
- The letter and 'coming out' scenes were hilarious

- The villains were so stale and forgettable. Lucy Lui's character, especially
- Wonder Woman crashing a teenager's funeral with her theme blaring out was something
- Taste the rainbow
- Billy's sacrifice could've been highly touching but was ruined
- The final battle was dreadful, and the powers of the villains were super inconsistent

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bro...did they not learn from the first movie? this was just a cringe comedy with CGI monsters. I think they had a lot of potential and squandered it.

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It was okay. Not as good as the original, but it had some cool moments.

One thing that was glaring and difficult to swallow was the apparent erasure of Superman from the continuity. The script had to do backflips to avoid saying his name in several places. It was awkward and insulting.... Even worse than the neck-down cameo from the first one.

Just another twist of the knife in the backs of Man of Steel and Henry Cavill fans from the DCEU.

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Shout by OldBenKenobi

If I'm comparing the 2023 Comic Book films so far, I'd put Fury of God's in the same category as Quantumania. Good, but not great.

Humor is very hit or miss, but has its great action sequences, such as the Dome, or the Cheesesteak Place fight.

I am biased. I'm very happy the Philadelphia Phillies are DCU canon!

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As a whole, it's not a bad movie. The first 5 minutes were really good. Great intro to jump the movie off to a good start. Unfortunately, the next 30 minutes or so were just ok. It was kinda slow because they were working on family issues. Once you found out what was going on with the sister the movie really picked up. So the last half was really good IMO.

Had a few funny parts and a couple of parts where the theater cheered. Overall it was pretty good.

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So much better than the ratings claims to be. Go into the movie without any expectations.
It is much more fun that way.
There are some fantastic Easter eggs from Wonder Woman, Fast and Furious, Game of Thrones, and Captain Marvel.
Enjoy it.

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Not bad, though not great. Parts felt rushed while others felt out of place.

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Sorry. I'm new in this platform, it's anyone can help me, I don't know how to watch a movie in here. Yes I know sound stupid but, the only way to watch a movie is if you paid? where said Watch now?

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It was running in the background and even then I couldn’t finish it. Some fun moments…

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Can't wait :)
Hope Warner Bros to make more DC movies as good like how they did with Shazam.

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