Like other DC movies that get bad reviews in general but are pretty decent in reality, I was expecting the same from this movie too but God!!! This movie is awfully executed. Lots of things comes to my mind and I'm gonna list those things without any spoilers.

  1. Adult version of shazam acts way too goofy which is completely different from his 17yr old version. There's no way a 17yr old acts like that.
  2. Forced Comedy and forced jokes that are not even funny. Every single time you expect a scene to be serious, they always throw a lame joke which just ruins the whole moment.
  3. Badly written dialogues. Like I told in my previous point, the jokes, the lines and the scenes are so badly written that some of them are beyond critical thinking.
  4. Rushed character development and poorly executed relationships. The three sister's characters are very poorly driven in this movie. In one moment, they are evil and in another they are a completely different character. Relationship between Freddy and Anthea was so rushed that it completely changed her. Like it literally makes no sense for a 6000yr old goddess to be so afraid and hide behind Freddy. And finally, they did Zacharay Levi's character dirty. Too goofy, too childish, too many cringe and badly written dialogues were given to him.

Overall, this story had the potential, the concept was good, old characters were good, First half of the movie was alright but then second half is absolutely meh. CGI is good but the fights feel baseless because the plot is bad and villains are badly written and those lame comedy dialogues ruins everything.

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