Review by wpafbo79
BlockedParent2024-01-27T08:49:39Z— updated 2024-01-29T09:20:24Z

I knew Billy was a dumbass from the first movie, but wow, he is really some next level stupid in this. Most of the other characters are good, but Billy single handedly brings the movie down. The movie could have been a fun ride like the first one, but nope, too much annoying stupidity for it to be enjoyable.

Rosa was slightly annoying in this. Not sure what the difference was, but she didn't seem as collected as in the first movie. Victor was still pretty much the same character, so having Rosa different seemed odd. Seems like the writers were failing before the strike.

And what happened to the set for the inside of the house? The inside of the house in the first movie was charming. It was warm and inviting. It had character. In this movie it looked like most modern homes built in the last 30 years, devoid of any character whatsoever. It looked like shit. The outside still looked great, but the inside was bland crap.

I did like they gave credit to the correct true name of the character, Captain Marvel. The moronic IP laws of this country are so pathetically sad. DC had the name before Marvel. They should have been allowed to keep it no matter what.

There were definitely parts I liked, though. Lucy Liu and Helen Mirren! I love both of them no matter what they are in. Helen Mirren really can do no wrong.

Djimon Hounsou got a bigger part, which was fantastic! The man is awesome in every role he is in.

I enjoyed the sibling rebellion for their own lives. It was well balanced against their obligation as super heros.

I am torn on the team nickname. It is funny, but it is also fairly obvious that the group isn't to blame for the problems they are apparently responsible for. Shit would be a ton worse if they weren't involved. But they are somewhat incompetent, so that is why it is funny.

I didn't actually expect Gal Gadot to cameo, so that was awesome!

Loved the bit about Justice Society. They are no Justice League. They have always and will always be pathetic and useless. There was a reason DC dropped them in favor of the Justice League in the comics. Why are they even a thing in the movies? Nobody admires the League of Nations or even considers them a useful construct. The Justice Society is an antiquated organization the makes the Baby Boomers look young and cool. What were the writers thinking?

Also, kudos to DC for making Pedro gay without all the ridiculous virtue signaling. Disney and Marvel would have made that the central plot of the movie. DC handled it appropriately. It's a thing. It's normal. It's no big deal. Moving on.

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