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No Country for Old Men 2007

slow shit, but I'm still recommending it.

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Overrated boring movie not good

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Definitely one of the worst movies in my life.

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This movie won so many Oscars. I really don't understand why. Sure it is well filmed but it has no story whatsoever. It is boring and there is a police officer in the movie who just talks but does not add anything at all. Seriously, what did he have to do in the movie? The story is not sustainable for five cents, not much for action either. How can a role where the actor has ten lines of replicas and a face mint throughout the movie even become Oscar nominated?

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Shout by omar essayes
BlockedParent2017-02-06T07:19:46Z— updated 2017-02-09T15:16:40Z

This movie is underrated AF(on even though it's one of the best movies of this Millennium with it's great acting, breathtaking story-line and the amazing directing.
10/10 in my opinion.

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Fast-paced all the time, the action works very well, without leaving you really calm. The characters are rounded, coherent and realistic, without heroes, and with terrible villains (I appreciate that there is no "deus-ex-machina" character, rare for this type of films). Also, the background of the sheriff's story gives more depth to the story, working as a thread that keeps it from being just a chase movie. The villain, again, brutal.

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Fun movie and great performances, but the story is a bit too simple for it to be a true classic in my taste. Doesn’t make it less enjoyable, though.

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A movie without any music, I was surprised and i loved it, it helps the mood. The psychopath is one of the scariest bad guy i've ever seen. The first hour and a half was extremely oppressing. I loved it ! I found the last thirty minutes were not as good.

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Sometimes I watch films one after another and I find them a little tasteless. Then I came across a film like “No country for old men” which gave me the feeling of having seen a good film. A film with certain scenes without (or almost without) dialogue which allows you to feel the atmosphere. I think at the beginning, with Moss in the desert or at the hotel with the briefcase. Chigurh on the road guided by the receiver. To this, the dialogues of Sheriff Bell immerse us in everyday life, when he asks his teammate to take a particular horse while explaining the reason, when he tells him a macabre story, or even, the dialogue between Bell and his secretary while giving him the month's checks.

A film which does not hesitate to take time to set the scene and yet lasts less than 2 hours. Besides that, some films are full of endless dialogue for a total duration of 2h30.

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It's so strange that I watched this under 24 hours after I one-sitting (re)watched season 1 of 'Fargo' because I'd argue that's the most similar thing in existence to this film. Both so excellent.

Forgot how dead silent this movie is, and how brutal that makes the violence. Predator. Prey. Mammals. Money. Loss. Time. Loss of time.

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To long, and boring, not worth 2hours

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People hate the ending because it doesn't give the audience the big showdown they were expecting. Good guy vs bad guy. Marvel style. People hate subtext.
It's one of those endings that makes one of the top google suggestion be "ending explained".

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Javier Bardem got all the attention for this role (not that it wasn’t undeserved), but for me Tommy Lee Jones is the heart of this movie. His character’s existential weariness had to have been such a difficult thing to communicate, but it seems so effortless. The film is pretty faithful to McCarthy’s source material so he deserves a lot of the credit–but Bardem and Jones elevate this beyond anything a book could accomplish.

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I need you to step outta car sir

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yeah maybe everybody just dies in real life but that doesn't make a great movie damnit, 1.5 hours of brilliance followed by eh! fuck it.

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A fantastic movie; even-paced, gripping at some points, placid at others, and with a strong philosophical perspective which makes for one thought-provoking film worth multiple viewings. It's ambiguous ending might take the first-time viewer by surprise, leaving them scratching their head. But I think that it is an appropriate ending because it follows the movie's enduring theme and ends on a succinct summation of that theme. On another note, I like the film because there is nothing obscene and the dialogue has minimal profanity. There is a considerable amount of blood and violence, but nothing gratuitous or overly graphic. From an artistic perspective, I love how there is no score; there is no background music which helps accentuate the realism of the film and draw the viewer in closer. It was a really effective choice. The Coen brothers really did a very good job overall with this film.

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I waited far, far too long to see this. I'd give this a perfect score if it weren't for what I think is a mistake made as the film concludes. The gritty, dusty Texas desert is the backdrop for an unforgettable tale of moral depravity and senseless violence. It's difficult to determine who's good, who's bad, and who's entirely psychotic, but that is the fun of this film. And it is a lot of fun.

Every character is likable in their own demented way. I could not wait for crazy Chigurh to appear on screen. He's nearly a ghost in his pursuit of Moss and he is absolutely merciless with everyone he encounters. He does, however, manage to engage his future victims in some of the most intriguing exchanges of dialogue I've heard in ages. Chigurh is a bad guy. No question about it.

I'm not a high brow film connoisseur by any stretch, but the Coen's complex yet addicting films make me feel like one.

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Javier bardem....what a menacing performance

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“No Country for Old Men” is a simple but carefully constructed cat and mouse thriller. It puts aside the goofiness and over-the-top dialogues that made the Coen Brothers famous to instead deliver raw violence and nail-biting suspense, with the complete lack of music constantly emphasizing the gritty and tense atmosphere. The snowy plains of “Fargo” are replaced with the gritty desert landscapes of Texas, the inept criminals give space to cold-blooded professionals, the cops are worn out by age and always one step behind. In the end, it’s not important who dies and who lives, as the plot is just a way like another to underline the profound resignation of a tired sheriff who can’t understand the ages he lives in anymore. I don’t think there’s so much worthy philosophy behind it, but it’s still a perfectly packaged thriller with great cinematography and a notable cast, particularly Josh Brolin as the resourceful redneck and Javier Bardem as the henchman with the ugliest haircut ever.

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Definitely one of the most intense non-horror films ever made, Javier Bardem is absolutely terrifying in this role and really adds to the suspense and intensity of the film. Joel and Ethan Coen really capture the essence of westerns in such a modern and refreshing way through the incredible writing and directing and the cinematography really just hammers this home. It’s genuinely amazing how such a bleak and depressing film still feels so suspenseful and in no way boring. Out of what I’ve seen from the Coens this is probably my favourite which is saying a lot. It would also be wrong not to mention Josh Brolin and Tommy Lee Jones’ phenomenal performances and the last scene is absolutely perfect.

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A movie to enjoy the ride that leads to nowhere.

Everything was going excellent and the... that ending. Javier Bardem did his best performance here, he is outstanding. But this movie has some unanswered questions and illogical situations that lowered the movie. And that inconclusive ending. So basically it is a movie to enjoy the ride because it leads to nowhere.

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Great movie, great acting and directing, and extra points for cats and great monologues.

But wouldn't anyone in their right mind take the money out if its original case and put it in some different bag? I mean that's just common sense to me. Someone might be looking for a case just like this which had money in it.
Had he done that, he wouldn't have gotten tracked.

And we wouldn't have a movie I guess :laughing:

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It's a rare thing when you manage to find a book adaptation actually worthy of the book.
The Coen brothers have turned Cormac McCarthy's modern classic into a cinematic masterpiece.
Everyone involved delivers their parts perfectly and the dialogue is spectacular.
I've read the book and watched the movie several times, still it is infinitely rewatchable and ages like fine wine.
One of the best movies to come out this century and in my opinion the Coen brothers finest hour.

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I think this movie is totally a Coen brothers movie includes different subjects and stories in it but like the others it makes the movie hard to follow. Also, its plot has a lot of fault and unnecessary details, on the other hand, it is a one of the best directed films i have ever seen also the message is in the end kinda unnecessary but i like it. To conclude,its quality depends on the audience.

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I hadn't seen this since it was in cinemas, and found that it's even better than I'd remembered. It's a very unusually-paced film, with a lot of long silences, seemingly-innocuous conversations and dangling plot threads that don't ultimately lead anywhere. In many instances that could make for some infuriating viewing, but in the Coen brothers' hands it all somehow comes together into a master tapestry.

The word of the day is suspense, an emotion the brothers have excelled at in the past, and No Country is a glorious example of it at play. The film's three protagonists, retiring sheriff Bell (Tommy Lee Jones), stone-cold killer Chigurh (a terrifying, star-making turn for Javier Bardem) and land-living cowboy Moss (Josh Brolin), never actually meet face-to-face but the wake of ripples left in their dueling pursuits is enough to power several movies' worth of rich, intriguing material. Sweaty, intense action walks lockstep with outstanding characterization, top-notch dialog and a hearty dose of respect for the novel. Like many Coen classics, it gets better with each subsequent viewing.

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One of my favorite movies. It’s an amazing crime thriller it has you on the edge of your seat the whole time. The acting is fantastic from the whole cast but most of all Javier Bardem as Aton Chigurh. It’s directed really good by the Coen brothers one of their if not the best Coen brothers movie. The writing is great and the cinematography is amazing some of the best. Overall it’s an amazing mind exploring crime thriller.

( 10 out of 10)

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10 - Totally Ninja!

This movie totally flew under the radar for me but damn is it good!

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A wonderfully cinematic novel poorly adapted to the screen.

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Come on people - does everything need to be spoonfed to us? Not unlike the ending of the Sopranos, everyone is complaining about the ending of this movie. This film was not something that needed to be tied up like that because the battle between the characters was not the point. And like the ending of the Sopranos this ending fit the story.

follow me at or facebook page IHateBadMovies

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if the ending wasn't like that , the movie would receive from 100 % (Rotten tomatoes) , 9.8 ( imdb ) and 97 ( Metacritic ) , we wanted to watch fighting between Josh brolin and javier , why ?
Coan brother are great why they finished this great movie like awful movies and at the end why josh brolin wasn't killed cleary

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"Beer leads to more beer"

That one of my favorite quotes. This is one of the Coen's best. Anton Chigurh is truly one of the greatest villains ever. Just relentlessly evil and smart. Javier Bardem is fantastic. The story takes a lot of risks, especially at the end and they work. It has the witty dialogue that the Coen's are known for. It's beautifully shot, which is expected with Roger Deakins. Overall it is a masterpiece.

"You can't stop what's coming"

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Shout by Deleted

After I watched this film I thought that the story wasn't anything bright, the characters were also a little bit underdeveloped, they could really have worked more on developing those characters.

Javier Bardem's performance however was brilliant, this was the best representation of what I would call a character that suffers from antisocial personality disorder.

Not only Javier Bardem was very good, but I really liked the actors they cast.

Also, I really enjoyed the cinematography and the sound.

Technically speaking, I believe the film did is job, but the story and the way they dealt with the characters did not please me at all .

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Não achei este Filme tudo isso como falam, mas gostei demais da atuação do Javier Barden

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starts good but ends poor

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Shout by Deleted

An exemplary cat-and-mouse given further weight by a poignant, ruminative confrontation between the virtuous traditions and values of the old and the hostile, inevitable force of change.

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That coin toss scene. Remarkable.

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Best movie with worst ending scene ever!

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Would have been a perfect movie if it wasn't for that ending. Really underwhelming...

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Coen's display confidence in crafting yet another masterpiece.

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BlockedParent2016-08-31T12:05:48Z— updated 2016-09-11T07:45:43Z

This is some crazy shit! While the reto look and the cast are both quiet good, the plot is mediocre and at no time was I sucked into the story. Wouldn't watch it again.

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There's no doubt its a great film, but The endind was too strange. Or In don't get it.

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Shout by Deleted

Amazing acting (I love bot Bardem and Jones performances), an interesting story, beautiful directing, but that ending just doesn't make it for me...

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top in 2007 i guess. the cat mouse game impress me.

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2 words: Javier Bardem.

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Oh, everything was soo well made till the last half of hour. . . They could do it better, or director wanted to show us other side of story, that "greed of money" dont takes you down.

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Shout by Deleted

It is a wonderful thing. In terms of script, directing, climate. Besieges and strongly committed.

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Shout by Deleted

Amazing Film.

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I like how the villain is in no way compromised to envoke sympathy from the audience, nor is the plot all that concerned with whether the audience "gets it". It just plows along and you either jump aboard or are left behind. This is perhaps also its greatest dilemma.
The cinematography is very well done and acting by Brolin, Jones and Bardem is great. There is also no score whatsoever, which also adds to its gritty feel.
They might have gone a little too far trying to "explain" the movie title in the ending, but nonetheless, an entertaining movie.

7/10 +++ great acting and overal technique -"love or hate" style of story stelling.

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No 'feel-good-movie'. The Style of the movie is good and the directors have a good way of storytelling, but i don't like the hard parts. And the weird ending is one thing, that makes the movie bader than it could have been.


@RealElmo: Ich persönlich finde das Ende furchtbar. Man hätte die Schrecklichkeit auch ohne dieses überzeichnete Ende darstellen können.

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Der Film ist so ziemlich spannend und gut, aber ich versteh überhaupt nicht was das für eine ende ist...

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