Shout by drqshadow

No Country for Old Men 2007

I hadn't seen this since it was in cinemas, and found that it's even better than I'd remembered. It's a very unusually-paced film, with a lot of long silences, seemingly-innocuous conversations and dangling plot threads that don't ultimately lead anywhere. In many instances that could make for some infuriating viewing, but in the Coen brothers' hands it all somehow comes together into a master tapestry.

The word of the day is suspense, an emotion the brothers have excelled at in the past, and No Country is a glorious example of it at play. The film's three protagonists, retiring sheriff Bell (Tommy Lee Jones), stone-cold killer Chigurh (a terrifying, star-making turn for Javier Bardem) and land-living cowboy Moss (Josh Brolin), never actually meet face-to-face but the wake of ripples left in their dueling pursuits is enough to power several movies' worth of rich, intriguing material. Sweaty, intense action walks lockstep with outstanding characterization, top-notch dialog and a hearty dose of respect for the novel. Like many Coen classics, it gets better with each subsequent viewing.

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