Shout by whitsbrain

No Country for Old Men 2007

I waited far, far too long to see this. I'd give this a perfect score if it weren't for what I think is a mistake made as the film concludes. The gritty, dusty Texas desert is the backdrop for an unforgettable tale of moral depravity and senseless violence. It's difficult to determine who's good, who's bad, and who's entirely psychotic, but that is the fun of this film. And it is a lot of fun.

Every character is likable in their own demented way. I could not wait for crazy Chigurh to appear on screen. He's nearly a ghost in his pursuit of Moss and he is absolutely merciless with everyone he encounters. He does, however, manage to engage his future victims in some of the most intriguing exchanges of dialogue I've heard in ages. Chigurh is a bad guy. No question about it.

I'm not a high brow film connoisseur by any stretch, but the Coen's complex yet addicting films make me feel like one.

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