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Madame Web 2024

30 mins in and the first problem I have is the over-dub of the antagonist. Beyond that the directing isn't great. The story itself isn't too bad right now. We'll see how bad it becomes.

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I thought it was pretty neat. It's not Endgame, but it's not trying to be. It's a pretty small, kinda old-school self-contained superhero movie that doesn't do much to heavily worldbuild. It doesn't even have a post-credits scene with Sam L Jackson. But I thought it was pretty neat for what it is.

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I am a big marvel fan.

I have denied it for a long time but now I can’t longer deny it longer… marvel is dead
The worst marvel and Sony movie ever, the storyline is bad, the acting was terrible, the visuals were disgusting, the visions were awful, we saw the 3 girls in action for about 20 seconds, the super hero outfits in those 20 seconds were ugly as hell, the spider people outfits were vomiting material, what was even the bad guys story?!

Peppa pig has a better story line then this piece of shit.

Don’t watch this

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The bad guy gets killed by a big piece of product placement.

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Damn, we're already milking early 2000s culture to trigger the dopamine buttons? Sometimes I wonder how blockbusters in the future will try to evoke the current era. How do you copy an era that's almost nothing but nostalgia, an era that coasts almost entirely on recycling stale ideas, IP and music from 20 to 40 years ago? Madame Web finds itself at a similar creative dead end. Why does Sony keep persisting on reviving this wave of forgotten B-movies from the early 2000s? I had some fun with Venom because of Tom Hardy's ridiculous performance, but I see no artistic merit with this or Morbius. It feels like everyone involved is several degrees of incompetent, or they simply didn't care. In fact, I probably already put more effort into this review than these screenwriters did with their script, so I see no reason to analyze this any further. Avoid at all cost.


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People praising Avatar like the king of movies and rating Madame Web with 1/2 stars, it's the internet in a nutshell. I'm giving it 1/2 extra star just because of all your hate and will hope for a sequel. Now back to drinking Pepsi and using the web.

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Movie isn't as bad as everyone says it is. Treat it like an origin story movie that sets the scene for a larger universe...

Yes, first hour is pretty slow and at times the dialogue is clunky but you can still find enjoyment out of the film.

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Wtf did I just watch? Horribly written, horribly directed, the three girls suit up for less than 30 seconds, and it's all flashforward montages, what a fucking tease. Awful film, thank god for cam copies.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

Not as bad as people are making out but certainly not great. Suffered from some awkwardness mixed with some heavy handed hints. Worst of all was the villain though. Did they re dub him in ADR or something? Coz his dialogue never seemed to fit.
I liked the idea of the early Madame Web and the bond with the three girls. Just a shame it was a bit too cringey. But then again it was set in 2003! So maybe it was on point for films of the time :yum:

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I went in to this open minded, and tried not to let other views and comments alter my perception.

But unfortunately this was a very forgettable film.

The characters didn’t really seem to gel with one another, and sometimes some ridiculous choices were made. (Who the hell abandons 3 teenagers, in a forest, that are being hunted by a super powered villain, for 3 HOURS?!?)

Dakota didn’t seem the right fit for Madame Webb, but then I’m not too sure what would have been a right fit.

The film had a couple of interesting moments, but otherwise it was just “meh”. Wouldn’t even watch it as a “bad film” it was just meh.

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Was it great? Absolutely not. Was it as bad as everyone made it out to be? Absolutely not. It is about on par with the other lackluster Sony Spider-Verse films.

Rating: 2/5 - 65% - Not Recommended to Everyone

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Yup, its bad. The director aimed for a grounded superhero movie but she somehow mistook grounded for boring. Good actors are stuck in a badly paced movie that has little to recommend it.

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It's not as bad as many say. If you go in with the notion that is not a blockbuster cast, it's fine. It's an origin story for those who read the comics. Had the potential to setup so good future movies but the acting is subpar.

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It was okay . . . not great but not terrible. The acting could have been better, but the action was good.

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Well. I am usually a fan of Dakota, but this isn't her role for sure. She isn't able to carry the role and eventhough the start is decent, the rest of the movie just gets weaker and weaker. I think most of us know Madam Web as the old woman she is, not a young hottie that can't carry the role. Such a waste

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One of the, if not the, worst marvel movies I’ve ever seen! Probably one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen!
The dialog is awful!
The acting is awful!
The plot holes are big enough to drive an ambulance with lights and sirens through!
The only redeeming value is I watched it during breaks at work so I didn’t really lose any time watching this piece of garbage!

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So many plot issues. So many... horrible writing and directing. Never let the director direct another movie or the writers write any more.

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Not as bad as some made it out to be. Not great but not bad. It takes time to get going but the last 30 minutes are much better. Set's up for a second movie :cinema:. :thumbsup_tone1:

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Movie makers have run out of ideas and the ability to create good movies. The only good part about this was The Cranberries during the closing credits.

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Made it 5 minutes in before I had to stop watching, absolutely horrible writing.

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I thought this movie was gonna be good. Until the reviews came out. The movie is a 5 at best with cringe acting and even just bad acting. My complaints about this movie are
1. Dakota Johnson
2. Dakota Johnson's terrible acting
3 The movie is basically 2 hours long with nothing great about it.

It is an utter disappointment and disgrace to the Spiderman universe. Sony is exceptionally bad at making a good Spiderman movie anymore. Just stop making them Sony.

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WORST MOVIE EVER! I wasted my time...

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Absolute rubbish. Poor acting and the sciences are very fractured and it has poor dialog also.

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Even after watching it a second time I still love it

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The movie is not soooo bad. It is somehow better that Morbius I think

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I've got nothing against anyone involved in the making of that movie, but what a boring mess it was !
Hey SONY wtf is wrong with you ??!!!

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It's actually not as bad as people say it's worse. There were so many ways it could have gone to be a proper movie and they opted to go the worst way possible.

One would think there was no source material for the character

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Lol seems like every Marvel womens movie is trash, ma marvel not so bad tho :joy:

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It seems like Marvel can't get on their feet again.

I didn't enjoy the story at all. Can recommend to watch it one time, if you got nothing else to do.

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I haven't seen product placement this aggressive since Transformers.
A bad script and bad directing can make any great actor seem terrible.

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I went into this movie with very low expectations. It wasn't so bad.

This movie would have been better as a feature length pilot of a TV series. Like Charlie Angels with Madame Web as Bosley.

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I hated the movie Shazam. Specifically because he and all that power and did nothing but run the entire movie. As far as this movie; how many times does she have to see something to get the point. Like dam, how many people have to die or be in harms way before she takes action.

Its about the 3rd act in the movie when she finally starts hitting back .

I watched it. I enjoyed the movie but her character was extremely annoying

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This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. There’s no saving grace. The VFX suck. The acting is awful. And the writing is atrocious.

Eatly in the movie (because it starts sucking very soon), I wondered how they got to film and release such a piece of shit. Since I can’t fathom anyone thought Madame Web was worth watching, my best guest remains that producers simply thought any extra work on the movie would be more expensive than it’s worth.

It makes me sad that Sony can keep getting away with that kind of shit.

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This is pure shit, avoid at all costs

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Just watched this. If you take out any awful references to Spiderman which are few and far between, it's not that horrible a watch. They could've done more with the early 00's references. A 5/10 film about a psychic and 3 minions running around badly to avoid a killer.

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A good idea so wasted. The film is uneven, at times it feels like a script was written on the knee. But an interesting cameo of Peter's family. :)

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The actresses should go back to Euphoria or some stupid shows like that, they are supposed to represent strong women but they aren't quite good at it

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With the wide-spread scathing reviews and people telling me not to watch it, I expected an absolutely horrendous film. However, I'm glad saw it for myself because while it's not the greatest movie ever made, it's also NOWHERE near the worst.

6/10 - for the story (albeit understandably a little disjointed), the found family vibe and the cute costumes.

"Madame Web" was gentle fun, and I didn't hate it.

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I went into this movie knowing about the ADR and how bad the movie was overall. And people kept saying how the actors had to work with a bad script. But watching this I found no excuses. Both Dakota Johnson and Tahar Rahim, they're both just bad actors. I can't believe the excuses some people make for them. I'm trying to end on a positive note so... Adam Scott is always brilliant. I think he would've actually make a good Uncle Ben.

Any Dutch people remember Enschede? And that was a smaller storage than this movie and it leveled the place.

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Largely a waste of time because it is just so generic and the acting & script are poor.

The lead, Dakota Johnston, is weak. She has limited emotional range and - though I'm sure she is a lovely warm human - is just not a good actress.

The script is as perfunctory as anything AI can create. No emotion, just hitting the necessary words to transmit a plot.

It isn't horrendous. It's just par for the course where Marvel are concerned now. I wouldn't rate it any worse than Shang Chi or Captain Marvel.

The 00s element is beyond pointless as it seems to be ignored for the majority of the film. It just exists to seemingly be pre-iPhone.

If the audience accepts popcorn, then you'll never be presented steak...

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This movie proves how over rated Sydney Sweeney is.
Without showing her tits, she's unwatchable.

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Asked myself how bad can it be? Fucked around and found out.

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After the awful reviews for this I had low expectations. The first 2/3 were okay, actually quite enjoyable in places. The young girls were good fun if a little annoying. The lead was a little light in charisma and the baddy minimal threat or explanation for their actions.
The last 1/3 though made no sense, it was all over the place and gave up trying to get to explain anything.
A very forgettable film.

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No, you don't need to "see for yourself". It's as awful as everyone has told you. Not funny-bad, just woefully flat, lifeless and uninspired. Do literally anything else with the two hours you'll save skipping this. Read a book, meditate, learn how to do CPR correctly from a YouTube video; so many things you can do that are a better use of time than watching this vapid, hollow shell of a movie.

This review brought to you by the refreshing taste of Pepsi Cola:tm:

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Horrible, the directing, the acting, the characters, the story dude WTH !! . I just wanted it to be over after 10 mnts in.

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Rated a Connor 0, normal 2

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The acting was great, everything else made no sense. I hope everyone on the crew never work on another film again.

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That's it.....? It really was not that horrible. I was entertained the entire movie and it was fine.
Not good, NOT HORRIFIC - but fine.
The hype for how bad this movie was REALLY overdone. There were some really bas aspects but most of this was surprisingly competent.
The ending sucked though and felt super rushed. But overall, it was ok.

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aaaannnnndd.....just like Elektra and Daredevil, we will do our best to forget that this exists

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For someone who sees the future, they should have seen this movie going to be a box-office bomb.
The concept is good, but everything else was wrong in this movie. bad writing, bad casting (Dakota is expressionless,robot by the end of the movie i actually started laughing on every line she said, terminator would have been a better casting),bad directing.
I think this movie will be a good reference in the future of what not to do.

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I wont slate this more than it hasn't already been. I will say it not a bad idea of a movie but the script and acting let it down. Dakota Johnson should never have been allowed near this movie, she is emotionless as an actor and they should have known what they were getting. She does the same uninterested routine in all her movies and I suspect in real life.

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For a madame webb movie this movie get a 8/10 for me but as a spiderman related movie this shit get a 5

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The acting is good but oh my fuckin god this movie have alot of talking, guess that what madame webb is just like in the comics

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Just came back from work. Could not sleep and I decided to torture myself by watching this POS! OMG!

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I couldn't get past the 20 minute mark.


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SPOILER.....Dakota not naked.....:weary:

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I can not believe that someone was paid to write this script. A monkey with a typewriter could write a better one. Terrible. Just a terrible movie. Don't waste your time watching it.

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Not that bad! It was decent, of course there was tons of product placement, the fact that the villain is dubbed was hilarious, the jungle people were campy, but overall I enjoyed it more than let's say The Marvels. Of course the main characters are not superheroes yet so that is a let down, but it was a fun little origin movie if you don't take it seriously, I wouldn't even mind watching a sequel

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What an stupid movie… 25 mins into the movie and couldn’t take it anymore. Funny how politically correct this is… they had to represent a white, Latino snd black as main characters… very retarded

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Only watch this movie if you want to make fun of it.
I can not entirely explain how incredibly terrible this film is. Despite it just being a chaotic convoluted mess with no real cohesion the movie just shows viewers just have comic-book super hero burnout. It's everything you don't want in a super hero movie.

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Movie wasn’t bad or anything just felt rushed. There was no arc where she understood her powers or anything of sort. in the end, it was underwhelming

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Absolute garbage of a movie don't waste your time with this one

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Madam Web - :heart:x5

I think I know why everyone kinda hates this movie - they were expecting a superhero movie - this is everything but that - it's basically the origin story of 4 superheroes but we never really get to the superhero part.

Aside from the above. There is also the bad script and wooden acting, no real character development etc, etc, etc.

But it's still an OK watch - it's not completely horrible but it's also not very good. It's a 1 or 2-time watch at best.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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One of those movies that are so bad that it's almost good. It's so cliche yet in your face that it cancels it out? I still can't believe what I watched. Some say it's worse than Morbius, but it's definitely better. Also, the cast and acting is so random that it makes absolutely no sense. All I know is Dakota needs to be in more comedies. She unintentionally carried this movie on her back. The editing, cgi, and everything in between were so rushed, and it's clear as day because absolutely nothing in this 'movie' makes sense. Watch it with company, it makes a huge difference. I want a number 2.

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The design for Ezekiel's suit was cool and unique, but the rest of it would've been better of in the trash. Yikes.

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I watched this last night. WTF were they thinking? First the 3 girls left a fire buring in the woods and just walked away? The girls got in the car with the pregnant lady then they were found. Should have just stayed hidden at the house. The girls are only in their suits in future visions. Did y'all even read the comics. The final version of Madam Web at the ending was just ridiculous

There was so much dumb stuff going on in tye movie its hard to single all of them out. Overall the. Overall was hot garbage.

She was such a better actor when she was being shown the red room.

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Totally disappointed. Spider-Fan inside me is deeply offended by this pathetic film parody...

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Like a web in a no-fly zone, this spider died somewhere in the w̶r̶i̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ r̶o̶o̶m̶ AI program.

A great cast on paper but the results are horrible... the acting is poor all around, even Dakota Johnson and Sydney Sweeney are cringe and overact. The story is déjà vu and good luck convincing me this wasn't written by AI. The action sequences are so forgettable and uninspired, awkward character interactions, weird musical choices, poor editing, generic characters and cheap effects.

To Sony: "Are you alright dear?"

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They say it’s horrible. Which it was but the ending. Looks like it should have just been a tv show. Movie done with now Let’s get a TV series going with the same actors.

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How do these creators are getting work. Fuck this shit.

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I wanted to like this but wtf. Worst climax ever.

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Imagine 12 year old write a fan fiction. Somehow Somy got it and made a movie out of it using AI instead of high salary writers. With 2 wannabes girlboss writers with 2 editorial writers and an AI software. No matter how good the original story had been, the idea of using AI to write screenplay means removing the humanity out the equation at this stage of AI development. Don't bother with playing potentially influencial actors, they would just digging their own career graves.

I'm glad they loae money on this film coz if it succeeded, writers would lose their jobs.

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2 questions, why did they think this movie casting was ok to go with? And why did they think the story was going to make them money?
A better cast might have made it work, and Madame Webb didn't need a 2 hour long origin movie.

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  • weak story
  • atrocious screenplay
  • shit dialogue
  • horrible acting
  • bad film making especially bad dubbing
  • blatant product placement
  • misleading marketing
  • building non existent universe
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It's really not as bad as all the incels, white supremacists and misogynists will have you believe. It is a bit lame though.

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Wasn’t that bad as people made it out to be. The aspects that I liked was the visuals and cinematography. What I didn’t like was the weak characters who had their forced sad stories, monotonous and bad acting especially by Sydney and Dakota, weak script with no emotions and bad jokes even with Adam Scott. The villain was terrible as well, uninteresting suit and bad acting/dialogues.

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We know the good thing about the future is that it hasn't happened yet. The acting of the leading lady is very good. I think he really has a very special power in the Marvel universe. Not to mention the others. The movements he teaches at the end when the heart stops, etc. are very nice details. Thank you for your efforts.

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I completely watched a movie in 2 hours ago that's why i don't understand it does not right for it's too poor. I would give 5.1/10 :thinking:

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Marvel should sue Sony for damaging the Spider-Man brand.

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Not as bad as social media suggested. I quite enjoyed it.

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So, in the USA, you can drive a car without a license plate, and no one pulls you over, NICE.

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"Watch old movies" is such a bizarre and unnecessary line.

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Who would I be if I hated bad movies? I can understand why people find it bad, the writing isn’t that good and the acting from the villain was quite subpar, but it’s Spider-Man adjacent and if I hated it, who would I even be? I enjoyed the movie, the actions scenes were good and I adored the relationship between Cassie, Julie, Anya and Mattie, found family is my shit, and this was my shit. It was hilarious how much they avoided any mention of Peter Parker at all, but I know that damn baby was in Mary’s womb, you can’t fool me. If I say I want Madame Web two, who’s gonna stop me. I need more of Madame Web and the three girls. I need the exploration of the girls after their powers manifest I NEED IT RIGHT NOW.

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Shout by Joe
BlockedParent2024-03-07T16:34:55Z— updated 2024-04-25T13:00:26Z

it's a prologue of the madame web, a character of spider man that appeared the first time in the 80s and it's not all that bad imo.
Marvel have worse movies out there without all this hate.
Many people like it and many people hate it without watching the movie, overall i had a good time watching it.

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Sony looked at all those memes about Morbius being the worst spiderverse movie and said “challenge accepted.”

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Simply the worst of Marvel, it surprises me how it manages to overcome the bad things, there is nothing about this movie.:thumbsdown:

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C'mon man, I fell asleep to this movie, and I almost like every movie I see, even the worst ones

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There are moments in this movie that are "so bad it's good", but mostly it's just bad.
- Hearing Sydney Sweeney yell "Cassie!" is so confusing
- "But I don't have a neuromuscular disorder..."
- Dakota Johnson with the Captain America shield
- Unlike those old fashioned movies that plot an emotional arc cross the course of the movie, this one crams the entire emotional arc into 3 minutes
- My favorite part of the movie was the Cranberries song in the credits

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it's like, they didn't know what ending to write so they just wrote whatever came to mind lol

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Morbius, but with women.
It’s Boobin’ Time!

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I know the meme is that the movie is bad; but this time it is not mistaken. I think is even worse than Morbius, and that is saying too much. First of all, the movie is BORING. Slow paced for a "superhero" movie, and not enough momentum in the action scenes. CGI was not bad, but that is about it. The rest (cinematography, plot, writing, music, acting, and many more) are reeeeeally below subpar. Weak references that don't add absouletely anything to the plot, storytelling nor the sonyverse or MCU (since it is in its own reality, apparently). There was a discount week at the local cinema and we pay 2 tickets for like 1,50 USD and I strongly believe that even that, we pay too much. Horrible movie

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Congratulations, they made it!! . This has become the worst marvel/sony movie ever. A very weak script,underdeveloped characters. It has twilight vibes.I give up, I will never waste my money on any Marvel films in cenema.
RIP Marvel

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