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Kingsman: The Secret Service 2014

Absolutely my favourite movie of all time. Incredible.

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This film is epic, you will not be disappointed at all.

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Shout by kvdsteege

Wickedly fun, and gloriously action packed, Kingsman is a delightful bit of parody spy action film that thrives on stupidity, which of course can be it's downfall (particularly the villain's uninteresting premise which is baffling considering he's played by one of the most attention demanding actors, Samuel L. Jackson) but for the most part Kingsman is a blast of good, glorious violence as well as containing the church scene which will go down as one of the best action sequences in recent memory

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Awesome and a lot better than I was expecting!

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That church scene is still one of the best scenes in movies of the last few years. I still love this movie after a few viewings. Its not perfect but its just nonstop fun from start to finish. Samuel L. Jackson's villain is annoying but at least Sofia Boutella is badass. And speaking of ass, I wish they didn't edit it the butt sex joke out. Personally I thought it was hilarious and out of no where. Oh well...can't please everyone.

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Still good after my third watch. Recommend!

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I honestly can barely put into words how much I enjoyed this movie. Great acting from everyone but especially Colin Firth and Taron Egerton stole the show.

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So much better than I expected, had me amused from the start- end. Well done.

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FANTASTIC! easy, smart, fun! That's entertainment!!!!! ...and we whant to talk about Gazelle??? OMG!!!!

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Hey! What's your problem?
I'm a Catholic whore currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works in a military abortion clinic.
So, hail Satan and have a lovely afternoon, madam.

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Very Entertaining!!! Luv the Brits Spy stuff!!!

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This movie is irreverent, funny, not presumptuous. It feeds from the classic spies movies and with a modern looking it adapts to the current times. Watch it with no prejudice, if you enjoyed Kickass then go for this movie.

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This shouldn't work.
We've seen so many movies making fun of spy movies and the classic James Bond tropes, and yet this is really fresh and entertaining.
Fantastic action, great visuals, solid comedy and memorable performances from the main cast.
The story is nothing too special, I think the villain needed a bit more development (SMJ's great performance makes up for a lot though, he at least manages to give him a personality), but it doesn't matter because the other characters are so good, and it still manages to surprise with a few twists.
It's pretty much perfect a perfect execution for the kind of pulpy fun that it wants to be.


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"A very violent action comedy with heart"

Kingsman is highly recommended if you enjoyed laughing at the humour/cringing at the violence of Kick Ass, Inglourious Basterds, Seven Psychopaths or Snatch in the slightest bit.

Unsurprising to have come from the director of Kick-Ass, and often described as "if Tarantino made a spy movie"... although it's not always as light-hearted as the teaser implied (as with the other films mentioned above) it will make you feel for the characters; no matter how f***ed up they may be.

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I know that this is a bubblegum action movie, but the last half hour was so silly that it bordered on stupid. It is a shame that it didn't take itself a little more seriously.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Funny James Bond parody film. It has some moments of much violence which I don't mind. I love the camera work in fighting scenes too - well done to the director

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More James Bond than James Bond.

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The best action movie I have ever seen.

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I went to see this movie with 0 expectations and left the theather with absolute satisfaction for doing it. Amazing movie, super cool and epic. Can't wait for the second one.

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really nice action scenes.. me like.

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really good. my taste of movie..

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"If you save the world, we can do it in the asshole."
-Swedish Princess

Kingsman is just batshit crazy. A kind of spoof of James Bond with blood, gore, and a body count worthy of Quentin Tarantino. The humour is crude, and the one-liners are kinda cliche, but the way it all fit together made me love it all.

Colin Firth is excellent as the gentleman spy, and Taron Egerton does a brilliant job as his protege. The script they had to work with could have been better as there were a few glaring holes, but I actually didn't notice them until the movie ended. It sure as hell didn't ruin my enjoyment of this gem.

If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favour...put it in your watchlist.

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best movie ive seen in a long time!!! loved it!!! 20 out of 10 -

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Shout by Deleted

This is a great film. Totally worth it.

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A must watch !! James Bond, martial arts and Jet Li lovers !

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The music they use is superb!

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One of the most epic action movies I've seen in a while.

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I never really write reviews so I must say this movie just motivated me to do it.
Without feeling like I am overstating things I can honestly say that this movie is going to be one of the best movies of this year.
The action is great, the humor is good, the story is awesome & the directing was brilliant!
This movie has everything. And i haven't been bored for even a second.
I highly recommend this movie, without a doubt, this is a definite MUST SEE!

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I absolutely dont understand the hype of this movie and all those excellent words about it. In my point of view, this movie didn't decide what it wants to be: A Kickass movie, a James Bond Movie or a childish romance story. Kingsman is absolutely predictable in all it's ups and downs, because it never did the step, what a great movie has do to: get out of the obvious and find a way to surprise us. For me, this movie is absolutely overrated, I didn't enjoy watching it and I was bored nearly two hours. The potential was there, but what was made out of it, is a mixture of Enders Game and Kick-Ass 2: From everything something, without the guts to be good in one thing!

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I can't believe people are raving about this movie. Definitely in the top 10 worst movies category. Left me with a huge "WTF" face.

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What a waste of time, for fuck sake.

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I loved it. Mark Strong was amazing as always. And then we have Samuel L. Jackson in one of his best roles in 20+ years. Normally his characters are so 1 dimensional and basically the same. He actually put some spin on this and made the character interesting for a change.

A great plot with tons of action and lots of wit. A great film.

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Super funny, full of action and blood...
Of course Samuel L. Jackson has to be in here.
Love the sarcasm, the friendships, the effects, the dogs.
Im glad there's going to be a second part.

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Very well done brainwashing propaganda. Most people did not even realize when they affect their subconscious. In addition, the end is one of the dumbest I've seen since "Wanted".

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This film was pretty disappointing. It was cheesy, terrible and predictable plot, and anticlimactic fight scenes. The main character should have died a million times over, but somehow ALL bullets miss him. The 'blade chic' has no problems cutting up everyone else, but all of a sudden has trouble with Eggy? This movie is like a bastard child of James Bond and Austin Powers.

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shit movie shit movie shit movie shit movie!!!!

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great action movie with a lot of funny moments and well done fighting scenes

the church fight scene it's amazing

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What was that Billy?...uhhhh, I said...movies are GOOD....can we start the story now

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The movie was better than expected but still not that great. Story is fine but predictable and kind of boring at times. Why the heck does Samuel L. Jackson have to lisp? What the heck is up with Sofia Boutella's feet? This is just fucked up.
Some gentlemen jokes are great but altogether a disappointing movie… a waste of great actors' names.

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Not the best story I have seen out there. Did not like the comedy, but the action was ok I guess. The fireworks from exploding heads was just plain dumb. I am bord of teens saving the world.

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That was the most fun I had in watching a movie for a long time. Can´t really say there is anything bad about it.

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This is film making at the top tier. Absolutely brilliant.

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This reminded me a lot of Kick Ass in ways: action packed, funny, and epicly gruesome!

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A refreshing take on the secret agent thriller, this is a lot of fun to watch and like Kick-Ass did with superheroes, Vaughan has created a film that celebrates the genre it seeks to parody whilst also being a highly entertaining film. Colin Firth is ideal as the “gentleman spy” stealing pretty much every scene he is in, with Samuel Jackson also great as the criminal mastermind with a lisp and fear of blood. The action sequences are very inventive, notably a fight sequence in a bar and a second more elaborate sequence in a church, which are reminiscent of the recent film "John Wick" in its highly stylised, yet brutal choreography. However, the tone is somewhat different, with Vaughan having a lot of fun with the tropes and cliches the audience expect from a genre movie (although a final nod to the Roger Moore era of James Bond is definitely misjudged). Where they take this potential franchise remains to be seen, though after Kick-Ass 2’s failure, perhaps this is one that is better left as an entertaining stand-alone film.

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Fun, packed with action and charismatic. I just wished Gazelle had won the fight

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This Matthew Vaughn film is incredible, nothing more needs to be said. Too round, with a tremendous narrative flow. He does everything well and stands out for the style he works.

The antagonist is nothing out of this world, but he works and leaves you with that impression like the antagonist in Sam Mendes' "Road to Perdition." The action, however, is above average by far, with those great choreographies and such marked cinematography to support it. One of the best action films I've seen, definitely.

In a psychological or content sense it doesn't go very far, but it is of great quality in everything else.

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Well to put it clearly I know it is an average to above average action movie, which is a genre that does not set the bar quite high.

Plot was nothing exceptional, scenes were nothing exceptional, there was really nothing that would put the movie in the greats category, except the big name actors. And even then there were scenes where acting really took you out of the movie.

Based on these for me this was just an average action movie full of clichés with an inflated rating.

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Theme- 9.5/10
Rewatchibility- 9/10
Acting- 9.5/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 9.5/10
Total - 47.5/5 = 9.5

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A solid film that kept me interested with every scene. Some clever lines. Cool fight scenes. Samuel L. Jackson with a lisp.

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my heart likes this considerably more than my brain does; that being said, this movie is completely unhinged in all of the good ways

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Shout by BaSsOo7

-1 for giving Sam Jackson a lisp
-1 for making 'Saving the planet' the villain's goal.
-1 for implying that Iggy Azalea deserves a spot in the 'New World'. Nope, just nope.

So in conclusion 7/10

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A 007 with a greater sense of humor, but not to be confused with Johnny England. ps. Samuel lisped quite well. :)

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If it hadn't been for the recommendations and good comments about this movie, I probably wouldn't have wanted to see it; however, I am glad I listened to the critics as I thought it was a great movie. Bringing the plot of secret agents to comedy while still being an action movie can be risky but in this one it works perfectly: it is clear that the filmmakers wanted to get to the absurd and hence be comedians and they succeeded, that awareness of the absurd made the comedy go really well. And the doses of violence that counterbalanced the comedy made it a fairly complete film, added to the good performances of all the actors. What was left to me a bit was the soundtrack, it reminded me a lot of The Avengers, a lot.

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Cute entertaining a bit kitchy but I quite enjoyed it

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Favorite movie of all time. Masterpiece.

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Absolutely enjoyable with great directing and fights scenes are just wow! 7.8/10

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Shout by Deleted

very good, it's the church scene! omg, one of the best action scenes I've ever seen in history. Some action scenes are pretty cool but nothing you can not play with and be amazed

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What is so bad about the principals of the "villain"? How he does it seems so bad of course...but the goal is actually understandable and noble. Anyways, I like the movie and it's style.

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Shout by Deleted

Great flick. Action wise, there was a lot of new things. Waiting for the sequel.

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Damn SIM cards just like Jio here in India -_-

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Action / comedy movie with a few scenes that are very good.

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Slick, smooth, exciting, new & classic simultaneously.

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Shout by Deleted

Classic spy humor with strong violence. Don't let your kids watch it. LOL
Characters were grossly over played...which is exactly aa it should be here. Well done. #ShiftvW8

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Stylish, brutal and hilarious. 'Kingsman' is an extremely quintessentially British flick full of over-the-top yet hilarious comedy, brutal violence and a quirky image of England.

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Good movie. Good surprise as "Stardust" was, with nice moments.

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Hace mucho no veía una peli que me gustara como esta. Buena película de principio a fin. El monto justo de violencia, chistes y una buena trama. Re contra recomenda. :D

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Shout by Deleted

best fucking spy movie of the year, I wasn't expecting much going in to this movie, but I must say I was enormously impressed with the action, wit, dialogue, set pieces etc

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Shout by Lucas

Pés com lâminas super afiadas, pessoas sendo cortadas ao meio como papel e cabeças explodindo em mil cores. Dito isto parece aqueles filmes loucos onde nada faz sentido e você sente que só perdeu tempo. Não com este filme. Nele todas essas loucuras são colocadas de uma maneira que o deixa ainda mais interessante. E a cena da igreja? PQP, não tem nem como descrever o que senti vendo aquilo. É perfeita demais aquela cena. Este é apenas um dos filmes de ação mais divertido dos últimos anos.

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Shout by Deleted

That was hilarious from the beginning to the end! Can't wait to see the next one.

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Now I know why I disliked the James Bond movies, this is not a film for my taste.

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I HATED this. Clearly the worst movie I've seen all year. I thought I might like it until Harry made an absolute fool out of himself stating that Oxfords are open laced. That scene ruined the whole film for me, and the numerous goofs and weak scenes after that just built on top of it.

That said, I rather enjoyed the church scene.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie is violent, raunchy, campy, sexist, racist, and vulgar. 10/10

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Shout by Deleted

one of the best movie i've ever seen

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Fantastic action sequences, very enjoyable ride.

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So refreshing when everything is all the same these days, this was a breath of fresh air. Highly recommended!

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Really awesome, Samuel L. Jackson is Hilarious. Thank You Matthew Vaughn !

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Awesome stuff! Kill kill kill!

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Near perfect! Action, humour, thrills and spills and a great soundtrack (thanks 'Take That'). I hadn't expected this to be so good and that only adds to the fun of watching it; might have to watch it again!

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Fantastic movie, one of the best in 2015 so far

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Shout by Deleted

What do you think? Just wonder how what etc on this place Trakt???

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Definite focus on the comedy but the movie contains a bit of everything. Definetely a good watch. Highly recommend. Perfect.

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Shout by C. S. C.

What was that CGI exploding heads scene? It threw me off, I never expected it. It... worked. I loved it. And I'm that type of snob who hates comedies, this might be the first one I've enjoyed in years!

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Kind'a corny but hella fun

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To put it in required 5 words: It's the best!~

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Shout by Deleted

Haven't had so much fun with a Movie in so much time. damn i wasn't expecting this to be so good! :D

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From writer/director Matthew Vaughn comes the spy thriller Kingsman: The Secret Service. Based on a Marvel comic, the story follows a hooligan from the projects of London who’s given a chance to join an elite spy organization called the Kingsman; meanwhile a global threat rises from a megalomaniacal villain. Unfortunately the tone is a little uneven; as it tries to be a gritty James Bond satire, but with the camp of Moore era. And there’s a lot of heavy handed politics thrown into the plot that adds to the disjointed feel of the film. Still, the action sequences are well-done and kind of fun. Yet while it has its moments, Kingsman: The Secret Service is a mess and doesn’t really work.

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Shout by Deleted

Took me about 3 years to finally watch this film, and I am glad I did. I have never been a huge spy movie watcher. Seen some James Bond, Bourne and the like, but the Kingsman was a real treat. The biggest pull for me is the cinematography of the fights scenes. I like to consider myself a video game enthusiast and fight scenes had a great gaming feel to them. This might sound odd, but once I watched the film, that would be the one way I could describe it. They don't mess with the flow of the film too much or overplay slow mo during high action moments. Well chosen cast and stellar modern plot for a classic spy film. Looking forward to watching the newest film in the series. Props to the costume team because everyone was dressed to the nines.

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