I've been forcing myself to always write a blurb about every movie I watch. I don't think I have anything earth-shattering to say, but anything that improves my keyboarding skills is a plus. Well, that's not the only reason. Sometimes it's fun to get your thoughts typed out and see if maybe someone will offer their own opinion.

I have been dreading the thought of laying out a few thoughts about "Kingsman: The Secret Service". I really, really want to like this movie. I think it looks great, has cool performances by Taron Egerton and Colin Firth, and spoofs spy flicks, which is always fun. But this movie is too mean-spirited for me to get past. The slaughter scene in the church, even if everyone there is being driven wild by Samuel Jackson's evil bad-guy plot, is cowardly. The message is that it's okay for everyone in that church to be disposed of because their personal beliefs and opinions are stupid. I'd bet a little digging would find that the filmmakers have a distaste for silly, religious people. I don't expect movie makers to always offer two-sides of every coin (i.e., not all religious people are crazy), but this movie chose to victimize a group that based on their beliefs would choose not to fight back.

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