A refreshing take on the secret agent thriller, this is a lot of fun to watch and like Kick-Ass did with superheroes, Vaughan has created a film that celebrates the genre it seeks to parody whilst also being a highly entertaining film. Colin Firth is ideal as the “gentleman spy” stealing pretty much every scene he is in, with Samuel Jackson also great as the criminal mastermind with a lisp and fear of blood. The action sequences are very inventive, notably a fight sequence in a bar and a second more elaborate sequence in a church, which are reminiscent of the recent film "John Wick" in its highly stylised, yet brutal choreography. However, the tone is somewhat different, with Vaughan having a lot of fun with the tropes and cliches the audience expect from a genre movie (although a final nod to the Roger Moore era of James Bond is definitely misjudged). Where they take this potential franchise remains to be seen, though after Kick-Ass 2’s failure, perhaps this is one that is better left as an entertaining stand-alone film.

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