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John Dies at the End 2013

I enjoyed the bizarre, silly style but I disliked trying to make sense of it all.

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Watching John Dies at the End is a disorienting experience. In fact, at one point one of the characters even highlights that point by saying "I couldn't get oriented." It's a very hard movie to describe and it feels like there's never going to be a conclusion to the story as more crazy stuff keeps piling on. However, it does put everything together but I found in retrospect that I enjoyed the mystery and the confusion more than the conclusion. I wouldn't have expected that.

It's visually quite trippy. The style is very unique. I know it's based on a book and I wonder how closely the adaption was because if it was faithful, then I really wonder how the hell the book pulled it off. It was a fun ride. I can see why some people would hate it and I can also see how some people would love it. For me, I had fun but it didn't fall on those ends of the spectrum for me.

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John wont die at the end, but I certainly will. This movie has left me in a vegetable state. Help me!

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What's the point of this? I think it's to try to be clever or hip because it certainly isn't scary, funny or coherent. It's too bad that it isn't any of those things but it is irritating, pointless and boring. It took three attempts to get through watching without falling asleep, and those attempts were all on different days.

"John Dies At The End" isn't as impossible to follow as say, "Upstream Color" but pretentiousness isn't its goal. I think it's trying to entertain someone whose drunk or stoned and just happens to be sitting in front of their TV when it plays on a cable station. That way, the fact that it makes no sense doesn't matter.

And guess what? Spoiler Alert!!! John doesn't die at the end! See how clever!

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Watching this again I'm impressed at how much of it was ripped directly from the pages of the book rather successfully considering how differently it was adapted.

I though I remembered John's phone calls differently having a degree of prescience. That said I also remember feeling how much it felt like there was more to the story. The first time I saw this I knew of the book but I hadn't read it. Having read the book now I can definitely see how much was left out and yet the movie is a fairly tight narrative that contains just enough to enjoy and yet make you want to find more. It contains a lot of the wackiness and some of the monster horror but none of the existential horror from the book.

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What a waste of an evening. There were some laughable moments ("That door doesn't open!") and some laughably gory moments, but overall, it just kind of sucked. Made no sense at all, and I'm still scratching my head about the ending AND the title. Total waste of time. :thumbsdown_tone2::thumbsdown_tone2::thumbsdown_tone2:

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I never thought I'd like this book better than the movie, but here we are.

The rich imagination that went into the writing stayed on the paper and the only thing that made it off the page was normal old movie shit.

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Batshit crazy doesn’t even begin to describe John Dies at the End. The plot is incoherent, but has something to do with paranormal investigators and creatures from another dimension. Part of the problem is the script (which is extremely poor), however the acting is also pathetic. And while some of the comedy works, there’s just too much insanity going on. John Dies at the End is DOA.

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What an oddly warped movie. I've heard things about JDATE but i finally caught the movie and it's just as wacked out insane as everything implied it would be. I walk out of the "theatre" just in a weird state of shock at all the stuff I've just seen. I definitely enjoyed it for what it was.

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Honestly, I just feel like Americans never succeed at imitating Douglas Adams and they need to stop. This is part of the evidence.

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Read the book instead. This movie was painful.

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Heard good things about it. Any horror was in effective as horror and all the comedy wasn't funny. The story dips it's toes in many ideas and clichés that have already been done. The lead actor was awful. It was like watching a teen that wasn't bothered about anything. Above all movie like this has to rely on entertainment value and fun. None.

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I wish this had a bigger budget, I wish it was better directed and I wish it had better actors. The leads are passable and sometimes good at comedy, but anything serious verges on farcical. The book, especially compared to its sequel, was not perfect. The pacing and flow of the story wasn't great and it was a little long but it managed to be funny without becoming a joke. It also had a level of creepiness that this film did not. The best this film seemed to be able to do was uncensored gore.

Though there are some good elements (primarily lines lifted straight from the book) this film is a mediocre adaptation and not much better as a film in general.

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so much worse than the book, they cut the ending

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Horrible, b-movie with paranoia all over the place without excelling on that factor

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Refreshing movie, I enjoyed watching it more than I originally imagined.

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This is not even entertaining for a B-movie. You have to be on some serious drugs to enjoy this movie.

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what an amazing and unexpected ride! :D

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I'm pretty enthusiast about this one.

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