Watching John Dies at the End is a disorienting experience. In fact, at one point one of the characters even highlights that point by saying "I couldn't get oriented." It's a very hard movie to describe and it feels like there's never going to be a conclusion to the story as more crazy stuff keeps piling on. However, it does put everything together but I found in retrospect that I enjoyed the mystery and the confusion more than the conclusion. I wouldn't have expected that.

It's visually quite trippy. The style is very unique. I know it's based on a book and I wonder how closely the adaption was because if it was faithful, then I really wonder how the hell the book pulled it off. It was a fun ride. I can see why some people would hate it and I can also see how some people would love it. For me, I had fun but it didn't fall on those ends of the spectrum for me.

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