The movie is great fun! Absolutely overhated…
Yes the plot is absurd at times and it can’t compare to the original trilogy. But I enjoy it nonetheless.
Y‘all need to stop taking everything so seriously.

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For me not as bad as other reviews suggest, I actually thought ‘Temple of doom’ was the poorest of the franchise. I must admit the cinematography, especially during the sword fight scene was horrifically bad though. My overall opinion is that it was still a fun, happy feeling adventure movie with a still amazing actor in Harrison Ford. 6/10.

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this is actually a very good movie y’all just scared of aliens admit it

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Raiders of the Lost skull

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This is the movie in which I use as the "Bar" to rate horrible movies. F-

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I think this one's a bit overhated. The real problem is that Indy is just too damn old. I enjoyed everything that didn't involve geriatrics pretending to be 30. A big budget alien-archeology flick with ruthless Russians and rock 'n roll would have been great if they had just bothered to come up with an original character.

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I never really watched the first three films, only bits and pieces here and there so I can't really compare. I did think the ending was a bit over board to have in this franchise.

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Painful to watch for me, like all Indiana Jones movies. But perhaps this is the worst so far.

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Fabulous stunts and action sequences to keep your eyes stuck to.And the sets of the lost city were just flawless.The final sequences made it a must watch for the adventure lovers.

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One of my favorite adventure movies ever!

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yes, I like this movie. sue me.
and I love even more after watching the 2023 sequel.

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The movie is pretty decent up until Marion shows up, then it goes from fun goofy to just goofy. Between the swinging monkeys, the killer ants and the multiple warterfalls it just goes off the rails. Also just changing things from Indy and Mutt on an adventure to Indy, Mutt, Marion, Ox and Mac just make things way more complicated than they need to be, and that’s before getting into the spacemen that aren’t spacemen. Anyway the nuke the fridge scene rules and Indy staring down a mushroom cloud is iconic.

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At the beginning of "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" Indiana Jones dies in the explosion of a nuclear bomb. This is followed by a very long dream sequence in which he suddenly has an annoying son (Shia LaBeouf) and is looking for aliens. At least, that's the only way I can explain why this movie sucks so much. Maybe the main character just doesn't work at an older age, but I didn't like much else either. Cate Blanchett has rarely been worse, and the rest of the cast doesn't really work either. At most, I could take something positive from the return of Karen Allen. The biggest problem at the end, however, is that there is simply no sense of adventure. And with that, the film doesn't even begin to live up to its predecessors.

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6 - Fair

It isn't up there with the others, but still a good movie.

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The one thing that killed this aside the incredibly bad casting for Indy's kid can be summed up in one word, aliens. You want aliens watch Aliens not Indiana Jones.

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The usual Indiana Jones stuff (which is decent). But everything they decided to update or change sucks.

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George Lucas wearing the "Han Shot First" shirt behind the scenes should've been an indicator of where this was headed.

Also, Indiana snatching his fedora away from Mutt at the end reminds me of when Jeremy Renner was rumored to be the new face of the Mission: Impossible franchise after Cruise and Paramount's epic mid-2000s falling out. "You're gonna be our new Ethan Hunt! Oh, wait, you're one of The Avengers and that movie just cleared a clean billion at the box office, so you probably aren't gonna be available..."

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I liked this one better than the others

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Honestly, my only problem with this movie is that it's somehow rated lower than The Temple of Doom. No matter how bad the cinematography Crystal Skull's may or may not be, at least it wasn't boring.. unlike Temple of Doom.

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The franchise, Ford and a bit of sentiment build the film, but unfortunately LaBeouf is in the second category among casts... and the plot went a little too far. ;)

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I re-watched this in the leadup to the new (2023) Indiana Jones movie, and I regret everything. I had forgotten just how bad it was. I had even seen tweets and toots over the last 12 months saying it wasn't as bad as people said at the time. I don't know what those people were on about because it's so much worse than my memory of it.

Harrison Ford was already too old to play Indy in this 2008 movie. How bad is he going to be in the new (2023) movie?

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Like my junior highschool years: a good effort but the end was comically all over the place.

Crystal Skull follows the same pattern as the others in the franchise but is more entertaining than all but the first and even the ridiculous ending can honestly say it didn't feature a grail knight.

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I rewatched it, having only viewed this once when it was originally released in theaters. (All the others I've seen multiple times on home video.) "Crystal Skull" honestly doesn't deserve the meanness and hate. This time, I put my brain on hold, especially since I'd forgotten most of the plot. Has it aged well? I just got through watching all the movies in rapid succession preparing for "Dial of Destiny" and they all haven't aged well: the plot holes seem bigger on the small screen, the special effects seem cheesier and Indy... well, Henry Jones, Jr. has major character flaws. However, I had fun with Mutt and Mom. And Irina. And Mac. And, oh, poor beloved Ox. We need more of the late John Hurt in our lives, sadly. I'm going to up my original "6" rating to a "7" -- take that. Will I watch this again? Probably not.

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I re-watched this movie last night - hoping it wasn't really as bad as I remember it. Sadly it did not get any better over the last 15 years.

The whole thing was just wrong from beginning to end. They made the humor way too over the top. It used to be more natural and subtle. Shia LeBeouf did not belong there at all. And then there was the whole Sci-Fi angle with cross-dimensional aliens. . . really??

I seriously hope the new one Dial of Destiny is a bit more grounded. But i have my doubts.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I must confess that I only recently discovered the existence of this fourth film. Despite having come across the worst online reviews, I didn't quite notice the huge gap in quality compared to the original trilogy. Sure, there’s indeed a sense of weariness that permeates the film, but I can't help but attribute it to the fact that Spielberg's magic doesn't quite mesh with modern productions. His signature style, without the nostalgic patina of vintage allure, often comes across as contrived and cartoony, lazily rehashing itself with no attempt at meeting the sensibility of new audiences. And let's not even get started on the janky CGI – it did the film no favors, to say the least.

Overall, I found the film rather lifeless and tiresome, except for the exhilarating jeep chase, which was delightfully absurd and embraced a proto-Fast and Furious-esque level of trashiness. Cate, my dear, I adore you, but that eurospy villain accent was atrocious.

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Cate Blanchett looks like Governor Arihnda Pryce (Star Wars Rebels) and still holds the record for the worst Russian accent in cinematic history. Tarzan (Shia LaBeouf) swings on some vines, makes friends with some monkeys and sword fights like a pro. Senior Jones developps his psychic powers and the franchise is now officially linked to the Alien franchise. None of the performances are worth mentioning here, the story made no sense to me, too much use of CGI, the action sequences are bland and the sci-fi stuff doesn't belong in this franchise it's so off-putting and mis placed. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is definitely the worst in the franchise and even if I were to judge it as a separate entity not in the Indiana Jones franchise, it's still a poor attempt at an action movie and very generic. The ants were incredible though and I loved the entire set piece for the third act especially the ancient mechanical doors opening.

A minute of silence for the rat snake, who apparently wasn't a rat snake.

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Indiana Jones
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)

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Shout by Deleted

You lost me at the aliens.

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At first it was just a little bit boring, but then it just started to make less and less sense. Indians Jones is about rituals, mystic, legends and archeology not aliens or beings from another dimension. Watching Shia sword fighting in cgi made me remember raiders when Indy is dragged by a moving car. I mean... I don't know what happened this was not Indiana Jones.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2020-04-11T22:32:58Z— updated 2021-11-07T01:14:15Z

A goofy yet some-what fun time. Which definitely isn’t necessarily a good thing. When Spielberg and Lucas took 20 years to agree on a script they liked. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull should have been so much better.
There’s more comedy than adventure. With Cate Blanchett playing a silly Russian villain who thinks she can read minds. You also have Shia Leboeuf swinging on vines with monkeys. Among many other head scratching moments.

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I feared rewatching this for the exact reasons I hated this.

The story makes no sense, I have no idea what mcguffin leads to the other mcguffin and I have no idea why they need it. Shia LaBoeuffs character does nothing to add to the story, remove him and you have the same movie minus one scene with swordfighting.

It's such a cool idea, but it's hobbled together like a rusty old car is held together with ductape. The cinematogrphy is awful, it did not inflict the nostalgia on me I had hoped for and expected. I'm sorry Steven, but what the hell?

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cate blanchett would like to speak to the manager

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This movie >>>>>>> Blade Runner 2049

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Spoilers: Jones went from fun ridiculous to just stupid. First we see something that's insanely magnet effect gun powder but nothing else seems effected. When they find the source where has all the gun powder gone? Ray Winstone has a head on collusion then in the next shot he's standing up with his head in his hand. Jones survives an atomic bomb by getting in a fridge! So much for the great action openers Jones was known for.

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I went into this movie with low expectations and it was about what I expected. There was a lot of swashbuckling action scenes mixed in with some other scenes that really made me shake my head. To sum it up... completely unnecessary but if you suspend some disbelief this movie is passable.

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Its nowhere near as good as the originals but its still an ok movie. Harrison Ford is still great as he reprises more roles he did in the 80s. I love Cate Blanchett but her character didn't work for me and remember when Shia LaBeouf was going to be the next big star? The aliens were a weird choice. There was too many CGI animals. Overall worst in the series but I would still watch it at least once to see all of Indiana Jones's adventures. I'm not excited for the next one but I am cautiously optimistic.

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My ol'lady wants to watch nature shows right now so even watching this again seems less painful

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We see the fanedit, is shorter, almost without ridiculous scenes and best music

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Shout by Deleted

Sequels always water the initial experience of the first one. Sad really but rarely do sequels out perform. One case however is the Trek series where the 1st was terrible and the Wrath of Kahn much better. Skip ST 1 if you can. Sorry, I did digress but point is with each Raiders installment it just gets worse in spit of some great talent in each of them. #ShiftvW8

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As with all the other Indiana Jones movies: for me this 4th part is just a mediocre action flick. Why the Indiana Jones franchise got it's huge fan base I will never understand (although at least with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull people begin to agree with me. Or how else can the 63% rating be explained?!)

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Shout by Deleted

I'm not an archeologist so I didn't get all the jokes or references.....hence the 'meh'

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