I must confess that I only recently discovered the existence of this fourth film. Despite having come across the worst online reviews, I didn't quite notice the huge gap in quality compared to the original trilogy. Sure, there’s indeed a sense of weariness that permeates the film, but I can't help but attribute it to the fact that Spielberg's magic doesn't quite mesh with modern productions. His signature style, without the nostalgic patina of vintage allure, often comes across as contrived and cartoony, lazily rehashing itself with no attempt at meeting the sensibility of new audiences. And let's not even get started on the janky CGI – it did the film no favors, to say the least.

Overall, I found the film rather lifeless and tiresome, except for the exhilarating jeep chase, which was delightfully absurd and embraced a proto-Fast and Furious-esque level of trashiness. Cate, my dear, I adore you, but that eurospy villain accent was atrocious.

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