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Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard 2021

1st one was fun.
this is just boomer-reliving-glory-years sad

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The Good, The Bad, and The Crazy - The Fantastic Sequel To The Original Hitman's Bodyguard - Roller-coaster Action, Nonstop Comedy, The Perfect Movie For Laugh & Unexpected Fun - Ryan Reynolds, Salma Hayek, And Samuel L. Jackson Make The Perfect For The Perfect Combination - I Was Laughing At Every Corner & It Just Kept Going With A Lot Of Fun Characters - Joining In The Fun & Deadly Mayhem Is Morgan Freeman .. And Find Out What Roll

If You Haven't Seen It - Watch It

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Shout by dnzt
BlockedParent2021-07-28T05:38:13Z— updated 2021-08-29T06:54:03Z

It looks like a cartoon movie with exaggerated scenes. I sometimes expected a beep beep from road runner but I must say the movie is enjoyable in general. 1st one was better but this one will be enough for most of the people.

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Shout by Nancy L Draper
BlockedParent2021-06-24T21:07:56Z— updated 2021-07-04T22:51:27Z

I went to see this movie expecting it to be a fun romp like its predecessor THE HITMAN’S BODYGUARD (which I rated a 7). This was a huge disappointment despite the quality cast that was added to this sequel. The character’s had lost their chemistry, the dialogue was purposefully crass, the plot was barely a sketch. Yes, lots of things got blown up, shot up or destroyed but there was no heart. I’m disappointed with this first movie since the theatre reopened after the COVID lockdown. I give this film a 4 (poor) out of 10. [Action Adventure]

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Not as good as the first.

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Very disappointing sequel. Good quality stars, but wasted effort. No way nearly as good as The Hitmans Bodyguard. Very mediocre.

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This is a thoroughly underwhelming cash grab on the part of all involved, complete with (1) a weak script and plot with many indications that it was being done on the fly; (2) a cast that is clearly having fun but not remotely interested in treating this as anything more than the aforementioned cash grab that it is; and (3) a whopping -- based on a subtitle search for "fuc" -- 194 f-bombs. That averages out to almost two f-bombs per minute of run time, and it seems like even more than that. The one bright spot? The jokes in the movie spare no one, and no class or group of people is given any sort of a protected status, which, for my money, is how things SHOULD be, but rarely are these days. Overall, though, given the talent behind the thing, it's the kind of movie that seems to want to make people even more cynical than they already are about the future of film. Definitely not a keeper.

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The studio should be compelled to reimburse everyone who had to sit through this absolutely deplorable sequel, I for one will be doing my best to erase this rubbish from my memory

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The first movie was okay, pretty entertaining. This one is just bad. Salma Hayek's character is insanely annoying.

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Hitman's bodyguard was fun. This movie is just disappointing on every possible level. While the chemistry between Samuel and Ryan worked so amazingly well in the first movie, this time around there is 0 chemistry. And while Salma Hayek is superb in every other movie, she was disturbing that chemistry even further to bring it to 0 Kelvin.
I laughed maybe 2 or 3 times. "Gimme a sign" was the best part. Reference to Chucky doll was a good one too. But yeah, that's about it.

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Watched Hitman's Bodyguard just before this movie and this sequel felt "hollow" ; they just tried to go over the top with everything and the end result was less funny and less exciting than the original :(

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More of the same but with extra Salma Hayek… which is always welcome and worth the price of admission alone ;-)

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Don’t listen to the hate on this one. The first one was incredibly boring, but this one has fast pacing, and embraces the fact that it’s a joke.

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Why are movies like this still getting made???

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Not so good but was fun to watch

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Took me a while to understand that some scenes are ridiculously stupid on purpose. Worked great afterwards :)

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Action scenes we're Fun, as expected from a movie starring Ryan Reynolds. There's a lot of swearing but it adds to the over the top vibe of the movie. the plot is rather simple, something we've all seen before but it's dumb Fun and sometimes that's all you need.

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6/10. This show was ridiculous it was a fucking cartoon.

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Bad movie I found entertaining far more than I expected. Saw the 117min director's cut, so experience may be different than most. Some shockingly cheesy choices, but they were all for comedic effect whether they landed or not. It's legitimately a 3-4/10 that I just liked more than I probably should have. 6.3 for me.

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It was too tight. I couldn't make it up the tube to finish watching.

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After 10mins I just want it to end, the jokes weren't even funny. I guess this was aimed at school kids or teenagers.

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enjoyed it more than the first one…I guess?

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This had it's comedy thanks to ryan reynolds but it also had a lot of cheese and didn't live up to the first film and felt like it was rushed with a silly plot and could of been better and also they shoved a lot of big names in it for show and to get it's views most likely and first film that samuel and morgan have starred in togeather.

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One of the laziest films I have seen in a while. The first film was occasionally fun but this is a bit of a waste really. Terrible title too.

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The funniest moments? Remember when they invited Ryan Reynolds to a christmas party and took a photo of him in an ugly christmas sweater? Yeah. Also the blatant product placement. I laughed more following Ryan on social media.
And then they give a character a bit of depth just to make more dumb jokes. Ugh.

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Ou shieeet..this was fun.. :blush:

Salma is on rampage :joy:
Ryan is depresed and unlucky and Samuel is badass :joy:


overall 3.75/5 recommended :pray::innocent:

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I cringed so many times watching the movie even though I knew they were trying to be as cartoonish as possible.

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It does what it says on the tin. Loudly.

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Shout by Kat
BlockedParent2021-07-19T20:17:41Z— updated 2024-02-25T11:49:30Z

First time commenting without having fully watched something, but this "Antonio Banderas speaks English while he's playing a Greek guy" facade is killing me. As a Greek myself, I find this a little offensive, not because he doesn't sound or look Greek at all, but because they simply could've casted a Greek actor. It's not like they don't have an option! Even John Stamos would've been a better choice (even though he doesn't speak Greek I believe). Frank Grillo would've made a decent Greek looking guy even. And where on earth have you seen people striking in their own countries with signs written in English? Americans please...

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Predictable stupid comedy that feels so long. Ryan does his schtick, Sam does his thing the only one who's slightly amusing in this is Hayek and even that wears thin This film is extremely one-note

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This is the first film I have seen in the cinema since January 2020 and I have to say I wasn't disappointed as I went in with zero expectations and walked out a very entertained person, it might be because I haven't been cinema in ages but I did enjoy this one more than the first film and I think this is down to the addition of Salma Hayek (Sonia Kincaid) who basically takes this film to another comedic level as the cast, in general, have great chemistry.

Now, this isn't anything special of a film but if you enjoyed the first one I think you will enjoy this one as it is funnier but the story is a little more meh than the first one, the one thing that did disappoint me is that this film did not have enough Frank Grillo who I want to see him in bigger better movies.

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It’s not as good as the first one, but it’s always enjoyable to watch Reynolds. It has a few good laughs (like the picture joke), but is way to reliant on profanity. I’m not against that, but it’s just not that funny and a bit too much in this. I guess that’s the main takeaway for me: it’s a bit too much overall. Still okay though, but please don’t make a third one.

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Shout by Rowan-Paul
BlockedParent2023-02-26T19:27:19Z— updated 2023-03-03T14:27:33Z

Wow... That was bad, how can you screw up a movie with both Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson?

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6.5/10 - Not as good as the first one, unfortunately.

It was too silly in a stupid / too obvious way and Sonia is too crazy of a character for me. Also: That data junction + virus idea is complete BS and one of the stupidest ideas I've ever seen in a movie. Then again it doesn't really matter and the virus / digital warfare idea is fine (just the details are very wrong).

Anyway, it had it's moments but ultimately it's forgettable.

We got to see Morgan Freeman once more though :) That was a nice surprise!

It's lame btw that they didn't mention what happened to Michael's girlfriend. And it's unfortunate that Michael doesn't seem to have found his "happiness within" yet :o :D I guess we need a third movie for that.

RIP Gary and Johan btw...

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Not as tight action wise as its predecessor, Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard is still a whole heap of fun. The cast is excellent, but then again, when you put these three comedic superstars in the same film, you kind of asks for it. Great fun and recommended for those of you that doesn't need an award worthy story to have fun.

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talk alot, then talk more, fk up and oh ye talk more again.

the amount of fking this, that, everything. write better dialgoues for "fkign" sake!

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This was really bad even for a popcorn netflix movie and coming from me that i have a man crush for Reynolds. Everyone was bad on this movie, they even made Hayek so annoying that even the boobs didn't save her. Why all the cursing ? that was so much that it got annoying. Avoid.

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Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard is a fun but somewhat vulgar comedy. When a hitman named Darius Kincaid is kidnapped, his wife turns to suspended bodyguard Michael Bryce to help her save him. Starring Ryan Reynolds, Samuel L. Jackson, Salma Hayek, Antonio Banderas, and Morgan Freeman, the film has an impressive cast; though their performances are fairly rote. Some of the comedy is funny, but a lot of it is crass and profanity laden. Still, the fight scenes and chases are exciting and there are a couple of interesting plot twists. While it has its problems, Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard is an entertaining film that delivers some thrills and a few laughs.

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One of the funniest flicks I have seen this year. It was good to sit down, watch a movie and laugh hysterically. A boat load of cussing which could of been tamed down some but the comedy makes up for it.

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Funny as hell but def a comedy. Plot is kind of cheesy and predictable.

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Just as good as the first movie…. Fast moving, fun and a great distraction from real life. A great watch

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exaggerated but still funny i specially loved the ending xdddd

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I ignored all the comments.
It's funny and FUN as hell.
Just enjoy it.

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For action movie lovers this is good. Some cheesy scenes though, but was overall funny. Salma Hayek was brilliant!

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As sequels go, this is the movie that followed the original. It is what you want in a sequel. The same movie with a new adventure, and it that way it succeeds.

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Crazy level comedy, here you have an addition!

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Don't take it too seriously and you will have a good time. The humor is very "obvious" most of the times, meaning it relies on swearing etc., but the action is decent and it has a couple of nice eastereggs (Aviation Gin, The picture where Ryan Reynolds was told that it would be a theme party and he came in an ugly sweater)!
There's also a small during credit scene!

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I'm maybe in my worst time in my life, but i rally enjoyed this movie. Never laugh so much in a long time. I think one part of that can be that I havent been sleeping for 2 days now. But its also a very good cast and i really like the dynamics between the characters. Thank you for a fun time, in a dark time of my life. And I must say this was Salma Hayeks movie, what a lady :D

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Salma Hayek made this movie enjoyable what a crazy character

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LOL - Salma Hayek's potty mouth is just f***ing hilarious.

If you liked the first movie, you will most likely enjoy this one as well. Although, I do believe the first movie was a bit better. This follow-up is still a lot of fun and has plenty of good action scenes. And the ending... the ending is priceless.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Funny. Hilarious dialoguebetween the 3. Loads of action that is pointless but well done.

What will the third be called?


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Only Ryan Reynolds, Samuel L Jackson and Salma Hayek can make such a generic plot with decent action look good, hell even Frank Grillo was bad. The best part of the movie was just the three of them taking. The constant denigration of Ryan Reynolds' character is one thing I'll never get over.

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A fun action movie, not as good as the first one, but still ok. A bit too many characters and missing a clear focus.

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The "Finger Lickin' Good" joke was one i'll be using for the rest of my life.

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The self-awareness of this sequel makes it better than the original. Also I'm sure that was a Mace Will-do Mace Windu joke :)

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Fun, lighthearted and ideal if you want to waste some time. Or in my case, if you come out of a stressful night shift and want some distraction before you go to bed.

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This movie is full of tropes and cliches at every opportunity, but it does them well. So, unlike most of the top critics on RT, I don't have much to complain about. I found the film to be hilarious, despite its predictability and somewhat played out jokes. The fast pace and constant bickering keeps a good tempo and the movie does a good job of knowing its element and not trying to pretend to be something it's not.

We're here for vulgar language, over the top characters, and senseless violence. I'd say you'd really need to change it up some more if you went for a trilogy, but more of the same is plenty fine for a sequel.

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Morgan Freeman, enough said, as expected Samuel l Jackson and Salma Hayek stole the show

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Another super funny action movie to watch while eating popcorns. I loved it.

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Kinda like the first movie, but with even less accurate portrayal of Europe (it's like research about Europe didn't go beyond reading the first sentence on wikipedia).On the plus side, more Selma Hayek.

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Like McDonald's French fries reheated in the microwave the next day.

Typical of most sequels, tbh.

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Stupid, silly , dumb , comical , fun. It makes zero sense but it’s exactly what the world needs right now

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A movie that has no real reason to exist is quite funny. Possibly the funniest movie I have seen this year.

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A-list stars in a meh movie. Not the greatest thing you'll see this summer, but give it a go.

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More humour that's similar to the first one. Action is so-so but I was laughing almost the entire time.

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This was bad. Moments of spark but really poor, over-the-top try-hard acting. Salma Hayek is very poorly cast in the role. Reminds me of her acting in that other movie - Bliss. Very one-tone.

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