Review by Paladin5150

Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard 2021

If you saw "The Hitman's Bodyguard" and enjoyed it, then, you kind of know what you're getting into for this outing. A continuation of Michael Bryce and Darius Kincaid's "complicated" admiration/revulsion relationship, interrupted by sporadic gunfire, car chases, explosions, near misses, not quite fatal hits, and the not infrequent focus on, and mentioning of, Salma Hayek's most visible assets.

The twist here is that Ryan Reynolds formerly AAA rated bodyguard Michael Brice has lost his license, and, along with it, much of his Mojo, which he is attempting to regain by taking a break from bullets', blood, and brain splatter, in order to find his TRUE self. Then, into the middle of his quest drops Sonia, Darius Kincaid's voluptuously volatile wife, throwing a full magazine and some big ol' GUNS of a monkey wrench into the works. Hilarity and exploding noggins ensue.

So far, so funny. But then, to give the endeavor some purpose other than to ogle Miss Hayek, and listen to Bryce whine for 99 minutes, , they have to "rescue" Darius from a former contract who took exception to him giving unauthorized pink slips to many of his former (now deceased) employees. Lots of yucks when Sonia uses her ample "skillz" to distract the baddies until she can dispatch them for "getting to fresh", and making her lose her blouse. Rescue successful, but rut roh Shaggy, in the process they offed an Interpol snitch, who was going to deliver up the main baddie, introduced at the beginning of the film, played by a caricature of Antoino Banderas. In what could have been a bright spot, the fish out of water Interpol agent is played by none other than Frank Grillo. Alas, they literally give him NOTHING to do, but, since they screwed up his operation, he tasks our trio with taking over the mission.

All goes well until Bryce is recognized at the exchange by a former client, who is VERY hyped to see him, and thus blows their cover. Bullets', blood and brain spatter once again ensues, until Bryce saves Sonia from a shotgun blast by shoving her out of the way by, you guessed it, by her bodaciousness's. Ha ha, starting to see a pattern here....

Finding themselves in a situation WAY out of their depth, Bryce reluctantly seeks help from his father, who is GOD, but likes to handle things more directly in this version. He "helps" our trio, but, they are captured by the head baddie, who, PLOT TWIST, used to bump uglies with Mrs. Darios Kincaid. Now I don't know how Darious Kincaid feels about Foot Massages, but, I'm sure he was not to happy to discover who also had been in his wife's most holiest of Holy's. Just saying! He offers her stability and a lifetime of high living, so she has a choice to make, and, she makes it, much to Darious' chagrin.

Torture, escape, skull bashing, and stabation occur, as our duo work together to help stop the end of Europe as we know it. Darious confesses to Bryce that it was Michael that shot his left testicle off in Barcelona, which is why he can't give Mrs. Kincaid the progeny she so desires. Double crosses and Oedipal conflicts commence, conclude, and like John Wick's Number 2 pencil, we discover that "the penknife is very much underrated, because no one ever sees it coming.

The fun, but silly plot twist at the end set's up the inevitable part 3...


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