This is a thoroughly underwhelming cash grab on the part of all involved, complete with (1) a weak script and plot with many indications that it was being done on the fly; (2) a cast that is clearly having fun but not remotely interested in treating this as anything more than the aforementioned cash grab that it is; and (3) a whopping -- based on a subtitle search for "fuc" -- 194 f-bombs. That averages out to almost two f-bombs per minute of run time, and it seems like even more than that. The one bright spot? The jokes in the movie spare no one, and no class or group of people is given any sort of a protected status, which, for my money, is how things SHOULD be, but rarely are these days. Overall, though, given the talent behind the thing, it's the kind of movie that seems to want to make people even more cynical than they already are about the future of film. Definitely not a keeper.

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