Saw this in theaters (time is accurate on first play & 2nd play -- my note). I really loved the music in this one

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Shout by Luigi :wink:
BlockedParent2024-01-12T13:49:17Z— updated 2024-01-16T14:12:13Z

“dobby has no master. dobby is a free elf.”

slow at times, but still one of my favorites of the series. such a good lead-in to the next.

the animation in the deathly hallows story is just amazing.

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The weakest entry in the series. Still a good watch, but it feels extremely lacklustre when compared to the other films - I think that's just something that often comes with being 'Part 1' of a two-part film. Still, there are some great moments in here, and it does its job well setting up the final film.

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the tale of the three brothers’ animation? that’s cinema at its finest !

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They named a character Backshot? Hahaha.

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this film is completely serious, and allows for a deeper dive into the darkness that has overtaken the wizarding world

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Goated movie fr fr fr

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Shout by JLumsden

Probably my least favorite of the franchise as it begins promising as the opening scene with everyone attempting to get Harry to the Weasley's safely is game changing and there is excitement for the hunt for horcoxes, but the film ends with only one found and way too much to be left for the finale. But its still a great Potter film.

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The controversial splitting up of the last Harry Potter novel into two films proves to be detrimental to the series and undermines the material, resulting Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 being quite lackluster. Picking up shortly after the last film, Harry and his friends set out to finish the work of Dumbledore by finding Voldemort’s horcruxes and destroying them. The story is long and boring, and really goes nowhere. It feels incomplete in a lot of ways, as it resolves nothing and doesn’t further the plot. Additionally, most of the performances are dull and uninteresting; lacking the passion and spirit that the other films have. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 is a monotonous film that fails to stand on its own and is only mildly entertaining.

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It was unnecessarily long. Too slow. Worst among all the movies.

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The Harry Potter series
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (2010)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (2011)

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Whatever I said about the previous two films, including the bad habit to kill off a loved character as a cheap way to close a boring film on a high note (and this time it kind of works).

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In my opinion this is the most uninteresting of the 8 movies, but that doesn't mean it's uninteresting.
Story: 6/10...a few pieces fall into place, but it just drags on way too long and there's not a lot of plot or character development
Dialogue: 6/10...suffers from the absence of virtually every adult character from the story so we're left with teenagers talking like teenagers
Performances: 6/10...probably the strongest work from Rupert so far in the series. Radcliff and Watson are fine.
Misc.: 7/10...some new settings and spells
Overall: 6/10

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Shout by Deleted

Worst in the franchise, I'm not sorry

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Might be one of the most boring and pointless moves ever, they spend the whole film just walking around in the woods.

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The first and last acts are done well. The middle however is slow, boring, and uneventful. Unfortunately that drags this film down significantly. Probably my least favorite entry in the series.

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after six films in which they have reduced everything to the bone (especially the last three) in this it was impossible to do it while maintaining a logical sense of the events, but the result is rather boring

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Watching this after reading the book makes so much more sense.

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Part One of the Deathly Hallows is an amazing film. I loved it immediately when I first saw it on the big screen in 2010. It‘s just so epic and dark. I also really love the score by the brilliant composer Alexandre Desplat. Overall just an amazing film that is a first part to an even more epic film but can easily stand on its own.

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It fascinates me that how I find so many new details in this movie even though I’ve already watched it lots of times.

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haven't read the books, but the pacing in the film did not work. Maybe it could work better as a 3 hour film if both parts were combined into one film?

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I still haven't read the books so this is all completely new for me. I do like the grim and dark setting the last few movies provide. Away from school, finally following a great quest. Looking forward to the final chapter!

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Dark, gritty, and slow, but is well made, and a very good adaptation of the book.

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I wish they would of cut this down a little bit and made the second act not as long and boring. The third act is great but it just ends. Nothing really storywise to stop with. I get they are making two movies out of one book but this was too much movie for not enough plot. I know the next one is where everything happens. Still I loved Harry and Hermione dancing. The deathly hallows part was really well done.

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This first part of the conclusion is interesting because for the first time the characters are not in Hogwarts. What was a protection before is now controlled by the enemy and our trio can only count on their own ressources. Some parts are slow but the beginning and the ending are strong and the animation of The tale of the three brothers is beautiful.

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The decision to split the final book into two parts means this is the first entry in the series that lacks a complete story and it’s a shame that a large section of the film feels padded out. It certainly starts strongly with the central trio isolated and on the run, but also seeking a way to defeat Voldemort - the sequence in the Ministry of Magic being tense, yet still a lot of fun despite the stakes. It’s a shame the film drags in its middle section, not just in terms of story but also because the character moments and themes have been covered before and are becoming a little repetitive. It does pick up in the final act which leads to a surprisingly emotional climax and there is a beautiful animated sequence that provides some backstory and explanation to the title of the film. Perhaps the sheer volume of plot and story still to be covered in Part 2 meant this film was inevitable, but equally there are certainly elements from the final film that could have been added here and resulted in two more balanced films.

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OH hell nah not dobbyy :( :

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Is it a movie or is it?:

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The Harry Potter movies continue with it's established drag. Barely anything happens in this 2 hours and 30 minutes movie that ends abruptly. Our heroes spend most of their time just milling around doing nothing and traveling the countryside with no apparent purpose. There's a breakup between friends that has no consequence and is resolved immediately and a maguffin that just shows up with no explanation.
It's a shame that a film with such a strong opening was filled with filler in the middle just to stretch it so they could make another one and milk more money from the fans. I would've been a furious if I'd seen it in theatres when it came out.

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A strong beginning to a grand finale.

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The first part of an overly long movie. It is actually a pretty good adaption, because the characters spend most of the time doing nothing, which is true to the source material.
This doesn't really work for me and just diminishes the rewatch factor.

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the dance scene impress me. otherwise, very well

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In my opinion the splitting of book seven into two movies caused HP 7.1 to be the weakest movie of the series: the second part of this movie drags on for too long and the ending is in the middle of nowhere story-wise.

However, the film is very well made, as are all the HP movies. And it has it's right to exist (if only to heighten the expectations and longing for the 8th and final Harry Potter movie!)."

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I think this is a good movie but does not work so much as an adaptation. There are many things in Potter universe that should have been explained in this film.

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Shout by Deleted


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rewatch | Best done filming. Really, almost no fault anything. Well, Dobby! ((((( #loveforever

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Shout by Deleted


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Lamest movie adaption EVER!

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Sure, books are always better, but I liked the dark setup and looking forward to the second part...

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