The decision to split the final book into two parts means this is the first entry in the series that lacks a complete story and it’s a shame that a large section of the film feels padded out. It certainly starts strongly with the central trio isolated and on the run, but also seeking a way to defeat Voldemort - the sequence in the Ministry of Magic being tense, yet still a lot of fun despite the stakes. It’s a shame the film drags in its middle section, not just in terms of story but also because the character moments and themes have been covered before and are becoming a little repetitive. It does pick up in the final act which leads to a surprisingly emotional climax and there is a beautiful animated sequence that provides some backstory and explanation to the title of the film. Perhaps the sheer volume of plot and story still to be covered in Part 2 meant this film was inevitable, but equally there are certainly elements from the final film that could have been added here and resulted in two more balanced films.

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