Dobby: "Dobby never meant to kill! Dobby only meant to maim, or seriously injure!"

Deathly Hallows: Part 1 is the perfect setup for a grand finale but it's also a genuinely great entry in the franchise. We get the payoff of the previous entries with all the main and side characters feeling well built at this point and that really helps this movie. The drama between Harry, Hermione and Ron was on point and the emotional moments throughout hit hard (I cried at the end).

A good mystery relating to Dumbledore and the adventure feels more perilous than ever. Lots of moments that come straight out of a horror movie, the snake had me on edge. Loved the animation segment. I damn near lost my mind when Dobby showed up, highlight of the movie for me. Ralph Fiennes steals the spotlight whenever he's on-screen as Voldemort, only wanted more of him.

It's not perfect though, there's lots of stuff that lacks explanation (at least to me) and was probably in the books. Some characters barely get two minutes of screen time. Felt rushed in the first act. Appreciated the slower second act. Third act was pretty cool but I wanted it to be a little more eventful, maybe more villains biting the dust or a bigger impact on the overarching story. A great watch nonetheless, one of the better entries in the franchise. Super hyped for Part 2.

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