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Emancipation 2022

I bet this movie slaps!

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Has anyone accused Will Smith of being a good actor? He rose to fame being the cocky dude in Independence Day and then again in MIB and that is his primary claim to fame. Anything serious he has done has been everything from overacting to just downright bad acting. He's not alone, his wife falls into the same category.

So he's a superhero slave that talks like an educated man and has mad skills at survival who apparently absorbs water at an accelerated rate if you are to believe his desperate drinks of water constantly. And that "artsy" black and white, it was silly. There are good reasons for black and white, say Schindlers List for example, but it's not this movie.

The Oscar slap thing probably steered him into doing a movie like this, but does anyone truly care that a guy who is full of himself and can't act slapped another guy who is less full of himself and is a worse actor?

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Aside from the racist story , I really loved the film. Hard to watch sometimes, but I had to keep watching.

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An Apple TV+ movie with Will Smith? Sign me up. Unfortunately, this one was a bit long for me (could have been cut down 20-30 minutes) and the black/white aesthetic didn’t really work for me.

Rating: 2/5 - 6.5/10 - Not Recommended to Everyone

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Good, but not fantastic.

Thought something was wrong with my TV. The colour was off - almost B&W, with almost a hint of colour (green).
Stupid idea if this is to make a point - probably some woke idea of showing us the pain and suffering while completely ignoring how many WHITE people died/maimed actually freeing the black slaves!

Plenty of plot holes during the pursuit.
For example:
He's in the swamp continually and it rains, but the dogs somehow can find his scent.
He's in a boat heading into the lake and freedom, but turns around and goes back toward his pursuers?!
The bad guys waste 5 days chasing him - how many slaves have now escaped back at the railroad? What did they eat while running through the swamp.. how about the horses?
Why were there so many well worn pathways to run the horse at full-tilt along the edge of the water?

There's more, but that's plenty.

Was going to give it a 7/10, but after typing out/remembering the plot holes... I'll give it a 5/10

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First half was good and kept my attention but second half I gave up as overly long and should have ended before the army scenes. Will Smith overacted a slave character with a diverse range of tactical and survival skills. Far better slave films/series out there, Roots being the best. 4/10.

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Gruelling drama is hard to sit through, not only because of the subject matter but because the choice to film it in black and white somehow makes it more of a slog. It's not that I'm averse to b&w films but it didn't seem to fit right here. Still, Smith turns in a great performance and the direction, on the whole, is terrific.

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This specific escaping slave is, all at once: Expert marksman, master survivalist, speaks like a college professor, and compassless
wayfinder extraordinaire. You need A LOT of suspension of disbelief for this one. When you get past the multi-talented miracle slave and the odd desaturated / black&white aesthetic of the movie, there is some entertainment there. It's overlong, and convoluted, but entertaining enough. "Based on a true story" though? At what point are we telling a true story with embellishments, and when do we cross the line into falsifying history? I feel this movie crosses that line at points, just for the sake of entertainment.

And OH GOD if he gasps again drinking water I'm going to go out in the swamp and shoot him myself. He drinks more than many a modern man but every time it's like he hasn't had a drop for a month. It gets grating...

Al in all: Worse things to do with 2 hours. Just don't expect to learn something about this dark time in history, just watch Will Smith in a drama which coincidentally plays out in that period. When the world was in black and white.

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Who thought black and white was a good choice... lol... turned that trash off

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[tv+] Antoine Fuqua does what you might expect of him for a breakout epic: he shoots it like "The Terminal List," including scenes with drones that feel overly artificial. This epic that turns a slave on the run in search of freedom into a kind of superhero, has a middle part that manages to build up as an effective chase thriller, albeit with a flat and ridiculous pursuer. And although Robert Richardson's cinematography manages to be at the same distance from the striking photography of "Whipped Peter", Fuqua's direction doesn't dignify, but rather vulgarizes his odyssey.

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There's better slave movies out there.

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Ok movie. Not historically accurate, but entertaining. Will did a good job. If you have time it is a MUST WATCH.

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Stylishly filmed in deliberately monochrome, much of the film is taken up with Smith's character's escape from the horrors of slavery to the struggle for emancipation as part of Lincoln's army, tackled in gritty 'Survivor' fashion, with a faceless bounty hunter as the pursuer. Okay, nothing new

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For once a movie about enslaved people where we don’t have to sit through torture and brutality. We all know those atrocities happened of course but the director is able to get his point across without being super in your face about it.
It had me on the edge of my seat all the way through. I was all in on this journey and praying for him because I was so invested.
The director was superb the acting by Will Smith in this movie is the best of his career.
If the academy chooses to snub him, anyone who actually saw this movie (with an open mind and without bias against Smith), will know that it was just politics because this movie deserves to be nominated & probably win for Best Picture, Best Director AND Best Actor
BRAVO to Apple TV+, Antoine Fuqua and Will Smith. Great work. You deserve all the awards!

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Was the movie being in Black & White supposed to make it edgier? I recommend watching :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:Django Unchained (2012):asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:, instead of wasting 2 hours watching Will Smith overacting here. :rofl:

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Thrilling historical war drama about an enslaved man who escapes from his captors only to be chased and hunted through the forest and swamp. He must survive in order to return to his family. Will Smith gives a superb performance. My biggest praise is it's cinematography it looks excellent from the unique coloring, the set, costumes and the way it was filmed. It's around 70% black & white and 30% colors it just depends on the scenes and some characters are colored and others aren't. It felt weird in the beginning but I got used to it quickly and it gives a unique style to the film. The runtime felt overlong a lot could of been cut out but I was captivated the whole time and was never bored. I wish it got more emotional overall. The alligator scene was so cool and the war sequences in the third act looked gorgeous.

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