Shout by Speed Demon

Emancipation 2022

Good, but not fantastic.

Thought something was wrong with my TV. The colour was off - almost B&W, with almost a hint of colour (green).
Stupid idea if this is to make a point - probably some woke idea of showing us the pain and suffering while completely ignoring how many WHITE people died/maimed actually freeing the black slaves!

Plenty of plot holes during the pursuit.
For example:
He's in the swamp continually and it rains, but the dogs somehow can find his scent.
He's in a boat heading into the lake and freedom, but turns around and goes back toward his pursuers?!
The bad guys waste 5 days chasing him - how many slaves have now escaped back at the railroad? What did they eat while running through the swamp.. how about the horses?
Why were there so many well worn pathways to run the horse at full-tilt along the edge of the water?

There's more, but that's plenty.

Was going to give it a 7/10, but after typing out/remembering the plot holes... I'll give it a 5/10

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