Shout by TV Watcher

Emancipation 2022

Has anyone accused Will Smith of being a good actor? He rose to fame being the cocky dude in Independence Day and then again in MIB and that is his primary claim to fame. Anything serious he has done has been everything from overacting to just downright bad acting. He's not alone, his wife falls into the same category.

So he's a superhero slave that talks like an educated man and has mad skills at survival who apparently absorbs water at an accelerated rate if you are to believe his desperate drinks of water constantly. And that "artsy" black and white, it was silly. There are good reasons for black and white, say Schindlers List for example, but it's not this movie.

The Oscar slap thing probably steered him into doing a movie like this, but does anyone truly care that a guy who is full of himself and can't act slapped another guy who is less full of himself and is a worse actor?

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@tvwatcherdenver I thought he got known for the being the fresh prince of bel air.
