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Dirty Grandpa 2016

i laughed way more than i should have, while i was watching this movie, lmao

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a very funny movie! just hilarious!

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First: Don't read majority of this guys comments. They're snobs, purists of the movie industry.

The movie was okay. This type of humor isn't refined. It's more like American Pie style. But it's okay.
If you're here for giggles and dark jokes, then stay. But if you want more serious humor, then it will probably cringe you to death.

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I love this film. I spent a lot of time with my grandfather as a kid, so this reminds me of fun times.

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I don’t know, it was kinda shit but was here for Zac and Deniro

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Shout by Deleted

brilliantly terrible... bad story line and everything bad but something about it is really pleasing...

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Horrible movie, really horrible. De niro should be ashamed for this trash
kudos on sexy Plaza though

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Great film. Had me laughing all the way through.

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I find it almost fascinating... seeing De Niro in such dumpster movies.

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Horrible. Just horrible. Don't waste your time.

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Not even the greatest cast can save this less than mediocre movie

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Well it was very very bad. All comedy was riding on the dialogues which is lazy film making and jokes were terrible. Felt like watching 2 hours of 13 year old standup comedians who flood you with jokes, quantity over quality.

Also every time Nick and Pam had screen time I wanted to stop watching.

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Nice to see, got a few good laughs!

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - This is a good film. Not a film to watch with the family

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Watching this one after finishing Ameriacan Pie 5, this film seemed to be so meaningful and entertaining.

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A raunchy comedy that, while predictable, manages to deliver some laughs and plenty of fantastic one-liners. While the overall plot may not offer many surprises, it still manages to find its comedic footing. The narrative follows the conventional formula of an uptight character being reluctantly dragged into a wild adventure by a loose cannon. Despite the predictability, the film compensates with its hilarious scenarios and absurd situations that push the boundaries of taste.

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It's absolutely soul crushing to see a legend like Robert De Niro making terrible dick jokes, flexing his muscles with Efron, rapping, and not giving a single f*k. I'm disappointed in you De Niro. I mean he doesn't have to do roles like this. Some people say that he's doing it for a paycheck, well f*k that paycheck.

De Niro is slowly turning into the Orson Welles of not giving a sh*t anymore.

This is going to be Robert De Niro in five years time:

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Nice Movie Really Enjoyed Watching It

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If you set your mind to silly mode before the movie starts you'll love it, so that was what I did. And, seeing Aubrey acting as another awkward girl is enough to score some points with me.

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It for sure made me laugh, but it also made me very confused about basically everything. Some jokes were just a bit too much for me I think, but some were brilliant, I have to give them that. I think the story underneath all the jokes was quite nice. I really like the relationship between Jason and Shadia, but also Jason and Dick. If you think about it, it's all quite sweet, but it was put into a jacked of dirty jokes.

I wasn't planning on watching it (even though in my opinion Zac Efron has been making brilliant movies lately), but then it turned up on Netflix and I watched it with a friend. To be honest, if you don't watch it you won't miss much. But if you want something easy going, quite funny and a bit weird, you should watch it. I'm giving this one a very solid 6.

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Crazy and hilarious movie, enjoyable but forgetable as well.

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Shout by Deleted

Crap, garbage, lousy. Get the idea?

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Really really really not good.

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Não é o que eu esperava. Mas é sensacional, ri pra cacete.

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It was a fun movie (not as fun as Bad Neigbours 2 though), but I have to agree... this is a disgrace for DeNiro.

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DeNiro such a great actor

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What a disgrace for DeNiro. This whole movie is just garbage. I like crude humor, but this was just terrible. DeNiro must have got paid a ton to do this crap.

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So damn funny, everytime got me like wtf is going on ! LOL

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It's been very poor, predictable.

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I don't know what I expected....

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Nikad gori film sa DeNiro-m nisam gledao... Debilno, psovkom su valjda htjeli što??? Popraviti lošu glumu, scenarij ili što???. Nerazumijem što je ovo glumcu poput Denira trebalo. Sramota.
Potpuni gubitak vremena.

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Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff
BlockedParent2016-06-03T21:18:14Z— updated 2016-07-11T14:32:50Z

So called comedy aims for the lowest common denominator and sinks even lower. For all its attempts to be offensive and controversial it still goes for genre conventions at the end. As predictable as it is boring.

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cooll as best ever hay

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Shout by Deleted

So funny, I love it!! #ShiftvW8

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