Shout by Serena

Dirty Grandpa 2016

It for sure made me laugh, but it also made me very confused about basically everything. Some jokes were just a bit too much for me I think, but some were brilliant, I have to give them that. I think the story underneath all the jokes was quite nice. I really like the relationship between Jason and Shadia, but also Jason and Dick. If you think about it, it's all quite sweet, but it was put into a jacked of dirty jokes.

I wasn't planning on watching it (even though in my opinion Zac Efron has been making brilliant movies lately), but then it turned up on Netflix and I watched it with a friend. To be honest, if you don't watch it you won't miss much. But if you want something easy going, quite funny and a bit weird, you should watch it. I'm giving this one a very solid 6.

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