Review by Shelby Goldfarb

Dirty Grandpa 2016

There were a few jokes that landed for me, but as a whole, this was not a great movie. It sucks, because the premise of the movie is actually really interesting. The biggest flaw is that the humor is so off the mark. Many of the character's motivations make no sense and are just downright mean...not because it was built into the character, but because the humor called for it. Just a few lines here and there could have changed that, but they weren't going for a good film at all. Zac Efron's efforts to deliver the jokes are noticed, but in the end there is no way to save this script. The only genuinely funny character is Aubrey Plaza and that's for the sheer shock factor. But the saddest thing about this film is Robert DeNiro. Such a talented actor with great comedic timing and he is completely miscast for this character. Not to say he doesn't knock it out of the park in a few scenes (VERY few), but no one would be able to work with what they've been given here. All we have is a mean-spirited, ugly, poorly executed film TRYING to be Bad Santa or American Pie, but missing the mark entirely.

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