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Captain Marvel 2019

Okay, it was alright but nothing brilliant and that's because It lacked the energy but does beat some of the MCU movies and loved the 1990s feel to It and I couldn't complain on the casting, (Brie Larson) plays a good (captain marvel). The film had some good action but didn't really get big till the end so I was disapointed in that. Goose is by far my favourite character and hope to see more of her XD

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Maybe my least favorite Marvel, and that's saying something. I like boring in many instances, but I was bored. Brie Larson not acting well? Wasn't expecting that.

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Carol Danvers will be a great addition to the MCU. I've always liked the character, so I went into the movie knowing that I'd probably like it. And guess what, I DID! And we also got the most of Samuel Jackson in this one than we got in every other MCU film combined! And damn, that de-aging technology really looked good.

So Captain Marvel sets the character up by letting us discover her lost memory with her. Which is done alright. They also let most of the film be in the 90s which was fun! Like seeing gameboys, the soundtrack etc. etc. We also get an early Ronin and Coulson! I liked that the Kree and Skrull were heavily involved! And the humor was fun,

It felt like a bit of a different Marvel film but that was not bad. It sets up the character for more development which she'll surely get when the Russo Brothers will handle her in the next Avengers. And if they do it well, I do think that Captain Marvel could be one of the characters to carry the MCU in Phase 4 and beyond!

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A solid Marvel movie. It’s nothing special though, and there wasnt really anything to love about the film. But it does what it’s supposed to do - gives us the origin story of Captain Marvel so that we care about her more in Endgame.

My only real ‘complaint’ so to speak about the movie is that every one of the plot twists is extremely predictable.

It was obvious the moment that the movie started that Jude Law’s chracter had alterior motives. There was no way he was only appearing in the movie in a tiny meaningless role. The whole cat thing with Fury’s eye was also predictable. People were predicting that just from watching the trailers.

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Captain Marvel hits more than it misses; a fun, nostalgia-tinged addition to the MCU. It's not up there with the very best - it drags around the middle, there are no decent villains - but it makes up for that with some top special effects and the usual side order of Marvellous humour. It's a blast, sometimes literally, and ties in neatly with Endgame.

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I literally fell asleep during the movie and we didn't even wait for the credits scenes due to how bad it was.

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this movie is enjoyable it's definitely a action Blockbuster crazy visuals big explosive action

lots of sci-fi elements

it is a treat for MCU fanboys as well

cameos from agents of shield characters Phil coulson and Nick fury
are great coulson wasn't really in the movie that much but his scenes are really good

Brie Larson herself just wasn't that interesting to me

she didn't really seem to have a whole lot of personality traits she just was sarcastic in had an attitude which actually made her come off as annoying some of the time

most of the other characters are great I found myself enjoying their scenes way more then the title character

all in all it's a pretty standard marvel movie

there's a lot of great fights action sequences

plenty of comical moments

Easter eggs and

probably one of the best Stan Lee cameos

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In general I put it with the better MCU movies. This is a good origin story with a slight twist. We find out how she gets her powers, but not in the way you would normally expect from a Marvel flick. The story is well put together and has an interesting plot twist. We get a nice soundtrack with 90's hits, honest humour without over-the-top slapstick, and 100% cuteness factor with Goose the cat. The end of the film is a bit cringy, but I can handle it.
The only downside is perhaps the character development of the lead role. Well, we would all like to immediately become best friends with Carol Danvers. We also understood that she pretty sharp toungue. But we didn't see a flawed personality, no sharp edges except a good sense of humor. And that does take away some credibility. Hopefully we will see this in the sequel (or in Endgame). Because don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of this film. And I can't wait to see more Captain Marvel!

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Shout by Deleted

I think you guys rock

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The movie is weak in all regards.
Soundtrack, mixing, direction, acting, plot, pacing, and on it goes.

It's sad because I loved Brie's performance in "Room", but she's completely miscast here. The awful direction she was given also didn't help. Jackson, Mendelssohn, & Law all embody their characters with a real personality. Larson just... "does" impressions of being strong & snarky; But just one at a time and clearly on a queue, not as fluid aspects of a complete personality that defines the character. Seems like they almost tried to hide that behind the 'I can't remember who I am'.

Think to yourself, "how would I do a (Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America, Batman, Forrest Gump, Tom Cruise, etc...) impression?" You have a clear character in your mind to emulate. Now try that with Carol Danvers... I can't.

This movie feels like a total afterthought to the franchise because they couldn't find a place to introduce her in any other movie before Endgame.

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By the numbers. Few surprises. Little I will remember tomorrow. 6/10

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I'd say the 3rd act is definitely the weakest, I definitely enjoyed watching Carol and Nick Fury more than Captain Marvel but I still ended up liking this more than I was expecting which isn't saying much but I was pleasantly surprised. Sure the hero needs a flaw and hopefully more personality in the sequel but I still thought Brie Larson was very good and the film wasn't half bad.

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Good for brainless fun. Little depth to the characters. Talos and the Cat are stand-out characters. Which really says something about the leads. Carol is only interesting when she's in a scene with Fury.

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I absolutely loved the movie! The story was great and told in a very interesting way. Brie Larson is the perfect fit for Captain Marvel and the MCU tie-ins were so cool! Just a brilliant film. So stoked for Endgame now!

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This movie made me want to read comic books again. So well done!

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this movie remembers me the steel man 2013 kkkk

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A female hero comes at exactly the right time just like when a black hero did. Extra points for this dropping on international women's day. Wasn't the worst movie ever but the character is just an unnecessary patch sewed into the Avengers story. She'll probably single-handedly save the day setting up Endgame to be lauded as the greatest movie ever.

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Shout by NForcer

the story and the whole "scrull are really the good guys" twist was weak as hell :))
but still an enjoyable film full of action, the proper amount of comedy relief moments and don't believe all the nay-sayers : Brie Larson is really plays ok and seams to play justice to the Captan Marvel character

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I liked it, it's not the best, but I liked it, the cat and Samuel L. Jackson helped. That Dragon Ball scene, or that scene taken from Independece day

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If you think you know everything about Carol Danvers, think again. This film is FULL of twists, fun scenes, emotional moments, excellent music choices and the most cute cat ever seen on a movie. For those complaining about Fury’s pager being given at the end of the story and having “no sense with the Avengers and other plotlines” just remember: Carol gave him the pager only for emergencies and all the Avengers were available on all of the previous events. YOU HAVE TO ADMIT SHE WAS VERY BUSY AT THE TIME GIVEN HELPING THE SKRULLS AND DESTROYING THE KREE EMPIRE.

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Really liked this one. Feels full of joy, similar to Black Panther although not as good. Loved all the 90s nods and Goose!

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It is mostly boring although it has its moments

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A solid entry into the MCU. Brie Larson is fantastic and I can't wait to see more of her. Samuel L. Jackson is his usual self. His chemistry with Brie Larson is a lot of fun. The deaging is incredible, it looked like he traveled back in time to do this movie. Ben Mendelsohn's performance is great. Goose the cat is awesome. The action is fine. It does the origin story well enough but doesn't fully explain everything and still leaves me with some questions. This has a hard time living up to the stakes of Infinity War and Endgame but on it's own it's good.

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Shout by Deleted

I love the movie, I really don't know why is rated so low... I love it and you have to see this before the "end game". Take care. Rico

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amazing story line....overall good movie.....and the acting of cat is mind blowing. I will never see a cat in normal way.
Post credit scenes was lit.
Waiting for Avenger end game

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Finally we have movie dedicated to the teenagers from the 90-ties not the 80-ties. For great music and memories from that dedade I gave it +1.

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Captain Marvel Was Beyond My Expectations & I Just Love The Way Her Story Was Introduced In The 90s! An Action Packed Movie, Truly A New Captain In The Marvel Universe - It Introduced Her Storyline & A Total Setup For The Avengers Endgame - Loved Goose In The Movie, When You See It You Will Understand

Loved The 90s Nostalgia And How The Whole Story Was Developed With The Young Samuel L. Jackson aka Nick Fury & It Was Totally My Kind Of Humor! Another Hit For Marvel, I Love It And Cant Wait For More Captain Marvel

#Captain #Marvel #CaptainMarvel #Movie #MCU #MarvelUniverse #SamuelLJackson #BrieLarson #Avengers #90s #NickFury #InfinityWar #EndGame #March #2019

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After a puissant story like Black Panther and exuberantly received fan-service viz Infinity War, Marvel has given a story that is somewhere between insipid to tenuous with formulaic comedy which is extremely boring. A life threatening, serious situation and all of a sudden there's comedy. It's expected and not funny anymore. Marvel uses this in almost all the movies now from Thor: Ragnarok to Infinity War. Even if the lack of a strong villain could have been ignored, the movie lacks the connect to make you feel like Captain Marvel has outgrown personal adversities fighting her inner demons. The movie is incomparable to Wonder Woman, which had a fair share of it's problem (viz the villain, an emotional ending which felt imposed), while Captain Marvel itself is a problem. The story has a bizarre flow, lacks engaging dialogues, a worthy villain to overcome and doesn't even have entertainment (not even at the expense of the story).

People who found Justice League to be underwhelming should take Captain Marvel as a challenge.

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Pretty boring until the end, but Captain Marvel won my heart when she didn't bother with Yon-Rogg's "Fight me without your powers if you dare", which so many other heroes would've fallen for. And speaking of heroes, FLERKEN KITTY IS MINE.

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I found the movie a lot of fun even if I was more interested in the cat. Than what Captain Marvel is capable of. I just don’t think it’s the greatest Marvel film I have seen, meaning from the studio.
Especially when She’s Just a Girl by No Doubt is played during a fight scene. That was a little cheesy.

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Captain Marvel is here to pull the rug from under 'em all MCUs !!

The plot, the action, the friendship "instead of the usual romantic interest" the OTP of Carol and Fury, the cat! the 90's references, I just can't wait to see it again.. and again

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6's and 7's from all of these commenters so far?!

This movie was very entertaining. Larson is Danvers just about as well as Downey Jr is Stark. She was a great choice. The movie had some awesome humor thrown in without it feeling forced.

I don't need to go into more details. It'd 100% worth seeing in theaters.

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Slow at times but an overall good story.

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The movie was very well done. The story line was intriguing and kept you guessing. Excited to see Carol Danvers in Avengers:End Game!

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I have been waiting for this movie for a long time. Being a huge fan of Captain Marvel I had high hopes. I was not let down. The film is fun, action packed and really funny. It starts off slow but it kicks into high gear about 15-20 minutes in. Brie is a spot on Carol. Sam Jackson seems to be having a blast. Ben Mendelson is excellent. And Goose the Cat steals every scene he’s in. There are some great twists and explanations to certain things in the MCU.

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im not a big fan of this kree stuff but gosh i love brie SO much and seeing shield and the marvel universe in the 90s was iconic. hope the second instalment will be better!


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The credits scene.. Oh god (goosebumps)!!

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I wasn't looking forward for this movie, but boy i'm happy i saw it! The story is amazing, the music, sounds, the graphics, couldn't help it but it had a Guardians feel to it. Not to mention Ronan and Korath being in it ofc. I love Goose too, thinking about calling my next cat Goose haha. The backstories were awesome and if you grew up in the 90's it's so much more fun, and ofc the extra credit scene to rule them all and bind them all together.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2019-03-07T18:47:43Z— updated 2019-03-09T22:11:46Z

Le personnage de Captain Marvel est magnifique. Très bon casting pour l’actrice principale. Malgré quelques images superbes en ScreenX, la narration est faible. Certaines scènes sont même ennuyeuses.

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Just watched it in theatre. Had to say, this is an amazing movie. Brie Larsson really nailed it as Captain Marvel. The storyline is good, action sequences are good too. Will go tomorrow to watch it for the second time. Don't miss this awesome movie guys.

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Captain Marvel is the sugar in a wedding cake because it's sweet but not very substantial and really is only tasty filler before the main event.

The film fulfills its duty as an important chapter in the novel approach to Avengers: Endgame, and that's its biggest problem. The film spends so much time setting up the pieces that once the action begins we've already started losing interest in the game and then the action is nowhere near spectacular enough and the CGI is nowhere near flawless enough to make us care.

Brie Larson does a wonderful job in the role, but could not make me shake the feeling that the film is a friend telling me what happened in the movie, rather than a superhero film itself.

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This is the first super hero movie I've ever seen where I have actually read the bulk of the comics that the movie is based on. So maybe I'm too close to it to see the big picture.
I loved this movie. They 100% crush the characterisation of Carol. She is exactly the person I love from the comics I love.
I was a bit thrown by the framing at the start, but once the film gets its legs everything is great. I think this is deliberate through, because it gives you the same uneasy feeling Carol is going through with her memory loss.
Everything else plays out like a pretty straightforward action movie.
Samuel L Jackson looks amazing considering he is playing 30 years younger than he is. Ben Mendelsohn stands out in every scene he is in. Brie Larson does a perfect job.
Overall, pretty good film.

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This movie, in my opinion, is a breathe of fresh air, and an AMAZING origin story, with so many great easter eggs. There's also a good level of laughs without making it cringe at all. The issue with MCU lately is too many big names in each movie, but the level of characters in this is great. Definitely one of my top, if not my new top favourite MCU movie. Go watch it!

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It's not bad movie ,I love the character, the story line is good and connected to other marvel cinematic story, she has a powerful power that could be take down thanos in the next avengers.I give 7 out of 10

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Haven't watched this yet so have to pay attention

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