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Black Adam 2022

Shout by oo0

Decent move for DC but I just kept thinking I have seen that before in a Marvel movie

1 = plane coming out the ground = x-men
2 = cyclone = storm from x-men
3 = atom smasher = ant man
4 = dr fate = dr strange
5 = eternium = vibranium
6 = hawkman = falcon
7 = kahndaq = wakanda
8 = I am sure there were more..........

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Honestly, I’m not sure why this movie is getting so much flack. This is a balls to the wall action movie, starring the Rock. They cut the fluff. There’s minimal plot. But I’ll be damned if this movie doesn’t start and give you a two hour action sequence. It’s quite simply a good time. It’s not groundbreaking. It’s not gonna make people like the Rock. It’s not gonna convince DCU haters that they make good movies. But if you like superhero action, this is a highly enjoyable watch and truly showcases how great Black Adam is.

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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For a movie called "Black Adam" i felt there wasn't enough of Black Adam, it should have been called "The JSA featuring Black Adam" or "JSA vs Black Adam"

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This might be one of the worst things I've ever seen. I was going to write a whole breakdown of what didn't work and why, but then I realised that this thing isn't worth a single extra moment of my time. I'm merely here to recommend that you don't watch this.

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With reviews like “anti-entertaining”, I wasn’t expecting much but I was pleasantly surprised! Granted it isn’t anything new but it’s run-of-the-mill fare done well. Supremely watchable. Ties into the larger DCEU including Peacemaker in believable fashion. The only part I was sad about was the death of a very interesting character so soon after their introduction. Hope they are brought back in some form later.

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I don't actually follow DC films, but maybe through Black Adam, I might start doing so. I mean, it isn't different from other superhero films I've watched, but I really appreciate the cinematography and CGI in this film, especially during the fight scene between Black Adam and Hawkman. The details are amazing. That's all I have to say though.

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i didn't see this movie until now cuz of all the bad reviews. but gotta say it's better than the latest all Marvel movies.

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The only remotely decent thing in this movie was dr. Fate, literally everything else was garbage.

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Hackman was always a bad superhero, but they truly took him to the next level of clueless and inept. Aldis Hodge did the best with what he was given.

The Justice Society was always a joke, but wow, they are about as dimwitted and impotent as they could possibly be.

This movie is primarily bad because the writers were horrible.

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The best thing about this is the vfx. Everything else is meaningless, especially it being a comic book universe.

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Honestly it's unintentionally funny, has great Dwayne the Rock Johnson meme potential, and some action scenes were cool to look at.

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This made me hard af, and it won't go away. I called my doctor and he said "Me too."

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More like Blah Kadam pppfffrrrtttttt

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"It's been a while since anyone's made the world this nervous. Black Adam. We should talk."

Did't really enjoy the little kid, couldn't really get into the cgi, I did like Pierce Brosnan as the DC dr. Strange, I really enjoyed Aldis Hodge as Hawkman and the Rock was alright and I do want to see Superman vs. Black Adam could be a great fight.

Anyway I had to watch something during my flight back from Los Angeles to Amsterdam and I decided to watch this one. A airplane movie screen isn't the best way to enjoy movies but it was a way to pass the time. Maybe I would've enjoyed Black Adam more on a bigger screen so maybe I'll watch it again someday.

Still I went in with much lower expectations for this one. Somewhere in the back of my mind I thought it would suck so much. But hey, happy that it was better than that. Still not that good though!

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was okay but not worth watching a second time.

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It's unbelievable how they managed to waste so much potential with so many pathetic elements.

Pathetic dialogues, pathetic characters, pathetic humor, pathetic plot.

CGI and some few scenes covering moral topics within two or three sentences were the only decent parts.

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Apparently, it's supposed to be very bad, but it was just normal bad. But I guess watching a dead franchise whose post credit scene won't even be taken anywhere is a bummer.

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Good action. Dr fate is great. Cameo at the end was the best part. Rock played the rock which is dissapointing. Would have been good to see him as black Adam with the hair, make up, accent and possibly be a bit more evil. Didn't care for thr kid or thr Disney like story line of him leading people who shouldn't care for what he is saying. Good but nothing worth raving about. Need Henry Caville back though.

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Once you get past massive use of slow motion, the fairly terrible CGI and the not so great acting it wasn't too bad.

I enjoyed how everyone played their characters, with the odd exceptions of some minor, newer actors (and one larger role - hawkman, who's acting just seemed a bit... bland?) I liked the humour that was given by Dwayne's dry delivery, I enjoyed the use of his power (something I'd like to see more antiheroes and villains doing in this type of film)

I managed to avoid everything to do with this film until I watched it and wasn't too disappointed with the twists and turns, even if they're a bit over done.

Some good fights, some interesting scenes, definitely one to watch and not expect much of. You'll enjoy it more that way I think.

never watch a trailer

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One of the few DC live action films I enjoyed. Man of Steel is the other.

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Cool action scenes but this movie just feels like a 13-year old's power fantasy of the Rock going 'im so super strong the bad guys will fire guns at me and then ill shrug it off and go super fast and zap them and ill meet superman and and and'

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I'm tired bullshit movie from Marvel and DC. They are taking us for granted. What a basic plot and execution.

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Dr. Fate and Hawkman were by far the best part of the movie. Without them, I don't think I would've liked this movie at all.
Atom Smasher and Cyclone were alright. That small plot twist with Black Adam's origin was good too. But the rest of the movie falls flat.
Some of the dialogues and choices made by the characters were so poorly written that were beyond critical thinking.
Overall plot of the movie was very forgettable.
There wasn't enough depth shown in the main character itself. After finishing the movie, I didn't like the main character which normally doesn't happen.
Love THE ROCK and how he's so inspiring irl but his acting fell short as a lead character imo compared to the performace put up by Aldis Hodge and Pierce Brosnan.

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It's not terrible but it suffers from a poorly written and executed plot, bland characters and an unlikeable anti-hero.

5.5/10 - for the (failed) potential

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It had a few good moments, the slow-motion fights were a good touch, but man, the dialogue was awful. The storyline jumped from moment to moment without any kind of smooth transitions in between, lacking the much needed backstory in most of the scenes that were central to the character and the storyline as a whole. It's quite the disappointment actually.

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Black Adam isn't funny, original or interesting. The visuals effect are below par and a lot of the elements we've seen a thousand times in the past 1,5 decade. This whole thing is just incredibly mediocre. It's fun to see Brosnan in this kind of role, tho.

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Definitely not one of the Rock’s better movies

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Poor and very derivative.

Just not very imaginative. DC still trying to be Marvel and failing

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Great flick! I really enjoyed the hell out of this movie, I really loved the fact that Dr. Fate had sacrificed himself for the team.
And just to add icing on the cake, I liked how Teth-Adam split Sabbac down the middle, that was... unexpected! Nice!

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First of all, it’s not bad. There were a lot of good actors. The movie was fun to watch; if you enjoy superhero movies, you’ll probably enjoy this. This movie was a lot better than the reviews made it out to be. The cinematography was pretty good as well.

That said, I wouldn’t call this movie ~good~. It was a very stereotypical superhero movie. None of the characters were very fleshed out and the story wasn’t amazing; it all felt rushed.

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It's insane when you think about what this movie could've been and what it ended up being. I don't know how they keep failing at this movie thing.

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Nice action movie. Aside from Sarah Shahi, the younger actors were pretty dumb.

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It's fine, but the editong is really bad at times

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This movie should just be called ‘Dwayne Johnson’s latest steroid cycle’.

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The beginning is weak, you can feel it is strongly inspired by Marvel movies (even if it DC was the first with that comics). The film develops in the second part, giving the basis for the construction of the next movies. It's a shame that WB screwed up as usual. ;)

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Tolerable is as good as it gets

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This would have made a better tv show than movie. They could have had a whole episode about each of the main plot points and it would have been more interesting.

But as far as a movie, if they had cut out all of the pointless, meaningless fighting, the fighting that mattered would have had more impact.

The way it is now, it's just a movie with a lot of fighting and you don't really care about it.

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[HBO Max] So confused, uninspired and chaotic that it's understandable what its trajectory in theaters has been like. There is an evident lack of development in characters that never abandon their status as clichés, as mere elements of support for the protagonist, whose evolution is not particularly successful either. But planning by Jaume Collet-Serra, a director who sometimes makes decent action movies but doesn't seem prepared for a CGI blockbuster. There is a visual concept that makes the film absolutely soporific.

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Get rid of the skateboard!
I was so annoyed seeing Amon on that skateboard, over and over in the movie.
Outside of that, I like the movie.
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson did not disappoint.

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its only saved by a few cool shoots, otherwise really generic and feels like a copy

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Mediocre at best and i had very low expectations

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Not good, but not as bad as I thought it might be. This is a case where the execution falls flat, but the big ideas are pretty solid. The anti-hero structure was just enough of a change in pace from the typical onslaught of superhero films. Having the Justice Society playing the pseudo-antagonist for the first half of the movie was fun, and I liked the ensemble (or maybe I'm just a sucker for Pierce Brosnan). I was also pleasantly surprised that none of them turned evil, as that felt like the natural twist. Of course, having the Justice Society fill out the early/mid action sequences meant that the big baddie didn't show up until the end, leaving him feeling rushed and underdeveloped. But that's often how villains feel in superhero films anyway, so I was okay with him basically being a third act only villain. Ultimately, the biggest weak spot in the final sequence wasn't the big bad, it was his "minions". The skeleton/zombie fight with the human characters felt totally manufactured and out of place.

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I was really hyped for this so I ended up super disappointed. It's a 5/10 and that's it. Pierce Brosnan as Dr. Fate was incredible. It feels kinda like a Synder cut situation where they tried to cram what should've been multiple movies into a single one and the end result ended up sucking. They just assume everyone knows stuff about random nobodies that have never been introduced anywhere. But I'm not sure even if it had been three movies if it would've been any better because virtually everyone in it is so uninteresting, aside from Dr. Fate tbh. Ironically, he would've actually been a decent character for them to include in future works in the DCU but they killed him off in the very same movie he was introduced. So they pretty much screwed themselves in every respect on this one.

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Seems like DC can only provide a "Team" VS movie.

I watched it, didn't feel long so it was entertaining but meh... lacked a lot.

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It's gonna be a 'no' from me, dog.

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Love the movie, Love the Rock, but he's played out alot in so many different franchises, I would have been more accepting but not less thrilled if they found a little younger future star/superhero that could have made not only another young actor a star but could have allowed for many more dc inspired black adam and justice league movies. Im not hating on the rock, he does add a great portrayal of a superhero no matter what hat they throw on him. But he just exists in too many other places already and is already a mega star, let somebody else take the wheel for awhile. Let's face it ,the rock could retire before we see another black adam movie in reality. This almost cements the idea in the movie for the justice league to keep him in hibernation for many years underwater until a future star is born. We unfortunately have to see a different actor portray this superhero by that time. Kudos to the rock though for always being such a huge presence on screen despite how many movies he's been in now. Never fails to bring the house down just by being on the bill.

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This movie is so goooooooood!!!!!!!!!!

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Generic Zack Snyder cookie cutter film :(

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Shout by 020202

very few good moments directing & VFX wise, and in all honesty, this movie felt like a parody most of the time LMFAOOOOOOOO

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Why would there be instruction on how to free a highly dangerous criminal?

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la scema post credit con superman da urloo

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I don't understand how this was well received by the audience. It's as awful as Morbius. There are some entertaining moments but it doesn't hold up as a two hours long movie. Also, it's impossible to take The Rock seriously.

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The best and most excited part of this movie was the post credit scene.
That's it.

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every time i really started to enjoy this movie that annoying child actor would slap my brains with its acting skills

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meh except post generic scene

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A one time watch that is what i give it.

too much cgi... not inspired much trust in the nrand

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CGI CGI Dwayne Johnson CGI CGI CGI Irak occupation is bad CGI CGI Pierce Brosnan CGI CGI CGI the end

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The good: Plot was ok, fight scenes were actually enjoyable, character development was alright. And the tie in into the larger DC universe was actually well handled.
The bad: Slow-Mo was way too much...all over the place.
Also, I feel Dwayne Johnson was limited in this movie. I didn't really feel it as a typical Dwayne Johnson movie, it felt as if he was limited in his creativity. Could've been better.
CGI too was a bit mediocre

In all, 6.9/10, rounded up by 0.1 (explains the 7) Not a really really GOOD movie, but it did well not to fall into the box office disaster bombs of recent years by the DCEU...

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At least it had better CGI than what Marvel produced for the last 5 years

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It may have been rock bottom expectations but I was surprised that I was into this one. Maybe after the Venom movies and Eternals and stuff like that I will happily eat shit but this is a good version of those.

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Shout by lilian_io
BlockedParent2022-11-24T22:19:52Z— updated 2022-11-30T08:31:43Z

Acting and story-wise, it's good if you compare it to Singham 2011. I couldn't point out why I remembered the scenes from Singham while I was watching this but I suspect it has something to do with their lazy and absurd writing. I don't really understand how and why they approve such projects to begin with. You cannot make something amazing out of an uninspired story, and using the best actors and mediocre CGI won't help either.

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I actually had some laughs early on in this one. The writing and a lot of the acting suffered pretty greatly thereafter though. These supporting players were all pretty weak. Sarah Shahi is gorgeous as always, and did decently well in her role, Brosnan was fine in his, and I liked Dwayne's Black Adam. The rest was pretty awkward cast wise. 6.3 for me on the super generous superhero scale.

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Not the best, not the worst. It's worth a watch and rewatchable. Side note, we don't need a character's backstory in two lines of dialogue. Better not have it at all, if the character really doesn't mean anything in the movie.

No one has truly made think the Rock is anything more than an action hero. I hope one day, we see a director bring something different from him.

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They must know this is crap right? There is no way they thought any of this is decent … right?

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It's a super hero movie from DC, so I wasn't expecting Shawshank Redemption. They were also trying to closely mimic Marvel movies with this one. This has great action sequences and special effects meant to be watched in 4K HDR.

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One of those movies that you don’t expect to be good due to the bad reviews. It is a ton of fun though. Despite being short on story and with not so good pacing.

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I don't get it - it seems written by a teenager just to be a collection of one liners, explanatory scenes and speeches for even the slowest viewers, wannabe cool moments, explosions, unnecessary destruction, overuse of CGI and characters who are there just as plot fillers: the overly-enthusiastic-always-chatty-annoying teenager whose only point is to act carelessly and bring the story forward, the nice and nerdy brother, the smart doctor, the flirty youngsters...
I don't watch these kind of movies for subtleties and I take into account a fair amount of suspension of disbelief but this was just uninspired stuff, half of which is fights and chases dragged and dragged and dragged, all caused by people seeing the world in black and white just for the sake of reaching the 2 screen hours milestone (you know like people making dumb decisions in horror movies).
The Suicide Squad had the usual DC elements in an original and captivating mixture.
This is a generic blockbuster, in the worst meaning of the word

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Might be the first time that I have fallen asleep watching a superhero movie.

Dwayne Johnson is the most wooden and one-note he's ever been. I don't see the character, only the Rock. The editing is on the same level as Bohemian Rhapsody; it's so bad.

Dr. Fate was cool though.

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Was a bit cliché and had it’s predictable moments but honestly, it was a great movie. I’d watch it again.

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Terrible! I have no words to describe it, just terrible.

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Terrible. Repeated cliche jokes, boring script, characters with no personality.... cgi overkill.... awful, stopped watching after 1 hour of torture.

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I give this movie a 7 at best, which, if you know me, is pretty generous for a hero movie. This one was a bit more in-depth than the cliché -yay-powers-come-villain-defeat-villain-the-end- kind of hero movies.

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Storywise it's Black Panther meets Moon Knight. Otherwise not terrible, but nothing special

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"Well, that wasn't as bad as I expected"

No real Rock catchphrases introduced, so that's a plus. The core film is alright. I like that this version of the character, and I would welcome seeing him interact with Captain Marvel (not the MCU one - the Shazam one) as much as with Superman and the JLA.

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The post-credit scene will give you goose-bumps and make you scream for MORE!

This movie however, is very stylish, and dark, very dark, too dark? It is interesting to watch Teth-Adam's journey into heroism. Some, ok most of the jokes are lame. It seems like the writers were trying to emulate, and incorporate MCU-like humor here - it did not work.

But I am definitely looking forward to seeing more from the DCU.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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I can see the truth is this Movie. The final battle between the Antichrist and Jesus! So symbolic. The movie itself was amazing!

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"Sometimes the world doesn’t always need a white knight. Sometimes it needs something a little darker."

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I don't understand what is the point of Dr. Fate sacrifice
other than that, the movie is good

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I like this movie because it was action from beginning to end. not too much chatting that overshadows the action. I have never seen anything black adam related before this movie. Now: black adam is the goat. F superman lol

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Shout by Deleted

Movie was good overall, action sequences pretty fyre. However the kid was annoying asf, if you cut him out of the entire movie I'd give it a 10/10. They used the kid as an excuse to cause the disasters, as if we wouldn't get mad at him. But he was pretty incompetent and overall a blabbermouth. With kid 6/10 without kid easy 10/10 without kid and the mom 12/10

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Oof. I'm a big DC fangirl and this was a real struggle for me. An uninspiring and awkward first half into a weak second that couldn't do a thing to redeem it. There were a handful of beautifully shot action sequences but overall it was ham-fisted and disjointed. Once again a DCEU film feels like someone with a split personality. Flitting between leaning into the wonderful darkness of DC and wanting to appeal to the simple Marvel masses with humour. Go one way or the other. This in-between doesn't work. Nor does the bad editing and dubbing moments either. Overall it felt unfinished and odd.
A pleasure to see Sarah Shahi on the big screen and I hope this means bigger things for her in the future but this film... Was not a winner for me.

Only redeeming thing? The wonderful Henry Cavill as Superman once again. Saving me from this awful cinema visit.

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I’ve seen some bad superhero movies, but this is the worst. The Rock has been hyping this for a decade and the result was a Michael-Bay-paced series of confounding action sequences, a plot that celebrated being confusing, and directing that seemed fragmented from the first moments of the movie to the last.

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The worst thing here is that, on screen, you mostly see polystyrene and CGI. The plot itself was a bit more complex and a bit less silly than the typical Marvel movie, even though the overall result was a bit less professional.

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I really enjoyed this movie finally a good movie

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A constant spectacle of special effects and probably mostly only fun in that way. Many dialogue are borderline cringe or even totally strange or out of sync. The pacing and mood swings of the scenes and lack of equilibrium between characters makes the movie stumble a lot. Finally the story arc feels shallow and lacks epicness. They try to make it feel as so, but tends to fall flat on its face. A very strange experience.

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Shout by NForcer

more of a 7.5 than 8
better than some of the marvel movies but it isn't perfect because : too much exposition and storylines , the bad guy feels too much like a child's comic book villain ; #spoiler dr fate's sacrifice felt useless
good ratio between fighting scenes and comic moments but not worth watching a second time.

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Was a good movie!

- Exciting story.
- Great acting from Dwayne Johnson.
- Entertaining.

- Too many superheroes.
- Bad acting at times, they reacted like everything that happened was their everyday life.
- Felt like a copy of Avengers.

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