Review by

Black Adam 2022

I'll admit right up front that this is not my genre. I like movies with a plot and good dialog. That said, I've seen just about every major comic book movie made over the last 20 years and I usually had some level of enjoyment watching them. In other words, the bar isn't high and I don't over-think what I am watching.

This movie was a tough watch. All of the adults in the group were looking at their phones 15 minutes in. As so many reviews have pointed out, it feels weird to have The Rock in a movie and not utilize his personality. I get that the character might be stoic.... it just made for an odd experience. The effects are like no other movie that I've ever seen before, and that's not really a compliment. I watched the movie with a bunch of adults and children - I can't recall the last time one group absolutely loved it (the kids thought it was the best thing that they'd ever seen) and the adults hated it. I would think that it would be fairly hard to mess up the superhero formula but they pretty much did.

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