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Batman Begins 2005

What a wretchedly awful start to the movie. Any movie than has to resort to a terrible time jump sequence without a very good reason is just trying to hide a poorly written story. This movie is a perfect example of that. Between the time in jail, the time training, the time and a kid, and the time as the courthouse, there is absolutely no need for the time jumps. It is just a way to drag out 10 minutes of plot for 45 minutes.

Honestly, it does set the expectations low for the rest of the movie, so an otherwise mediocre movies looks good by comparison. I was hoping this movie would get better after 15 years, but no, it still sucks. The only thing that makes this movie watchable is that it has a good cast, except for Bale. Bale is abysmal. Caine, Freeman, Oldman, Hauer, Holmes, and the rest are all very good.

This is yet another Nolan film that is over hyped and really has very few good points other than a star studded cast.

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Genuine superhero movie. The main drawback was boring, not charismatic the main antagonist and already standard in comic book movies - girl. The supporting cast, a big plus.

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Wait.. there's a Batman movie before Dark Knight??

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40y.o. Batman, locating his testicles for the first time.

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"Batman Begins" has more similarities to "Man of Steel" than I expected, and of course when it's Nola and Boyer who wrote both screenplays.

The first half is a nearly immaculate origin story. Wayne lost seeking to escape his anger and fear of it, being taken as a disciple of Ra's al Ghul and growing as a character to bring justice to Gotham. The second half, although good, is still an empty shell that has nothing more to tell. Bruce Wayne already had his hero's journey, there is nothing more to overcome internally, only external conflicts like all the corruption in Gotham. In that sense it is also very similar to Snyder's "Man of Steel", only better executed and with more details. It also reminds me of the first installment of Favreau's "Iron Man" where Tony also goes through his growth stage very early in the film.

But that does not prevent this Nolan film from being established as one of the best superhero films ever produced in live action.

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Batman Begins, a spectacular entry to one of the greatest supehero movie trilogies of all time takes the genre to another level with gritty and grounded approach. Performances from Christian Bale and Liam Neeson will remain one of the most memorable performances for batman fans

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I liked a lot more Burton's Batman than this. The plot was quite plain and not always essential, especially in the first half, second half a bit better but not too exciting.

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Batman Begins is a great start to the Christian Bale era of the Batman series. The film does an excellent job of exploring the origins of Batman and Bruce Wayne's transformation into the Dark Knight. The movie's tone is dark and gritty, which sets it apart from previous versions of the Batman franchise. The film's focus on character development and realistic storytelling make it a standout superhero movie. Overall, Batman Begins is an excellent start to one of the most iconic Batman series of all time and is a must-watch for fans of the genre.

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I don't like DC films cuz it is too dark not suitable for me

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blah blah blah little action. I do not like it. I like the sequels better.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2022-03-08T09:13:26Z— updated 2022-03-13T17:51:59Z

74 | Bruce Wayne should listen to Alfred more. If not he just a rich boy who playing to become a hero. What Bruce did to the police while ran away with batmobile made me doubt his character.

Rating: 73.93

25%: 2.5
50%: 2.3
75%: 1.8
100%: 2.5

Favorite Character
1. Alfred Pennyworth: 2.5
2. Henri Ducard: 2.3
3. Jonathan Crane/ Scarecrow: 2.3
4. Bruce Wayne/ Batman: 1.8

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Needless to say, "Batman Begins" was an important movie for its time. Not only it successfully resurrected a franchise that was dead and gone, but it also involuntarily spawned a series of dark and brooding reboots for all the campy franchises that we had loved as children. Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy attempted at giving thematic depth and verisimilar basis to Batman's classic tropes while at the same time retaining the same spectacularity and sense of wonder of a comic strip. Unfortunately, even though the gritty tone suggested adult themes and sophisticated plotting, the writing and overall staging still feel a little naive if compared to the sequels, with some moments even veering into the unintentionally ridiculous. Nolan's renowned taste for disjointed editing is also worth mentioning here, as it's not just limited to the action sequences.

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The weakest one of the triology and the first half is very slow, but the second half is great!

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“Evacuate the main building it’s going to blow” - :neutral_face:

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‘Batman Begins’ is a strong introduction to the Batman thanks to the magnificent cast and a superb score by Zimmer and Newton Howard.


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If Sam Raimi set the bar for what a superhero film needs to be in his Spider-Man films, Christopher Nolan took that bar and smashed it and then replaced it with his own bar set even higher than the one set by Raimi. Nolan took the Batman franchise to new heights. Batman Begins is the best superhero origin film that is out there (still to this date in the year 2012). The acting was great with an excellent cast and the darker story line (compared to other superhero films which is more light) was amazing. After watching Bale as Batman, I thought he was born to play the role. Also some of the action scenes weren't bad at all. I enjoyed how Nolan wanted to make the film as real as a fantasy film could be by changing the look of the Batmobile and what the future Batcave could look like as a couple of examples; the film turned out better for it.

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One of the best superhero movies Batman is portrayed here as a dark and scary nemesis to criminals and thugs. The cast here is amazing with Christian Bale Michael Caine Liam Neeson Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman. They all turn in great performances but never overwhelm the story. The movie's action-packed final act is entertaining but its secondary to the great origin story. Do yourself a favor and watch it on Blu-Ray. It looks fantastic.

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Perfect introduction for the character and premise, impeccably directed, with a satisfying story that's thoroughly entertaining.

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Anyone else glad Warner Brothers let Christopher Nolan reboot the Batman franchise???

I sure am...

Although not as good as what comes next, Batman Begins is a great take on the origin of one of the most iconic superheroes of all time. With the gritty looks and a little classic gothic horror thrown in, Nolan, along with Bale, has created the definitive version of Batman, and probably the version that will stand the test of time best.

Required viewing!!!

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The Dark Knight Trilogy
Batman Begins(2005).
The Dark Knight (2008).
The Dark Knight Rises (2012).

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I adore this trilogy, including this movie. So damn fun to watch, so many terrific acting from bale to old man to freeman and Caine

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Bale's not Keaton, but he's ok. Of course Nolan has a hand in filming blockbusters and it's visible here too.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-08-22T09:40:23Z— updated 2022-01-25T21:14:16Z

Great, a really well structured script with a great story, interesting and memorable characters, pacing, excellent performances and a terrific score.
Clearly, Nolan’s biggest strength lies in the writing. I love the interesting, complex central conflict (a rarity in blockbusters), the tight internal logic and how it keeps surprising with its twists.
It’s also really good at grounding the sci-fi/heightened stuff in a way that works for the universe and tone of the film, there’s such a clear directorial vision.
People always refer to this one as gritty and brooding, but to me that’s only in the context of the Schumacher films preceding it. This thing is actually really fun and funny in its own right, there’s some really good dialogue in it.
Overall, it looks great and very cinematic. It probably has the most atmospheric cinematography out of the trilogy, but a lot of the dialogue scenes rely too much on basic shot/reverse shot set-ups, Nolan could’ve been more creative and precise in that regard.
The action is pretty solid, the car chase and finale being the clear stand outs, though there is some occasional overediting (especially with the hand to hand combat).


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"What is the point of all those push-ups if you can't even lift a bloody log?"

The Nolan Batman trilogy was off to a great start with Batman Begins. It sets up its world beautifully, it shows us the origin of Batman, lets us get to know the most important side characters, shows us some great action and some great funny lines! It also has one hell of a studded cast with Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Cillian Murphy, Liam Neeson, Gary Oldman, Katie Holmes, Rutger Hauer, Ken Watanabe and Morgan Freeman. Might be the best cast for a superhero film?

Anyway I love Michael Caine as Alfred, Gary Oldman rocks as Gordon and Christian Bale is a good Batman. Liam Neeson and Cillian Murphy as bad guys si a great choice too.

It has been awhile since I've seen this trilogy and hopefully it'll be as amazing as the first time I've watched them.

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Haven't finished the trilogy yet, I better get on it.

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this movie is satanic asf.

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I prefer this to the DCEU Synder Batman. This movie is a pleasure to watch, and there is actual depth.

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Great start for the triology.

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Brilliant comic adaption by Christopher Nolan. This movie and its two follow-ups are the defining Batman films in my opinion. I just love the dark, gritty and realistic take on the franchise.

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The beginning of the saga - a good start!

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Very much impressed with Nolan's making

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A lot funnier than I remember and less scary now we've all seen so much. Still a fantastic watch. Looked beautiful on a 4K HDR Projector - although some scenes were massively denoised.

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Shout by drqshadow
BlockedParent2020-02-04T14:41:27Z— updated 2023-07-24T17:50:24Z

Easily the finest establishing picture a comic book character has ever enjoyed. The entire first act is a masterpiece, telling the crucial parts of Bruce Wayne's fabled origin while flashing forward to key moments in his early adulthood and laying the groundwork with an almost supernatural long-term training session. It's effortlessly cool and enveloping, a perfect hook that grounds the character in reality while also pre-explaining some of his more theatrical habits.

The follow-through isn't perfect, with a few puzzling plot holes and a conveniently under-explained resolution to blame, but it does such a good job of maintaining its momentum that those tripwires are easy to brush off. Of course, an industrial-sized bucketful of wonderful performances from the cast doesn't hurt. It's just loaded with big-name talent and nobody's mailing it in. Christian Bale is fantastic as the multi-layered lead character(s), but Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman and Liam Neeson are right there beside him in a wealth of glowing supporting roles. It's a dream come true for fans of the character, and a great reintroduction for casuals who'd been led astray by the last iteration.

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Christopher Nolan reboots the Batman franchise with the dark and gritty Batman Begins. In this re-envisioning billionaire Bruce Wayne seeks out Ra's al Ghul and trains with the League of Shadows to gain the skills necessary to fight crime. Christian Bale, Katie Holmes, Gary Oldman, and Liam Neeson lead an all-star cast full of strong performances. Yet while there's an interesting story here, the writing is poor and the film falls apart in the last act. Additionally, the film lacks a strong villain and a thematic score. Batman Begins presents an impressive new vision, but it’s not a strong, cohesive one.

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This does such a good job making Batman and all his gadgets so cool.

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With all the wanton disregard for property and human life, it almost seems like Bruce's plan is to wreck the city... so he can re-build it or something? Also, Christian Bale has a really weird mouth, which isn't good if a major part of the role involves that being the only part of his face that is visible.
Anyway, this movie still has some of the camp that has haunted live-action Batman for the longest time, but it's quite aware of that, I think. ("I'm Batman!") Plus, it sets up The Dark Knight, so really, all is forgiven.

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I see the transformation of the main character very forced. Missing things

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Nice movie. Liked it very much.

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A fine movie that has literally ruined Batman films.

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Thirteen years old and still a masterpiece in terms of how to do a superhero origin story. Maybe it looks outdated here and there but this is more than made up by its atmosphere and the whole story underneath.
Bale does really well as Batman and everyone Caine, Freeman, Oldman and Neeson are perfectly cast. Only Katie Holmes was a litlle thin as you could have literally swap here with anyone. To be fair it is the role that, althought having an impact on the story, doesn't have much depth.
A gripping movie from start to finish.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2018-09-17T03:06:01Z— updated 2020-06-16T00:36:17Z

I can watch Dark Knight over and over again due to Ledger. But this one because it’s just a great Batman movie. I love Ra’s Al Ghul and Scare Crow.
As well as Bale’s take on Batman.

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i was watching it again in the remastered version. This is the best batman origin movie ever.

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Great acting, great writing, great movie. Simple and plain. 9/10

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Great villains (especially Murphy), great story, great cast, great action... put simply, great film.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2016-08-12T02:46:42Z— updated 2022-03-03T03:24:51Z

Despite Dark Knight having Heath Ledger with a show stealing performance. Batman Begins is the one to me that is the most comic like. It might even be my favorite.
Despite the pacing taking some getting used to. Then Nolan unfortunately writing a screenplay for Man of Steel, the same way. With flashbacks all over mostly the first half of the movie.

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Exact same point a view ! I love it ! Best adaptation until Dark Knight came out ^^

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If this film was not about a superhero,it would be good!But it's a really poor adaptation of Batman,it's more like a film based on many wrong points about his origin,about leage of shadows,Ra's al ghul,too many Nolan's fictitious characters that doesn't even mentioned once in the comics..If you dont care about what you see its really nice..

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never read the i know some early history of Scarecrow and the League of Shadows. least favorite of the trilogy but better than four before this.

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Christopher Nolan needs to do a Bond film at some point. They kind of have a nice set of Q scenes with Morgan Freeman in here. I mean, he took on a franchise that needed a total redo and he blew it up to one of the greatest superhero films ever made. Now, if he took on a productive, fantastic franchise and upped it as well... I mean damn I'd be so happy.

Seriously though, I love this movie. It made me so happy back when it came out (a decade ago, omg), and even compared to its mind blowing sequel it is still excellent. Batman is the best superhero, and he now has the best superhero movies ever made. Also, watching this one right after watching Batman & Robin cures your depression.

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Shout by Deleted

you have to watch paper towns.

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BlockedParent2015-07-09T13:59:50Z— updated 2017-06-04T21:20:02Z

A sensationally good comic adaption, the best one I've ever seen to be honest, and one of my all-time favorite movies!

This is in no small part thanks to the astonishing performances by the lead actors and actress.

So all in all: a perfect plot plus perfect directing plus the perfect cast equals a perfect action movie!

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The one that started it all..

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Whilst The Dark Knight may have overshadowed this reboot, this is still a great film in its own right. After the debacle of Batman and Robin, it was difficult to comprehend how the series could recover and thankfully Nolan chose to start from scratch. Pitch perfect casting and a greater focus on the hero help to differentiate this from the 90s film series. It's not that the film is "realistic" as many claim (this is after all about a man dressed up as a bat) but it treats the absurdities of the story with respect and creates an emotional connection to the characters by attempting to justify those elements.

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This movie has got some of the cheesiest dialogue ever. Seriously.
Other than that though, really entertaining.

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Paco Cinema 1: Image and sound 4/5. Very good action movie, future films such super-heroes will be like this .Katie Holmes is the only thing that does not convince me

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superb movie :D

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huge fan of batman and the movie stood up to expectations!

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The first of the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy, Batman begins made me realize just how bad every incarnation of Batman films before it were. This film is absolutely amazing only topped by its sequel, The Dark Knight.

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The first of the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy, Batman begins made me realize just how bad every incarnation of Batman films before it were. This film is absolutely amazing only topped by its sequel, The Dark Knight.

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I'm batman.

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Really good batman!

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thanks for the spoiler! :(

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Fantastic movie, but the more I think about it to more it is out of character for Batman to let Ra's al Ghul die, even though he could have saved him. Typically Batman saves everyone, even if he hates them. He even saves Joker at the end of Dark Knight. But not Ra's. Batman kills Ra's though inaction, and that seems very un-Batman to me.
Still a good movie, though.

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