Shout by Viper Du'Vark

Batman Begins 2005

If Sam Raimi set the bar for what a superhero film needs to be in his Spider-Man films, Christopher Nolan took that bar and smashed it and then replaced it with his own bar set even higher than the one set by Raimi. Nolan took the Batman franchise to new heights. Batman Begins is the best superhero origin film that is out there (still to this date in the year 2012). The acting was great with an excellent cast and the darker story line (compared to other superhero films which is more light) was amazing. After watching Bale as Batman, I thought he was born to play the role. Also some of the action scenes weren't bad at all. I enjoyed how Nolan wanted to make the film as real as a fantasy film could be by changing the look of the Batmobile and what the future Batcave could look like as a couple of examples; the film turned out better for it.

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