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Bad Boys for Life 2020

wow hi whas super like always the both of them ....
very good one i think there com i sec one of this storry ho think the same???
grtz sven.

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Gemini Manish... Will Smith with 2 back-to-back movies where a younger version is trying to kill him?

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I hope it will be good

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Its not a bad film but its not good at the same time. Let hope this is the end of Bad Boys.

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Despite all their flaws, I still enjoy the first two "Bad Boys" films. Maybe it's also a bit of nostalgia; after all, I was probably just the right age, especially for the second movie, for not finding Michael Bay's films stupid. But I really enjoy them both.

However, the third installment is a completely different story. The movie is much more competently written than its two predecessors. The characters are given rough edges, undergo growth, and are allowed to show weaknesses. The humor also departs from the typical Bay formula. And when it comes to staging the action, the directing duo Adil & Bilall also show that they are experts in the genre.

Of course, “Bad Boys for Life” is not a reinvention of the genre, but the movie is quite simply entertaining. Overall, I see it as a step ahead of its two predecessors, which I liked for completely different reasons.

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I just watched this again, actually binged the 3 movies. I had to change my rating, it was definately better the 2nd time around. It could also be that watching all 3 in a row, the action comedy stuck with me. Those who didn't like it, should binge all 3.

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This is the best Bad Boys movie but that is a low bar. It has a fun dynamic between Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. The action is pretty good. The old man jokes worked well. It's just a fun time.

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Honestly some of the dialogue between Will Smith and Martin Lawrence is funny but most of it ruins the movie. With the graphics and money they must have put into this it could've been so much better.

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I liked it. But if you cut out Will Smith and Martin Lawrence and their chemitry, the rest is very mediocre and just okay.

Buy hey, i am here for them. And they "make" the movie work.

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Just saying but... I'de frick a witch too

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Didn't like it? Whatcha gonna do?

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Calling this movie the best in the franchise is laughable.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2020-02-13T22:36:58Z— updated 2020-02-14T23:01:01Z

Mike (Will Smith) and Marcus’ (Martin Lawrence) friendship is tested. When Mike wants to team to take down cop killers. Marcus wants to retire and just be a family man.
Michael Bay isn’t the director. The result is more story, more drama and more character development. Bay also not directing Bumblebee, resulted in the best Transformers movie as well. Though it is nice that he has a cameo in one scene.
The Smith and Lawrence chemistry is better when you actually have a story. Rather than them arguing or wise cracking between each shoot out.
It is also nice that the directors Arbi and Fallah don’t think a film called Bad Boys For Life. Needs to be a nearly 3 hr epic. Like Bay would have gave us.

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Will Smith won't fucking do Suicide Squad 2, but he'll dip his wick in this?
The script is the weakest and most prevalent aspect of Bad Boys for Life. It's the same as every other script in the series (retirement, friends for life, family...) yet somehow worse--probably because it never stops in this one whereas the others would give us some respite with the action sequences that are sorely missing here. Even the humor is circumcised from this outing, leaving us with a limp stick we can't use to beat the dead horse that is this flick.
Not to mention the sad waste of a great cast (the talented Vanessa Hudgens and Paola Núñez serve as little more than decoration), and the tragic action sequences (normally the high point of the franchise) that are as rare as they are unoriginal.
Trust me, watch Bad Boys 2 again to save yourself 10 bucks and a boredom enema.

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Script was written by a 12 year old. Effects by bootleg Michael Bay. Nice try to milk some money and good job for ruining franchise.

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Wow this was awful. Very disappointed.

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This movie actually cracked me a few times, I was NOT expecting that.
Turned out to be better than the first or a second one.

While watching this, I was thinking, "Shieet, this movie is actually pretty darn watchable! Can't believe this was shot by a transformers-guy, he really stepped up his game!"
And here I am watching the credits, browsing trakt and discovering this movie was actually NOT directed by Michael Bay.
Everything makes sense now.

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Shout by bdawg
BlockedParent2020-04-11T05:13:04Z— updated 2020-04-12T22:45:24Z

I have no idea how this movie has a rating above 70%. Awful dialogue, awful acting. This was like a worse version of Fast & Furious.

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Martin Lawrence said it best, “This is some real telenovela sh*t.” What a terrible, convoluted mess of a plot.

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OK, I liked the first 2 and I don't mind throwback cheesy action movies. But the plot is just an unbelievable mess....I bet my 5 year olld son is coming up with better and more believable plot twist than this lazy mess. How does a screenplay like this one get greenlit seriously

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I am positively surprised by this movie and I would say that this part is my favorite in the trilogy! Especially Martin Lawrence who, in my opinion, is the main character leading this whole movie. He is humorous, great acting skills and is certainly my favorite character in the movie. The mix of action, comedy and drama is great. Some interesting plot twists in the movie, may not be liked by everyone, but I think that they were ok. I definitely recommend it. 8 of 10

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Hits all the note. still classic.

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Terrible script for a decent cast. One of the newer cast calls someone 'this cat' in a serious dialogue which was so out of place for his age and generation...who wrote this stuff? Action scenes were minimal. Storyline between 'father and son' was very lacking. They clearly want to lead into another movie, but it was done terribly. It's entertaining enough for fans of the first and second movies, but nothing more.

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Imagine looking up all your assassination targets on Google

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Liked it, but the first one’s still the classic. It wasn’t as over-the-top as the second which was a relief.
Sidenote: The absence of any Apple product was a bit too apparent. Sony always push their own products but not seeing even one iPhone in Miami was noticeable.

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I don not get the negativity about script and stuff, it is an action movie of "bad boys" you know the theme. It was extremely entertaining, all the comic gigs where excellent, some very good one liners. Perfect chemistry between all of them and the twist was a very nice put surprise. I enjoyed it very much.

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F*ck all these negative comments below. This movie was good! I mean, it’s not a 10/10 but still a very funny, full with action, pure nostalgic movie.

Definitely watch this one, even when you haven’t see. 1 and 2.

Great action.
Beautiful shots.
Good music.
Funny as hell :joy:

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2.1 points -> Cinematography (0-3)
1.4 points -> Acting and Characters (0-2)
2.0 points -> Plot (0-3)
0.7 points -> Score (0-1)

0.8 -> enjoyed the movie. (0-1)

Aka. 7.0 points

Is it an excellent action movie? No.
Do you have good special effects? Eh.
Is the weight of Nostalgia great? Yes.
If fans and non-fans will like it? Yes.

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i actually liked this movie it was funny it was a bit sad Mike and Marcus were bros for life i loved seeing Vanessa Hudgens being tough and strong and with the squad yes that was so epic to see.

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Bad boys for life? No thanks, 3 decades of them is enough! It's not awful, but it is lazy, uninspired, and outdated.

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A power fantasy and a case study in (almost) everything wrong with police culture.

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It's got nothing on the originals, I didn't think they should of made another because It's hard making another film on a franchise years apart and not making It cheesy with a cheap plot and rushed, also didn't need one but again Hollywood wanting to make the money but other than that It's action was entertaining and happy to see the boys again, to be fair it did make me laugh at times with It's cheap jokes because sometimes they can be the best ones. I didn't expect the plot but they could of done better and I think they should end It there.

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I rewatched the first 2 movies before I watched the third that everyone told me sucked. When 1 & 2 first came out I loved them but they really are weak Lethal Weapon wannabes. I enjoyed this third chapter , not a great movie but it was good to see the boys. Don’t watch it expecting too much, just treat it like a visit with old friends and enjoy.

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I expected something more, fun and entertaining. The plot plot twist did not like me, and the somewhat short action for this type of movies, I liked the Bay direction of the previous films.

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Wife wants to see Will's big ears

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Fits perfectly with the first two movies, even after all these years. Get ready to grab some popcorn again. Because one is again in for a very wild ride with the Bad Boys again.

As long as it are Will Smith and Martin Lawrence who are singing it.

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It was ok, def worth a watch. I enjoyed it mostly due to nostalgia. Bad Boys II is still my favorite by far though.

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It got worse on rewatch. I remember this being fun, but it's clearly 90% forgettable. The chemistry felt completely off between almost all the characters, and the plot was terrible. I can tell the new directors were inspired and stuck by Michael Bay while creating something original, but it felt nothing like the last two Bad Boy movies. I'm glad they brought some nostalgia, talented stunts/choreography, and an old/new soundtrack because it makes it likeable. Other than that, the camerawork, jokes, acting, casting, and script gave me a pounding headache.

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all i wanted from bad boys movie, it was awesome and funny. even the villian was badass from start to finish.
why can't more sequels be like this?

My Score: superb 9/10

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This made me miss Michael Bay, and I can't believe I said that.

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Boring and meaningless, like the whole Bad Boys series. Even by the standards of the genre.

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"Do you want your legacy to be muscle shirts and body counts?"

Apparently... yes. Making sequels to old franchises is all the rage these days, but I will always give them a chance because let's face it: Movies can be fun. Will Bad Boys 3 go down as a classic? No, but it was a fun flick nonetheless.

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big dumb action movie but it had fun moments

the humor was too much try hard even for the franchise, it was very strange to see Alexander Ludwig playing the nerd guy

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was hyped to see the finale with these actors. it's one of those Sunday movies. the acting was wrong, the story was weak and even the bad boys formula got a little bit lost. it was just an open door to the next one with new actors. in spite, it's moderately entertaining, guns and bullets and explosions kinda movie. oh and had a few laughs.

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Ich fand den super unterhaltsam. Action, Gags, Smith and Lawrence. Top.

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It’s Bad Boys for Life for Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, returning to their breakout series after 17-years, but without director Michael Bay. When Mike Lowrey is targeted by a Mexican assassin looking for revenge Mike and his partner Marcus Burnett team up with a new Miami PD special ops unit called AMMO to catch him. Director Lorne Balfe does a great job at making the chases and fight scenes action-packed and exciting. And without Bay, the crass, infinitely humor is way down. However, there are a number of homages and callbacks to the first two films to make it feel a piece with the series, yet it also lays groundwork to take future installments in a new direction. A successful revival of a long dormant franchise, Bad Boys for Life delivers a fun and thrilling adventure.

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Mediocre final for this good series of movies. Martin barely can act it is in very bad shape.
The history is regular at most, really is the son? born in 1996 an the first movie was in 1995? Please.
Bad movie.

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This movie actually surprised me in a few different ways, and not all good...

Will Smith was brilliant, but his partner was such a dumb character. Maybe the actor didn’t play him well but he basically said the same thing the entire movie “whoa man, I just want to retire”

Action was well thought out and wasn’t just a series of boom boom booms like a Michael Bay film.

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Kind of boring movie where it seems the attempt was to make another Fast & Furious movie, but then with Will Smith.
And to me this movie felt very racist towards white people.

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So many things wrong with this movie it's hard to start with something. So I'll start with what is good in this movie: the Porsche is pretty cool. It's more or less the only thing that was enjoyable to watch.

But the plot, the acting, the action... So bad. Like really really bad.

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It's only good for passing the time.

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This was my first Bad Boys movie. I have never seen, nor will I see, the other two movies, but that would not have helped. Went into this knowing I'd hate it and guess what? I hated it.
I can’t name a saving grace of this movie. It's poorly written, acted, shot, and generally produced. The entire movie is just neon lights, the words “bad boys” spoken at least 15 times and the bad boys song sung 3-5 times. That’s it.
The fact this the biggest January release of all time is beyond puzzling to me.

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Shout by kml

where are the jokes? disappointed

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This was basically Lethal Weapon 4 + Blade: Trinity + Gemini Man.

The Bad Boys are now old and out of shape, threatened by a younger, more tech-oriented crew (which they setup to take up the mantle as it seems).

The first act has surprisingly some self-reflection and self-awareness with some of the most mature writing the franchise has seen, but by the half point of the movie it all goes out the window and the Boys are back being even more reckless than in the previous installments.

I give it a 2/10 just for the first 30 minutes.

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From bad (boys) to worst

This franchise get worst every new episode.
The first one has down sides, but was a ok action movie supported by a great theme song and cool actors.
This one has nothing to save. Stupid action without a purpose, violence unneeded, no humour, bad scenario.
One idiotic twist and no other surprises.
Don’t lose your time like I loose mine here.

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I really liked it! it was very enjoyable! nice music and lots of laughs!

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just here for Will Smith.

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Bjorn Ironside is in this? Enjoyed seeing him!

Anyway, Bad Boys for Life was predictable but still enjoyable. Nothing special, didn't have the "Bay-touch" that could've made this more enjoyable. It misses something of that flair. It looked like Lawrence had the most fun. The Bruja bad woman wasn't that special. Loved seeing Joe Pantoliano again and what made this more watchable was seeing that my girlfriend liked watching this.

In the end, this is a sequel we didn't need at all. But on the bright side, I don't feel like I wasted 2 hours so that is a win? Anyway, you are better off watching the original!

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only good in this movie was jokes between Smith and Lawrence.
any other aspect of the movie is THE garbage.

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WTF did I just watch? This felt like the producers were trying to milk a cat for all the franchise is worth. The plot was beyond stupid. The acting was puke-worthy. The action was short and unoriginal. The jokes are not funny. The Bad Boys song is the only thing that ties this movie to the rest of the series. Everything about this is awful. Piece of dung.

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Enjoyed it, but I find the storyline "okay". I'm not hating on Vanessa Hudgens, but she's not cut out for action. movements should be snappy, but she was not. I'm sensing another sequel for Bad Boys but now with his son? seems like..

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
.5 / 1 act II
.5 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
0 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

5 / 10

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Shout by Deleted

it was so funny. have a great time watching.

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a filme is good boys

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a filme is good boys

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Whooo! Went a little over the top with the crazy son backstory, but still a damn good movie!

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Turn of your brain don't pay attention in script and you are going to have fun for two hours with great directing and super cinematography.But plot was beyond a mess and that was sad.Directing saved it here so i reccomend this just for fun 6.7/10

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Nothing new here. All classical hollywood formulas are applied. Boring, seen it all a million times before. No need to worry that you are missing the plot because there isn't one.

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I enjoyed this movie. Easy to watch. Not fantastic, but good action and some very funny interaction between the two main characters. Well worth a watch.

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didnt feel at all line the original two, the characters seemed very different Martin Lawrence's character especially, he was pretty stupid throughout the movie due to a promise he made to god and then just flips on that shit half way through lol and Mike lawry (Smith) was just incredibly offputting with how mad he was throughout the film, and how over the top he went some times. Last, what exactly was the villains motives? I'm so confused, because she was in love with Mike and he left? so stupid... and the whole thing about him having a kid stupid.

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A Bad Boys classic. Not the most exciting storyline, but still a good action movie.

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Shout by Deleted

This is one of the best movie from 2020.
WOW this movie is good, how actors played and the action

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There’s a lot about this movie that I enjoyed. Truly wonder what this franchise would be like with a funnier script and color correcting that doesn’t make it look like a DJ Khaled music video. It’s great to see Martin Lawrence and Will Smith together after so long, but I truly don’t understand why this movie took so long to come out. It’s probably a positive if I don’t have to sit through Michael Bay’s idea of a practical explosion.

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Bad Boys 1 - hot guys, hot girls, hot cars
Bad Boys 2- hot guys, hotter girls, hotter cars
Bad Boys 3 - hot weather

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I can't even watch the movie only the trailer

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Totally of my favorites. Good actors!!

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Brilliant movie, really enjoyed it made me giggle. Bad Boys 2 is still my favourite one tho:v_tone1:

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Awesome to see the Prince back as Mike again. !!!

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They look older, I liked to be treated in the movie, otherwise it's fine, I expected it worse, it gives what it promises

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Haven't seen the originals yet, but this played very much like a typical Miami police film, with comedy thrown in. Felt a little long towards the end.

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Haha I win! I made it to eleventeen minutes before shutting it off

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Stopped watching after 20 minutes, poor script and acting. In 10 years you surely will rate this as a B-Movie.

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Movie was so bad I am glad I don't even remember a bit of it

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Poetry of Love in Urdu

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This reminds me a lot the the Gemini man movie, another trash movie.

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It's ok but not as good as the others. Sound track poor too

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Was this a new Fast n Furious film? blah ... not impressed at all. Acting and writing was sub-par --

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