Review by C. Laney

Bad Boys for Life 2020

It was enjoyable overall, okay scriptwise, and excellent cinematically in the later half of the movie. Storyline checks out okay, however leaves a large gap in terms of the legality of the things they did as cops which is a bad enough story gap to take 3 stars off this one's max potential to be a great film. It just goes off into pure fiction but it's entertaining enough...

Not very funny to me, but i did appreciate the entire cast, sound and visual direction in the second half, and the acting was good as well. The first half of this movie is just setting it up to be a thriller but that's the part that exposes a lot of the flaws right off the bat... It comes back but at times it nearly lost me completely with the rediculousness of the storyline looking at them expecting their to be a certain element of a legal system to the early plot with them being officers and all.

Still throwing all that out the window allows the story to make sense and go off into fairy tale mode in which case its pretty exciting to watch.. Even though again, the movie concludes in a way that's kind of a cop out from such a sticky situation the writers put the entire cast in... Almost as big a cop out as "it was all a dream", of an ending.

Will Smith carries the cast to newfound levels of on stage self consciousness, actors evolve right before our eyes, that gets the +2 score edit

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