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Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015

Absolutely fantastic, loved every minute of it :)

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2015-11-18T04:30:24Z— updated 2023-01-15T18:34:35Z

While the film itself isn't a huge disappointment; Ultron himself is. Whedon made plenty of mean looking bad guys intimidating; yet surprisingly darkly funny in the past. Here; Ultron just says a one liner and is blown up over and over again.
Ultron with an evil version of "No Strings On Me" played in the trailers I think was great. In the movie though they left out the evil version of the song and you actually hear Pinocchio singing the song. Which was more silly than creepy.
I also didn't buy the Black Widow and Banner forced romance. Johansson had better chemistry with Chris Evans in Winter Soldier. We also didn't need the action slowed down to reveal Hawkeye has a family.
The film would have been better if Joss Whedon alone didn't write the script. Ultron himself needed to be more intimidating. I don't think Whedon knows how to write that kind of villain.

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Avengers: Age of Ultron
Muito bom!!! 8/10!!!

O primeiro Avengers é mesmo assim bastante melhor, é mais esclarecido, com uma diferente dimensão de importância para o género dos superheroe movies do qual é impossível dissociar.
Este segundo Avengers, no meu entender, consegue ainda assim chegar a muito bom por tanta coisa que faz, contudo, desta vez será bastante mais relevante para quem for leitor de comics... e sobretudo bastante por dentro do MCU.
Contudo nada disso impede de que, e volto a repetir, o primeiro está mais valioso que este. Este é um filme do meio... a criar personagens, a estabelecer sementes para a evolução da fase seguinte que está para chegar.

Worst moment: Bruce Banner/Hulk & Natascha Romanoff/Black Widow romance ...pfff!
Best Moment: the first moment we see Vision!!!
Favourite character: Scarlet Witch

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Lacks the magic of the 2012 movie but still a good entry into the MCU.
I liked Ultron, I thought James Spader voiced him well.
My biggest criticism would be it lacked the epic feel of the first, whilst the CGI was a bit hit and miss.
The chemistry between the Avengers cast is spot on once again. All in all it’s a fun watch.

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It really is a shame that they killed off quicksilver. He was such a a great character with a ton of potential

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Best franchise from Marvel 10/10

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This movie is why Ciri is bounded

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I liked, same style as the first, post credits 1 scene. Now wait the three

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"Avengers: Age of Ultron" lives up to the gets darker than the first, and still manages to be just as funny and action-packed.

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Whenever I here, read, see Andy Serkis, I think of course of Gollum. But that association also marked him down in my mind as smallish, ... and then I see this movie and think, who is that butch guy ...? My mind cannot compute this :joy:

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Film 171 (Goal 300) of 2024:

MCU (Film) Ranking (incl. Special Presentations): 23 of 35

Avengers: Age of Ultron is one of the big casualties in my current rewatch of the MCU - slipping from the top 15 to 23rd (in my personal rankings). I suspect I was initially too kind on some of the Phase 4 properties, and by the time I re-evaluate them, their adjusted rating will see Avengers: Age of Ultron return to it's initial numerical ranking.

As for what went wrong this time, there's just a lot of nothing going on despite it's mega cast. James Spader was an inspired casting choice for Ultron, but something feels off. Whether it's the writing or it's adlib, Ultron doesn't feel threatening - for someone with so much power. He just feels like a mandatory stepping stone on the way to Phase 3.

There are some decent action pieces here (specifically Hulk vs. Tony) and some of the final climax is interesting - but unlike the first Avengers, outside of the wit and connection of the team, nothing really clicks.

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Film 171 (Goal 300) of 2024:

MCU (Film) Ranking (incl. Special Presentations): 23 of 35

Avengers: Age of Ultron is one of the big casualties in my current rewatch of the MCU - slipping from the top 15 to 23rd (in my personal rankings). I suspect I was initially too kind on some of the Phase 4 properties, and by the time I re-evaluate them, their adjusted rating will see Avengers: Age of Ultron return to it's initial numerical ranking.

As for what went wrong this time, there's just a lot of nothing going on despite it's mega cast. James Spader was an inspired casting choice for Ultron, but something feels off. Whether it's the writing or it's adlib, Ultron doesn't feel threatening - for someone with so much power. He just feels like a mandatory stepping stone on the way to Phase 3.

There are some decent action pieces here (specifically Hulk vs. Tony) and some of the final climax is interesting - but unlike the first Avengers, outside of the wit and connection of the team, nothing really clicks.

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Film 171 (Goal 300) of 2024:

MCU (Film) Ranking (incl. Special Presentations): 23 of 35

Avengers: Age of Ultron is one of the big casualties in my current rewatch of the MCU - slipping from the top 15 to 23rd (in my personal rankings). I suspect I was initially too kind on some of the Phase 4 properties, and by the time I re-evaluate them, their adjusted rating will see Avengers: Age of Ultron return to it's initial numerical ranking.

As for what went wrong this time, there's just a lot of nothing going on despite it's mega cast. James Spader was an inspired casting choice for Ultron, but something feels off. Whether it's the writing or it's adlib, Ultron doesn't feel threatening - for someone with so much power. He just feels like a mandatory stepping stone on the way to Phase 3.

There are some decent action pieces here (specifically Hulk vs. Tony) and some of the final climax is interesting - but unlike the first Avengers, outside of the wit and connection of the team, nothing really clicks.

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Film 171 of 2024:

MCU (Film) Ranking (incl. Special Presentations): 23 of 35

Avengers: Age of Ultron is one of the big casualties in my current rewatch of the MCU - slipping from the top 15 to 23rd (in my personal rankings). I suspect I was initially too kind on some of the Phase 4 properties, and by the time I re-evaluate them, their adjusted rating will see Avengers: Age of Ultron return to it's initial numerical ranking.

As for what went wrong this time, there's just a lot of nothing going on despite it's mega cast. James Spader was an inspired casting choice for Ultron, but something feels off. Whether it's the writing or it's adlib, Ultron doesn't feel threatening - for someone with so much power. He just feels like a mandatory stepping stone on the way to Phase 3.

There are some decent action pieces here (specifically Hulk vs. Tony) and some of the final climax is interesting - but unlike the first Avengers, outside of the wit and connection of the team, nothing really clicks.

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Film 171 of 2024:

MCU (Film) Ranking (incl. Special Presentations): 23 of 35

Avengers: Age of Ultron is one of the big casualties in my current rewatch of the MCU - slipping from the top 15 to 23rd (in my personal rankings). I suspect I was initially too kind on some of the Phase 4 properties, and by the time I re-evaluate them, their adjusted rating will see Avengers: Age of Ultron return to it's initial numerical ranking.

As for what went wrong this time, there's just a lot of nothing going on despite it's mega cast. James Spader was an inspired casting choice for Ultron, but something feels off. Whether it's the writing or it's adlib, Ultron doesn't feel threatening - for someone with so much power. He just feels like a mandatory stepping stone on the way to Phase 3.

There are some decent action pieces here (specifically Hulk vs. Tony) and some of the final climax is interesting - but unlike the first Avengers, outside of the wit and connection of the team, nothing really clicks.

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This Avengers is more layered which makes it feel longer and may cause the restless to loose interest but the transitions are well placed, paced and contain some poignant moments, deepening the story. The cast just gets more star studded, all bringing great performances. Joss Whedon is just the best at crafting his stories and because he is such a fanboy of his subject we get lots nice little touches, like the machine (Ultron) that needs an audience (first the Twins and later the Black Widow) and the twist on who is worthy to weld Mjolnir (Thor's Hammer). The stop action montages are beautifully crafted (I wanted to say they are 'rad', but I didn't want to be accused of age appropriation). There is a wonderful balance of big grand moments and nice little personal moments and still the trademark wit that sets the tone. Although my least favourite of the Avengers combo packs, upon rewatching it still comes close to the bar. I give this film a 9 (superb) out of 10 [Superheroes Action Adventure]

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Triple A cast overshadow an under utilized protagonist.

Great movie, lots of great battle scenes and inter-hero conversations. James Spader really puts his soul in the voiceacting but is unfortunately overshadowed by the Avengers. Really important movie in the overall arc of the Infinity Gauntlet.

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It can't quite live up to the first Avengers but it's still a decent movie. There are a lot of cool action scenes and the new characters are all great (well maybe not quicksilver but that doesn't matter). The is some good humor in this but Ultron's dialogue really annoyed me. I didn't find him funny at all. The movie can drag in parts, which is weird because it also feels like it is trying to do a little too much without fully explaining everything.

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10 stars of course !!!

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Because it's part of Marvel Cinematic Universe :D

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This was simply brilliant! Hawkeye got way better. Scarlet, Vision and Quicksilver were beautiful! And the whole thing is just what my geeky heart craved for!

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By far worst than The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy. Good for the action but not much else. I was very disappointed...

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As far as The Marvel Cinematic Universe goes, this might be the best entry up to this moment. It builds up from IM3, T:TDW and (specially) CA:WS, and you might enjoy it even more if you watch those movies a few hours before to remind you a few facts. It has the same vibe and humour you might expect from Whedon's encyclopaedic Marvel-knowledge, yet something goes very awry (story-wise) just before the third act (you'll notice right away). Thankfully, the movie recovers and delivers at the very end, barely. Ultron - as a character - feels underdeveloped. and the stakes never feel as high as they might be. This is compensated with blockbuster-grade action sequences and VFX that make you forget that, but the main villain's demise feels like a huge disappointment. You never feel invested into Ultron's innermost tragedy (a flawed vision/programming that creates the whole conflict) that comes from Stark's cutting-corners attitude. This movie feels like an in-between chapter in a great story?: yes. It sets a proper tone for the upcoming Infinity War?: no. At the end, it doesn't really matter: you'll love it, and when you think about it later, it feels kinda hollow.

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Was always going to be hard to top the Avengers, but it's still a decent effort and Ultron is great

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this is such a comfort movie for me, despite its flaws and confusing story lines :asterisk_symbol:cough:asterisk_symbol: Thor in a pool :asterisk_symbol:cough:asterisk_symbol: I always enjoy a rewatch

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to be honest I know that this movie, from a critical point of view, is not good. However that does not stop me from heartily enjoying it every single time:woman_shrugging_tone1:

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They really need to keep Joss Whedon far away from superhero movies.

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Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Infinity Saga
Phase One
Iron Man (2008)
The incredible Hulk (2008)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Thor (2011)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
The Avengers (2012)
Phase Two
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Thor: The Dark World (2013)
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Ant-Man (2015)
Phase Three
Captain America: Civil War (2016)
Doctor Strange (2016)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
Black Panther (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Captain Marvel (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Phase Four
Black Widow (2021)
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021)
Eternals (2021)

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
The Marvels (2023)
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 ((2023)
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
Fantastic Four

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Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2021-10-21T16:35:48Z— updated 2022-08-26T15:50:47Z



next up
Then my number 3
All time favourite movie
With my all time favourites Avenger


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I had to rewatch it to understand why most of the Marvel fandom hates this movie... I simply don't get the hate tho.. It ain't bad but it ain't excellent... Pietro's death makes no sense but go off then.. But it is useful to see Wanda's evolution as the Scarlet Witch we saw in WandaVision. And we talk about directors... we can also see a HUGE difference between Whedon and the Russo brothers.. I mean.. it's not bad but it's not great, you know?

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The Revisit the MCU Project (2021) #11 of 23

Despite some rather dodgy CGI scattered throughout, a few actors phoning it in, and a pacing problem in the first half, Avengers: Age of Ultron is a rather nice couple of hours. The Story is engaging...when it gets going, and the climax is one of the better of any MCU movie.

So...I stand by the conclusion of my last review...There's certainly a lot of fun to be had with this one.

...and just a side note. I have never really wanted to BE Hulk/Banner...except maybe when he has his face planted between Black Widows breasts. Just saying...

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I like all 3 of the Avengers movies, but this one has to be my most favorite.

I have to give praise to the studio for casting James Spader as the voice for Ultron. In my opinion, he just has one of those great sounding very sarcastic, but serious villain voices.

Now, there are two things I hate about the Avengers franchise and there names are Black Widow and Hawkeye. I wouldn't be hurt to see their characters killed off.

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Shout by Deleted

I like the film. Entertainment and fanseevuce

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While not as good as the first one, there's a lot of fun to be had while watching Avengers:Age of Ultron as well...

The only thing that kind of got on my nerves with this one, was the insane amount of lower quality CGI. You can clearly see the bad CGI in amongst all the good CGI. Why not spend just as much time in the small things?? Did you think we wouldn't notice? It didn't ruin the movie for me, and I didn't really see it until the second time through, but when you start to notice it can be irritating.

The other things that were mildly annoying were the rather slow pace in the beginning, and that some of the actors seemed a bit bored. But now I'm just nitpicking...again.

There's no excuse not to have seen this one...just saying!!!

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParentSpoilers2015-09-27T23:15:52Z— updated 2017-11-20T19:13:55Z

Has it´s Highs and Lows. Technically this is brilliant - but this is almost a given today in this genre. Don´t get me wrong, I liked the movie as I do a lot of the other Marvel stuff. It´s just that the movies today feel pretty common whereas a couple of years ago they were something special. And I don´t think that more and bigger fights with more CGI thrown at it equals better movie. I didn´t like Ultron - he just wasn´t convincing enough.

There is one thing I didn´t like in this movie and that is the parts where they are trying to force something to be funny - like the scene in the Audi near the end (there were other scenes before as well). Personally, I think that´s lame. But that´s just me.

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Another super hero movie. They're becoming less fun overall because they have to keep topping themselves. Bigger action. Badder villains. I think there is a time coming very soon when people are going to tire of them.

I have to give this a "very good" rating. It's amazing visually. The actors are enjoyable. The action is crazy. The villain is great with Ultron being the best thing about the movie. There. Done.

Here's what bugs me (and to be fair, they're not all exclusive to this movie):
Every hero has to have several of their own moments.
You know none of the main heroes will die.
Attacks from the villains are always turned away, no matter how massive.
Thor is too powerful when compared to the others. Why not call Thor every time there's a problem?
Where does Tony Stark find the time?

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2021-06-03T22:30:41Z— updated 2023-12-08T21:00:32Z

Feels too much like wheel spinning. Looks slightly better than the first, I like we get more of them working as a unit and the set pieces are good, but uninteresting villain, the new characters don’t work and it feels rushed.


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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-05-01T14:52:52Z— updated 2022-07-17T05:58:56Z

"Avengers: Age of Ultron" didn't live up to the expectations, but I thought it was a fairly entertaining movie nevertheless. The villain is again the biggest problem. Despite being introduced as the smartest and most lethal weapon ever, he barely served as Tony Stark's sidekick for comic relief. The plot could have been simpler but is crammed with random turn-offs like Natasha and Banner's weird romance.

The action scenes are solid but the rest missed the mark for me.

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The movie itself was great, the acting was great, the plot not so much but wtf Black Widow was soooo out of character it physically hurts me.

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Shout by Deleted

Can't say for sure if it was better than the 1st Avengers Movie, but, it is a really really good sequel and I enjoyed every minute of it. All eyes on Captain America Civil War now.

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Boom, you lookin for this?

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Solid movie, I liked the plot and the way the story unfolds. I thought Natasha and Bruce's romance came out of nowhere and was pretty weak, and I didn't love Wanda & her brother's character development or lack thereof.

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2nd verse..same as the first...Ultronnnnnn Jacob Jingle Hymen Smith...youuuuurs is my name tooooooooo

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I like it more then the first by 0.5. It's so blockbustingly cool in every way. I dont understand why anyone wouldn't like these movies.

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mary-kate and ashley's sister and Kick-ass did not get enough screen time

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Age of Ultron is a thrilling and action-packed superhero film that delivers on all fronts. The ensemble cast is as impressive as ever, with standout performances from Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man and Mark Ruffalo as the Hulk. The plot is engaging and the special effects are magnificent. The introduction of Ultron as the main villain adds a new dimension to the Avengers' struggles, and the climactic battle is a true spectacle.

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The better one in the avengers movies

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Elizabeth Olsen just adds a whole new dimension!

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Like losing your virginity, the second time is more fun.

I remember leaving the cinema disappointed when I saw Age of Ultron during its theatrical release, but re-watching it now I'm impressed with its scope, special effects and action sequences. Far better than either Endgame or the other one.

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Cool seeing them all together again, even if I didn't massively enjoy it. It's good, nothing more or less in my opinion.

'Avengers: Age of Ultron' isn't too far off 2012's 'The Avengers', especially in terms of how I fell about it. I definitely wanted more from both, yet they are still satisfying superhero action flicks. I'd rank this narrowly below the aforementioned.

Robert Downey Jr. felt a little flat to me as Iron Man - he still has a decent amount of moments, just not as many as you get in his individual films. All the others continue to entertain to an equally suitable level, I didn't overly like the characters of Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen but I also don't have any noteworthy negatives about them. The story between Scarlett Johansson and Mark Ruffalo didn't do much for me either.

With that noted, it is still an enjoyable ride through the 141 minute run time. The ending is intriguing, interested to see where that goes - I have a minor inkling about the mid-credits scene, given all the internet attention that has had - even for someone like me who knows very little overall.

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One star for action. 'E' for effort and 'D' for nice try

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Now that I'm watching the Marvel Cinematic universe in chronological order. I have started to appreciate this one. Before, I rated it for only 6/10. Now it's a 7. heh

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"Entertaining, funny and full of action. Another cinematic team-up hit."

Better than the original.

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The good: like the other movies in this series this movie was good. I am definitely not a fan of the genre but they do a nice job with these films.

The bad: Do we need our best actors in these films? Can't they be saved for the movies that require acting? I know, I know... I am in the minority here.

follow me at or facebook IHateBadMovies

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Expected little more from this one but still a very good marvel movie.

P.S I didn't like at all movie's humor.7.1/10

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I've decided to give this film a 6.5/10... The Plot and Whole Tone of this movie was Unpleasant.. I was very disappointed in how everything unfolded. I did however appreciate Ultron Voice over his dialogue was On Point but the film was just very badly put together

The Humor had me cringing and By time we reached the action I was already outta favor with this movie.. Sorry just my honest opinion

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Shout by awkashmi
BlockedParent2019-05-12T18:12:22Z— updated 2019-05-27T00:20:10Z

In my opinion, this wasn't as good as the first avengers, but I still liked it. I think they could've introduced Wanda and Quick silver in a better way but I still really liked them as characters (just wish we had more time with them). I though it was really cool how they introduced some people in this movie. for example, the black panther villain is in this film, and I thought it was really cool how they carried that through the other movies. This movie was a good watch and i finished at 2:11PM hahha nice

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muito melhor do que o primeiro!

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Shout by Deleted

t took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that this movie is just ok.

Avengers: Age of Ultron should be so much better than it is but it ended up being the poster child for when a studio gets cold feet and tries to take over on directors vision. Joss Whedon is an excellent story teller but this does not so off his talents at all. Once again this certainly isn’t a bad film it just isn’t great, there is some good dialogue and the introduction of both Scarlet Witch and Vision is worth seeing.

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Human vs. A.I. is a hackneyed topic, but all in all in an interesting setting. ;)

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Ultron is easily the best Arc in Avengers stories, and this movie puts new gas in the most elaborated Stark's robot. There are modifications in the movie, but they come for the best.

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Shout by Deleted


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This is not the best plot from Avengers. I am an old DC comics and Marvel fan. and I miss all those heroes, full of funny speeches. Avengers is more than an action movie, it's about super heroes that are basically human :) I wish heroes more like Deadpool for similar on movie like he was on the comics.

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the enjoyable still same with The Avengers (2012).little bit weakness and can be improve in future.

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Action, Romance, Special Effects, did I say Action? 2Hrs+ of fun - Great movie

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Shout by Deleted

Great movie.. I need to see.

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Whedon is a man of genius, fantastic movie

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I never thought I'd say that, but Hawkeye was the best part of this movie.

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one of the best movies I've watched. Damn!!! if you haven't seen it make it a must watch. 3D was spectacular 5 stars

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Shout by Deleted

Would watch it again.

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It's exactly what you'd think it'd be. Massive, global superhero action, with lots of quips and quick jokes. I liked that it was darker than the last Avengers film, and it sets up Civil War quite nicely. Also, James Spader was a blast.

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Shout by Deleted

Incredibly fantanstic. Everysingle minute was well thinked. Visions scenes were the best, as Hawkeye had the best lines. The final scene with the New Avengers. The new suit of Falcon, the scenes of War Machine. OMG, FANTASTIC.

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Marvel, you never disappoint!! Perfection!

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This outing was quite fun, but some of the dialogue doesn't age well, and some fairly jarring inconsistencies in the writing for Steve and Banner specifically made their motivations midway through the film a bit difficult to read. Still, the impressive action sequences are quite pleasant and enjoyable, bringing the movie to a pretty satisfying conclusion.

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This was pretty good...but something about it made it disappear from my memory almost instantly. And then when I think about it, it's negative. But I really enjoyed it! Maybe it's superhero fatigue.

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Shout by Deleted

Lacking some storyline, but still an amazing movie regardless.

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