Finally got to go watch Marvels Avengers: Age of Ultron today, and I must say, I quite enjoyed myself. My hopes weren't too high though, whilst I have enjoyed all the Marvel films so far to varying degrees, I had concerns around certain aspects. Things such as the well known belief that too many heroes/bad-guys make for a bad movie (see batman forever for reference), this alongside how Wanda's potential role could have ended up very similar to Loki's (causing distrust within the group). I love superhero films, but I still wont enjoy the film if it is just the same as all the others.

So, what did we end up with (without spoiling it for you)? We had enough plot and dialogue to stop the film getting boring, the whedon humour, an awesome bad-guy voice, and as everyone was hoping, a hulk side-punch. What didn't we get? Well, tbh, the plot at times got dangerously close to the 'seen there' concern I had, but luckily reeled itself in fast when it did this (see the Wanda comment when you watch the film, and how things are different to Loki). Also, my main disappointment was more around how awesome Ultron could have been. Let me get this straight, he was really good, but I still wanted more. James Spader is an awesome actor, and his voice is the sort you would love to hear monologuing for a good few minutes, but at times, the crazyness gets a little too theatrical as opposed to a cold robot. If you don't know what I mean, watch the trailer again, listen to the oft-discussed pinocchio quote, creepy enough yet allowing a sense of fun.

For all those geeks, and also those that know the basic histories of some of the characters, there are a lot of nudges and winks to future stories. You don't need to know about them to enjoy the film tbh, but they certainly gave for excellent dialogue when talking to my wife afterwards. I think she was listening, but if not, I enjoyed talking about it anyway. If you want to read up before you go in, maybe read up on vision (his history is different in the film, but all the potential future stories are still possible), as he gives himself most for speculation. The other areas, I wont mention now for risk of spoiling.

There is one more thing you will want to know, in case you missed the news, Joss Whedon did say there was only 1 after credits scene. This is the case, so you don't need to stay around for a second, go enjoy the day, and talk about all the geeky teasers you may have seen.

My closing view: A great action film, with a fun story, a sense of risk and tragedy, and strong characters. Just be aware this is action/dialogue heavy, the plot is there, but not as intense as it could have been.

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