will i ever not be annoyed by this movie? probably not. 3rd time watching it and it still doesn't rock my boat. the screenplay is one of the worst in the mcu movies, sooo corny. them building their own villain is boring, because it doesn't take the story further, it's like a hiccup they had to pass by to continue their avenging of problems NOT caused by them (Thanos' attempts), but that doesn't make for a good movie (altho i will say i REALLY like the angle of the consequences of the Avengers' actions, that then builds up to Civil War, because it's important to understand they might be powerful but they still have to answer for their mistakes - maybe i'm slightly team Iron Man oops). Besides there's just so much melodrama in this movie, and I'm all for a little bit of emotion thrown into the action spectacle but please do it tastefully... don't have Natasha and Bruce suck face while a whole city is flying in the air, getting ready to drop and destroy half the human race like....

On the upside, I like some of the character development we get in this movie like Clint's, Natasha's AND Bruce's (but not the parts that involve one another). I love the twins, I LOVE Pietro SOOOO much, every time i watch this I can't help but be heartbroken for what he could have been in the future, especially cus Wanda without him just doesn't captivate me as much.

All in all it's exactly what a 7 means on this site: good. But it's an avengers movie ffs, avengers movies are supposed to be FANTASTIC. And this one will always make me sad because it was a waste of my favourite team of people ever.


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