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2012 2009


Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2017-01-30T06:46:55Z— updated 2020-06-22T14:14:39Z

It was predicted the world would end in 2012. So Roland Emmerich tried to relax people worried about that. The film has a happy ending. The richest and most important people survive on a big ship when Earth is pretty much Waterworld now.
So anyone worried about 2012 at the time could at least think "I'll die violently but at least Trump will make it."

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Even that the script could be much better, I love so much the action and destruction scenes in this film, it makes me thrill, so it's a thumbs up!

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For me, personally the best disaster movie I have seen. It is just so bonkers and incredibly enjoyable. After having seen it more times than I can count and knowing exactly how it plays out, I instantly get a smile on my face nonetheless.

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Shout by hirkiti
BlockedParent2024-01-23T02:48:41Z— updated 2024-04-14T05:04:22Z

Definitely one of the better “end of the world” films. Most critics trounced it. What do they expect? Citizen Kane? Arrogant pompousoids the lot of them. If you like the genre check out my “End of the World”list on Trakt and let me know if I’m missing any…

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - I actually thought that film was good

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit.

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Shout by Lauren

It’s just a mess of a film but it does make me laugh at the stupid stuff. Like giraffes in the snow getting lifted by a helicopter

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Shout by Darth

I lovedddddd the line “GET IN THE FUCKING CAR RIGHT NOW”

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Shout by Moritz
BlockedParent2023-01-03T22:26:33Z— updated 2023-09-02T22:27:20Z

What a catastrophe...I love it!
The movie has only one direction and yet I found it to still be entertaining.
I don't know why all movies need to have a meaning behind each and every action. Also not every action needs a plot twist behind it ;)

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This movie is utterly ridiculous. I don't even care how good the special effects were or how many of them there were. Actually, it's all CGI so its nothing you haven't seen in every action/adventure movie released in the last five to ten years.

The level to which the main characters escaped the annihilation of the Earth was nothing short of…I can't even think of a word that can explain...the astronomical number of miracles, the sheer volumes of coincidence, the multitudes of dumb luck, that the characters experience.

Everything is so cornball. The characters have no depth. I predicted each and every single thing that was going to happen in the movie. Every single frame has been seen and done better elsewhere. Nothing is original. It's clichéd, it's tired, and it's predictable. Do you want to know what good came out of the end of civilization at the end of this movie? The main character's daughter conquered her fears and no longer wets the bed. The world dies but thankfully a seven year old no longer needs to wear pull-ups. Isn't that wonderful?

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this was surprisingly gripping. as much as it relied on every cliché in the book, clichés are clichés for a reason and, i dont know, call it christmas spirit but this had me crying a few good tears

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This film is very good and realistic. Because points out some of the biggest human failures in caring for nature. God be with us all.

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Just an epic disaster movie. Love to watch it in 2021.

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When the hell the world will be destroyed and re build like new

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I think it's great that they are showing this on Comedy central!

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Destruction scenes are the only real highlight in the film, and even those don't hold completely well these days.
If you want to watch this, just go look up scenes on youtube, not worth a full viewing.
I'm glad I skipped watching this in theaters when it first released.

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I ended a bad day with a bad movie. Wow.

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A really great movie,was amazing at the cinema when it came out,just watching it on my 65" 4K TV on Blu-ray upscaled to 4K looks amazing,I'm hope they release it in 4K Blu-ray.

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Totally unrealistic but totally entertaining.

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Too many clichés. To the point that it ruined it. And completely ridiculous

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DVD has a music video.

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I love it, but I'm a complete sucker for apocalypse movies.

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Here is all the people in the world who suffer disasters, fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, we have all, and John Cusack with the disaster in the ass

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The film has obvious flaws, trite clichés, and phony science, but if you are a fan of 50's sci-fi, you will love this movie. And remember, don't take it too seriously folks, just enjoy it.

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Entertaining enough almost three hours of disaster and cheesy dialogues. I liked it.

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Shout by Deleted

2012 was the best end of the world I've ever witnessed. Such an epic moment, it was really fun...

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Boring! Don't waste your time on this flick. The only good thing in this movie are the special effects but those make the movie not worth watching.

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This is a bad movie that's hilarious.

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That was some unbelievable bad acting and poor directing. Saw it in the cinema with my dad, way back in 2011, in 3D. That's the last time I saw anything in 3D. The only movie worth seeing was Avatar in 3D but this sucked so much a** that we talked about leaving half way in. Don't ever never wanna see that one again!!

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This and "Knowing" are my guilty pleasures :)

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Ok people, make your last preparations. Only 20 days left now.

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I want my 2 hours back... Bad bad cgi effects. Unbelievable - I laughed at the plane scene where they saw his fingers from a mile away...

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I don't care what anybody else says, i liked it. Okay, the story was nothing to write home about but you should watch it and enjoy it for the special effects. After making disaster movies for years now Roland Emmerich delivered his masterpiece. It will take a long time before another disaster movie can top this one, at least in the special effects division.

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