Review by Shubes

2012 2009

Not my first time to watch this but I enjoyed seeing it again. I will say, however, that if you're gonna watch this, you simply have to disengage your brain and enjoy this for the spectacular, over-the-top SFX; that's about all this is good for. wasn't what I would call a "bad" movie, but honestly, the storyline was so outlandish, so preposterous, and so cheesy that really all this film had going for it was the special effects. And they were pretty awesome. Even if you're a fan of the "natural disaster"-type movies, this one was a bit of a stretch...and there were PLENTY of times that you just had to basically laugh at certain scenes (i.e. driving fast enough with cat-like reflexes to outmaneuver an earthquake in one scene, outrunning a tsumami-like wave crashing into your ship, etc.) Along with those roll-your-eyes moments, you had the sappy "for the good of humanity" stuff, the "evil politician" who was only interested in saving himself, the dysfunctional family falling in love with each other again, etc etc blah blah blah ad nauseum. Like I said, it wasn't a "bad" movie; it was, in fact, quite a "fun" long as you're willing to just roll with it, laugh at it, roll your eyes a few times, and sit through 2½ hours of really lame storyline. The icing on the cake was the "three ships" heading for the coast of Africa (dawn of civilization, anyone?) as the camera pans out to show a brand-spankin'-new planet earth with one continent. The biggest question now is, Who's gonna make coffee for all these people?

Enjoy it, laugh at it, roll with it. It was enjoyable. Sappy, yes, but enjoyable.

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