

Omicron Persei 8

Westworld: 4x08 Que Será, Será

the worst part was the way christinia and william just straightforwardly monologued to explain their entire story arc over the situation. it's such bad writing. they couldn't find a way to organically explain it. william's thing didn't even need to explained, it was obvious what had happened to him. they don't trust their own viewers so they spell everything out and have zero subtext.

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Westworld: 4x07 Metanoia

meh. i genuinely think the writers have no idea what they're doing. there's a lot of "big moments" but i have no emotional attachment to them at this point. how do all the hosts feel about hale telling them to transcend? we haven't gotten nearly enough insight into how the hosts view this world, hell we don't even have a single host character to relate to in that aspect besides maybe william. everything happens because bernard magically saw it happen in his supersim. there's no explanation for why the world can't be saved, we just know it can't. we were wondering what was going on with christina, knowing this show would give some kind of twist, and there it is, she's "not real"... uh... okay? was i supposed to drop my jaw in awe? so what's the explanation for the people she interacted with earlier? why was hale visiting her? i guess that's a remaining mystery for the finale. i really don't care anymore...

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The Good Place: 3x09 Janet(s)

Brilliant. Janet has been stealing the show right from the start, and always excels when given focus. This concept was hilarious, and especially funny that it was used to further the Eleanor/Chidi romance plot, which culminated in a really sweet moment. The show's overall plot is interesting here, it's a bit hard to believe that apparently The Good Place (and the whole afterlife system) has apparently been fucked up (more than it already seemed to be) for 500+ years without anyone noticing. Not gonna lie, I was really expecting/hoping for Simone to walk in at the end.

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Suits: 1x07 Play the Man

We're so used to the protagonist always winning in TV shows, it was surprising and hard to watch when Mike not only failed, but was repeatedly humiliated and then criticized by both of the senior lawyers. I kept having hope that things would work out, and the episode made you relate to the crushing defeat. I guess the lesson is what Mike says - that it's not about winning, it's about retaining your humanity and doing the right thing. Small consolation though when the "human" issue with Rachel was only the final in a long string of mistakes. But I guess the episode made me feel things, so it did it's job.

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Sharp Objects: 1x08 Milk
The Good Place: 3x05 The Ballad of Donkey Doug

I've never been a huge fan of Jason's over-the-top unrealistic low intelligence, so I wasn't super into that family plot (Though Tahani's incredulous reactions were on-point), but I thought Chidi's half of the episode was hilarious. The VR scenario montage was great, and they took full advantage of the possibilities by having Eleanor involve herself on both sides. A sort of sad thing to realize is that, if this Simone recreation was perfectly accurate, then it means she would genuinely have agreed to marry him. I really hope she returns, in just a handful of episodes she feels like such an integral part of the show. Human Janet is amazing and I loved the awkward bing section at the start of the episode.

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Doctor Who: 11x07 Kerblam!

way too one the nose, i just cannot take this season seriously. this was blatantly about amazon and various other political issues. the problem is the show isn't able to portray this situation with nuance - the doctor doesn't actually have to take a stance on corporations and automation, because she is given an extremist over the top villain who takes things way too far to the point where they are no longer a good representation of their side of the issue, and then she gets to fly away without having actual done anything to help "the 10%" who are stuck working meaningless monotonous jobs 40 hours a week.

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The Americans: 6x02 Tchaikovsky

its insane that elizabeth is literally training paige to be an agent while still trying to pretend like they don't ever do bad things. this was always the issue even back in season 3 - paige is not okay with murdering people or sleeping with people... even though she's older now i have a hard time believing this is a good plan, and hard to see why elizabeth thinks it is. wasn't she ready to retire at the end of last season? but she still wants paige to do this...?

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The Americans: 3x07 Walter Taffet
Orange Is the New Black: 1x11 Tall Men with Feelings
Suits: 1x06 Tricks of the Trade

This was a good episode! I felt really bad for the woman falsely accused of insider trading. I was happy that Mike took her side - it's cool how he has a conscience despite all the lying. I love Gina Torres, her awkwardness at being forced to go out with Louis was hilarious. The ending felt a bit forced with Rachel figuring everything out and getting mad.

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Sharp Objects: 1x03 Fix

I liked the flashback story about the girl in the clinic who kills herself. I find the dynamic between the main character and the detective is getting a bit repetitive - him always saying he won't tell her anything, her saying "okay I won't ask" and then immediately trying to drill him for more. The mother is starting to really annoy me - her insistence that Camille not be allowed to do a single aspect of her job under any circumstances is frustrating, and I don't relate to her enough to get past that. I like Camille's relationship with her sister, but her sister was a total jerk to her and I again don't feel like I have enough redeeming qualities to care about her despite that.

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The Americans: 2x13 Echo

i wasn't a fan of the whole "let me lie here choking to death on my own blood as i monologue about my motivations and various plot twists" thing. contrived imo. larek just not an interesting villain and doesn't add anything compelling to the story.

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The Americans: 1x13 The Colonel
The Americans: 1x12 The Oath

man, things really feel like they are closing in. i mean, i guess all the fbi has is a few sketches and testimonies, but it feels like being a covert agent like this is the sort of thing where once people start to get an inkling of it, they will eventually find you.

and the marriage to martha also feels like it's getting so hard to maintain! it all feels insanely risky

but of course i know there's 5 more seasons. still, hard to imagine things going smoothly...

i'm kind of glad nina is turning back on the americans... stan deserves it, and she has the power in that relationship now so she can use him. good for her.

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The Americans: 1x09 Safe House

very cool. i like how every plot arc intertwined in this episode, and in a very "dramatic irony" type way where characters unfortunately had no idea what was going on or why they were involved in things.

i like the flashbacks to amador so i get one last chance to appreciate what a wonderful person and friend he was with his neverending talk of life being all about pussy, meanwhile his attempts to stalk and harass a woman at his workplace is getting people killed. what a great guy! i understand that stan is loyal and stuff but man it's hard to imagine actually respecting amador

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Sharp Objects: 1x07 Falling

Better than the previous ep. I liked Camille's scenes with the murder suspect dude. I thought it was sweet. There's something nice about two people being totally honest with each other, admitting how fucked up they are. I liked the fight she has with the detective after as well. I have to be honest I have no clue what's going on with Jackie and Adora and the medical records. So Adora is more fucked up than we thought? And she purposefully made her daughter sick...? Or something...? And Jackie knew...? And this means Adora is the killer...? I don't really get it...

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The Americans: 1x04 In Control

Fantastic episode, totally thrilling!

I found it interesting how the conflict between America and Russia here was really representative of lots of types of conflict that happen. "We didn't do anything, BUT they will assume we did and attack us, so they are awful!" A lot of conflicts in life can be sparked by people assuming ill intent in others and then reacting as if they did the hypothetical thing you're imagining they'd do.

Stan is totally going to fall in love with his asset, right...? lol. She was having none of it though. I'd love to see an awkward one-sided thing. Also why did his partner not radio him when he sensed they were being followed?!

Also how does this last, what, 6 seasons? Phil was ready to defect, like, yesterday.

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Halt and Catch Fire: 1x03 High Plains Hardware

Bored by this episode. Still think Joe is really pathetic and not sure if that's supposed to be the point or not. Cameron is sort of interesting but I think it's just because the actress is really watchable, I don't care much about her going to a drug party to try to get over whatever the coding equivalent of writer's block is. Gordon's struggle is sort of relateable. His wife is the best character, I like her a lot.

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The Good Place: 3x06 A Fractured Inheritance

I feel like I've seen the "Main Character thinks that Side-character is faking being reformed and insists they're still awful, but is proved wrong" plot so many times, but this was a good execution of it. Eleanor's monologue where she admits that she can't handle the idea that her mom became good for someone else was a bit "this is a TV show so i need to explain my feelings without subtext" but it was still quite sad. I loved the dude who Eleanor's mom is dating, he was hilarious, and my favourite line was probably when Michael said "we lived in the same wink neighbourhood" and the dude said "wow what a funny way to say a totally normal thing". Tahani's plot was really sweet, and there was great work from the writers to have Jason talk about the boob art since it was going to become very relevant later. The climax where they hugged was really sweet and I loved the use of the word "wankers" to show that they were being less "uptight" than usual.

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Doctor Foster: 2x05 Episode 5

I thought this was a brilliant ending! Satisfying to watch her husband completely break down, was quite pitiful and somehow even moving, especially combined with the flashback scenes of happier times. Loved the post-partum depression segment. My only slight issue is that they really foreshadowed death, and no one died. I feel this show is clearly inspired by greek tragedy, it was a bit anticlimactic that no one died, even if I'm glad they didn't.

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Suits: 2x10 High Noon

very disappointing. i feel like this show just doesn't know how to resolve its plotlines after it puts characters in danger. that was such a cheap solution - we are really meant to believe they can get everyone to turn their votes just from saying their theory once, with no one even looking at any proof, from the guy who just admitted he was on drugs???? we have zero insight into how these partners think or why they voted against jessica before. it's all very bad writing, sad because the setup is otherwise very good.

and the cheap romance hooks are also getting annoying. donna returning was also completely unearned, i mean there were basically no consequences for her and it was super easy to get her back? jessica barely seemed to care.

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The Americans: 3x10 Stingers
The Americans: 3x06 Born Again
The Americans: 1x11 Covert War

god i'm used to tv shows mixing their super serious drama plots with their side romance plots but there's something so delightfully absurd about the way this show weaves super serious spy drama with romance, like "you helped me kidnap and murder a cia agent in an abandoned basement so now i'm sad that you're getting an apartment instead of moving back in"

lovely to see stan's wife finally blow up on him like he deserves

i feel like nina is in the same position as gregory last episode where she really just has nothing to look forward to anymore regardless of if things work or don't work, and she may behave in the same way, no longer valuing her life and just wanting to go out on her own terms.

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The Americans: 1x10 Only You

fantastic! the climactic scene with gregory in the apartment was super intense, wow, keri russel nailed that scene!

gregory as a character is super interesting because he's just clearly such an honorable and good person, and yet is doing bad things. i don't even think its unrealistic, i'm sure people like that exist. anyone, even the people with the highest morals, can be misguided.

it's very understandable to not want to go relocate your life to russia... even if you're devoted to their cause, i have to imagine his reaction was the normal one...

it's very interesting that elizabeth is struggling right now with how following your cause is more important than love, and even the other man who she does love, they love each other because they were so dedicated to their cause, and with the choice he made, he sort of reinforced to her that love gets in the way

also omg stan is so awful, using his poor wife as a sounding board for things he wishes he could take about with his mistress.

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Halt and Catch Fire: 2x02 New Coke

wow, season 2 is so much fun! if you had told me during season 1 that the show would become primarily about donna and cameron running an online gaming company while joe is a disconnected sideplot, i'd never have believed you!

gordon is rich now but he still needed to hold on to his ability to be incredibly embarassing so he's got a cocaine addiction, which is, as usual, just painful to watch

the hacker guy felt a bit forced to me, like a plot device more than a character with understandable motivations. it's also feeling a bit forced how donna continually forgives cameron for absolutely everything, her patience is insane there. i do like how cameron repeatedly lies to or treats donna the same way gordon did - it's funny cameron and gordon are so alike (typical when two people clash so strongly)

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Halt and Catch Fire: 2x01 SETI

very cool start to season 2! such a different vibe from the first one. loving the focus on donna and her whole plot with cameron. new and improved joe too, i'm already getting more of a sense of character from him now that he's not putting on a weird fake-charismatic persona.

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The Good Place: 3x10 The Book of Dougs

Fantastic! Loved the humour in this episode

I find it sort of interesting that the premise of season 1 was "The Good Place was so obnoxiously over the top good that it was actually bad" and it was ultimately on purpose because of the twist, but this is apparently the real good place and its actually still over the top good to the point of being horrible. I wonder if they're going anywhere with that, or if it's just that it was convenient to reuse that joke.

Very blatant commentary on humanity and the way the world works nowadays, lol. But fair.

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The Americans: 1x03 Gregory

Good episode!

I like how the first scene with the racketball game is foreshadowing how the series will go. Stan will keep wearing Phillip down until he makes a mistake - but Phillip will ultimately find a way to stab Stan in the back. Not sure if the foreshadowing continues with Stan having to take a phonecall and leave, But Phillip saying "I'll get a win any way I can" is sort of foreshadowing as well, except it's not true? He's on the path to giving in to his emotions and letting wins slip away...

I thought there was gonna be a gunshot immediately after the wife got in the van, honestly. Still sad though... Can't tell if Phil and Elizabeth knew what was going to happen...? But surely they would... I think it makes sense. They have these emotional struggles but ultimately they can't let themselves be swayed by it. Yet.

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