

Omicron Persei 8

The Bear: 1x07 Review

damn, i knew going in this ep was famous for being 20 minutes of one shot, but when the camera ended on the billboard and the screen went to black, i thought "wait, what? so this episode does have a cut??? it's only been a few minutes" and then i glanced at the timeline and was in awe that 20 minutes had passed.

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Black Mirror: 5x02 Smithereens

bruhhh this show has gone so downhill, season 1 asked real questions about the way technology is shaping society and season 5 is just like "what if facebook made you text while driving wouldn't that be fucked up"

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The Fall: 1x01 Episode One

wow. just bad. one of the most soulless things i've ever seen. like every character and every line of dialogue was as generic and uninspired as possible. there's no personality. there's nothing special about any of it. it's like it was written by an AI, it has no humanity. if i were to pick any tv episode to show an alien to demonstrate what "art" is i'd pick whatever the opposite of this is.

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The Boys: 2x06 The Bloody Doors Off

am i forgetting something or is this the first time starlight has killed an innocent person? i expected that to be a bigger moment, or for her to grapple with it more, but she didn't really? she acted like she was a hardened person who was so used to it now. maybe i'm forgetting stuff.

maybe this is a dumb complaint but i'm sort of getting tired of everything in this show being resolved with blackmail, especially when blackmail has proven to be sort of ineffective. I mean Vought's biggest secret was released and it apparently wasn't even a major hit. I think the plane video would probably be more destructive but idk, just feels like they always spin the PR of stuff.

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The Boys: 2x04 Nothing Like It in the World

i'll be honest my absolute least favourite thing in the show so far is maeve telling elena she doesn't want homelander to find out about her, then just talking to her on the phone about their relationship right in the vought boardroom. just really dumb and i hate contrived writing choices like that where the characters do dumb things just to lead to drama. unless maeve was lying about that as the reason, idk.

also did they kill shapeshifter because otherwise viewers would constantly be guessing that maybe someone is fake? i spent half the episode worrying that billy's wife was shapeshifter which probably took away from the impact of the scenes. it's kinda better for him to be dead otherwise viewers are probably always speculating. it's too strong of a power.

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The Boys: 2x02 Proper Preparation and Planning

is it really that easy to blackmail a-train? i mean there won't ever be full proof and the company's already helping cover it up, it just doesn't feel like it'd stick, not enough to really hurt him. he's got way more leverage on her.

the writing felt a bit more on-the-nose than usual this ep. like stormfront's deal is she just monologues about what her character is. i think it's sort of interesting that someone is perceiving starlight as being a suck-up and saying "you don't have to be that way" but its also sort of... not true? starlight was threatened and berated for going off-script, and the other heroes were abusive towards her. is that just not happening to stormfront...? has homelander not threatened her yet for mocking him...? so i'm not quite buying the whole "see, you could be carefree like me" thing just yet.

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The Boys: 2x01 The Big Ride

lol, this show has so many moments designed just to shock the viewer with how outrageous they are - but i think this episode had the most yet. it's almost enough to bother me but the moments are just barely "earned" enough that they don't take me out of it, and feel impactful.

as a sidenote, i am sort of disappointed in maeve's arc. i feel she was really underused in season 1 and it seems that will continue her. i feel we could spend a bit more time with her, especially with her being the only other woman in the seven and we should understand her mindset a bit more, it's like she started an arc of maybe wanting to be a good guy but then it kind of went nowhere.

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The Boys: 1x05 Good for the Soul

Shout by zachbrownies
BlockedParent2022-12-28T06:31:39Z— updated 2022-12-29T07:46:09Z

why would ezekiel even do the gay stuff in his normal body anyway...? can't he shift into anyone? seems dangerous, and like anyone could've easily tried to blackmail him before.

edit: ohhhhhh whoops i thought ezekiel was the body-changer. i thought when he got stretchy it was because he could do anything with his body. nvvvvmm.

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The Boys: 1x04 The Female of the Species

wow that plane scene was absolutely brutal! i said my worry with watching this show is that there'd be a lot of bad things happening because of bad people who don't get punished for it and it'd be hard to watch. i think they probably will get their come-uppance in the end but oof, until then...! i'm not sure quite when i developed enough of a conscience to feel bad about watching bad things happen in a TV show, i used to be totally desensitized... but yeah, i dunno, wow.

i guess i'm invested though because i was super nervous during the whole date scene, i don't want him to mess things up! i hope they eventually tell each other the truth and work together... plz no contrived relationship drama because "you lied to me!" and etc.

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The Boys: 1x02 Cherry
The Boys: 1x01 The Name of the Game
Westworld: 4x08 Que Será, Será

the worst part was the way christinia and william just straightforwardly monologued to explain their entire story arc over the situation. it's such bad writing. they couldn't find a way to organically explain it. william's thing didn't even need to explained, it was obvious what had happened to him. they don't trust their own viewers so they spell everything out and have zero subtext.

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Westworld: 4x07 Metanoia

meh. i genuinely think the writers have no idea what they're doing. there's a lot of "big moments" but i have no emotional attachment to them at this point. how do all the hosts feel about hale telling them to transcend? we haven't gotten nearly enough insight into how the hosts view this world, hell we don't even have a single host character to relate to in that aspect besides maybe william. everything happens because bernard magically saw it happen in his supersim. there's no explanation for why the world can't be saved, we just know it can't. we were wondering what was going on with christina, knowing this show would give some kind of twist, and there it is, she's "not real"... uh... okay? was i supposed to drop my jaw in awe? so what's the explanation for the people she interacted with earlier? why was hale visiting her? i guess that's a remaining mystery for the finale. i really don't care anymore...

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Westworld: 4x06 Fidelity

glad the show is back to being good

some lazy writing tropes though, could see it coming a million miles away that jay would conveniently slip on one of the things we happened to see in the flashback. also obvious that caleb's escape was planned and watched, but i liked it thematically since hale being so insistent on finding some key she missed when it's actually just "the human spirit" is nice. C's hatred of maeve was a bit contrived and she got over it reeeeal fast at the end.

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Westworld: 4x05 Zhuangzi

First good episode in a long time

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Westworld: 4x04 Generation Loss
Westworld: 3x08 Crisis Theory


I was really working on powering through the last few seasons to catch up, but episode 7 just killed my motivation to continue because of how bad it was. I was hoping the finale would maybe salvage things, make the season worth it, and it didn't. It was mostly just meaningless action with more incomprehensible character motivations and things happening just for the sake of drama.

There were a few poignant-ish moments towards the end but also just so much more forced writing where character's explicitly state their motivations. I feel bad for Aaron Paul, it's a good character concept but he can't save it, no amount of "You ruined my life! So I hate you! Aaaarrrgh!" will move me at this point.

Why was Bernard in this season? Did he ever do anything...? Why Was William in this season...? What's the point of any of this...? What are Delores motivations? So she actually was good all along...? Why? What changed her mind? I don't get any of it.

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Westworld: 3x07 Passed Pawn
Westworld: 3x05 Genre
Westworld: 3x04 The Mother of Exiles

this season is... interesting. i appreciate the show was willing to move ahead and change dynamics completely. but i honestly can't say i really care. i felt the season 2 finale was a good ending and this new plot is too different. that combined with feeling that maeve is only here because the writers felt they had to keep her in the show. dunno. waiting, hoping this goes somewhere. i feel dolores' desire to wipe out the humans was more interesting conceptually, seeing it play out just feels kinda like generic futuristic sci-fi spy vs spy plot.

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Westworld: 3x02 The Winter Line

not bad but i'm starting to feel less convinced that the writers had an actual plan for the rest of the show. it kind of feels like season 2 was the end for all characters and arcs, including maeve, but now its like "well she's the fan favourite we couldn't just have her story end with dying after helping her daughter reach paradise, we have to keep including her". luckily i still like maeve and this was a fun episode and a nice closure to sizemore (better than his sort of rushed/unnecessary death in the finale).

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Westworld: 3x01 Parce Domine

that was... interesting. i can't really say it was "good" or that i particularly enjoyed it but it was aesthetically beautiful and i'm curious on where it's going. i liked season 2 so i'm in for the ride at this point.

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Westworld: 2x01 Journey Into Night

surprisingly boring? coming back to this after not watching for a few years. i expected season 2 to start with a bang and introduce some brand new dynamics for the season. but instead it just sort of... did more of the same stuff we've already seen? and it was just the most obvious stuff that would happen in the follow-up of the finale.

maeve goes back inside and sneaks around with the help of a technician. done that already. man in black is off alone getting into fights and searching for maze while talking to cryptic NPCs. done that already. hosts have realized they have consciousness and they wanna hurt humans - like, yeah, that's what happened in the finale, i got that already.

wonder where it goes.

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Suits: 2x10 High Noon

very disappointing. i feel like this show just doesn't know how to resolve its plotlines after it puts characters in danger. that was such a cheap solution - we are really meant to believe they can get everyone to turn their votes just from saying their theory once, with no one even looking at any proof, from the guy who just admitted he was on drugs???? we have zero insight into how these partners think or why they voted against jessica before. it's all very bad writing, sad because the setup is otherwise very good.

and the cheap romance hooks are also getting annoying. donna returning was also completely unearned, i mean there were basically no consequences for her and it was super easy to get her back? jessica barely seemed to care.

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The Affair: 5x09 509

oh god, it's so painful in this show always watching the characters make the same mistakes over and over...

usually women going back to men that they clearly know better than to go back to

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The Affair: 5x08 508

oof... just when i was thinking that maybe this show was going to have some sort of sentimental, nice, happy ending... it's painful watching everything get fucked up for noah again, when he's actually being decent now. i'll hold out hope, maybe...

at least helen is finally back to her senses, a bit. standing up for herself.

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The Affair: 5x06 506

this was... interesting. it's such a weird vibe. really bold choice to include this story. a bit forced the way she conveniently meets this dude who just knows her entire family history lol. i don't blame her for being suicidal and trying to self-harm with the state of the world and the weird oxygen garden...

it almost feels good to have someone "know" allison didn't kill herself, but also it's... too late to matter. just weird.

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The Affair: 5x05 505

oooof. i can't believe helen did that to priya. hopefully this was the start of her waking up...

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The Affair: 5x03 503

interesting. i hadn't thought about where noah's arc would go. season 4 was nice because everyone had just become so much more mature. it was the best version of noah we'd seen yet. now looks like he's realizing that mature is boring. and he's losing controller over everything - helen, janelle, even his own image. i wonder if he will finally learn to accept that it's okay to just be normal. he'll throw a few tantrums first i guess.

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The Affair: 5x02 502

oh i love it when a show hits its final season and decided to just stop taking itself so seriously

this is going to be my favourite season isn't it?

helen watching as a movie recreates her break up scene. lol.

and then they were just like "what if we have a subplot take place 30 years in a technologically advanced but climate devastated world"

like, WHAT. who thought the show would go this direction? lol. love it.

and helen in dgaf mode is great

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