

New York, New York


Wild. Incredible. Nearly flawless in execution.

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The show is brilliant because the leads are smoking hot and want to bone like stray dogs but can't because of reasons. That tension, which I will call "the Pound-Town Struggle" for lack of any better word, is truly innovative in the world of primetime drama and elevates Evil amongst its peers.

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Star Trek: Lower Decks

A brilliant show that, unlike most Trekkies, doesn’t take itself to seriously and is able to poke fun at some of the sillier aspects of the universe without being a fully blown parody. The writing is great and the characters are as deep as we’ve come to expect from other adult animation.

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The Mandalorian

This show is way cooler than you ever will be.

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Imagine a time travel movie where nothing happens.

Now you don't need to watch this. You're welcome.

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A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge

I wish there was more gay horror.

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Borat Subsequent Moviefilm

Shout by tiny_thanos

If you're looking for just some pranks and dick jokes, you'll be disappointed. Subsequent MovieFilm is rather a loosely scripted dramedy about a father and daughter who are confronted with their deeply held, toxic beliefs and in overcoming them, grow closer to each other and make Kazakstan a better place for everyone. These beliefs are echoed in the people we meet throughout Borat and Tutar's mission, and I came out of it hoping they make the same change. I felt like some scenes were there only to fill some obligation to shock the viewer, but I felt that these gags fell flat. Thankfully, the real meat of the moviefilm is the father/daughter relationship and thanks to some great writing, Bakalova's acting, and the chemistry between the leads, the effort pays off in spades.

Also, Giuliani absolutely, unambiguously touches himself. He is a pervy, disgusting old man who should never be able to live this down.

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Not only is this a great horror movie, but future historians will look back on it as a time capsule for the mess that 2020 is.

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Saint Maud

Come for the intriguing look at the effect of isolation and dogmatism on the mind of a trouble woman, stay for the body horror and impressive projectile vomiting

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James Wan is the Michael Bay of horror and this is his Transformers.

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The Empty Man

A fairly interesting and well put-together film, but there are some loose ends that never got tied up and the significance of the ending wasn't very well laid out.

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Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday

This movie aggressively sucks and I hate it deep in my bones.

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The Shining

Kubrick is comically overrated as a screenwriter and this movie fails to measure up to the source material. Like all of his other films, his terrible sense of style has dated this film to the point that I cannot separate it from the terrible memories I have of the 80's. I hate this movie intensely and resent its popularity with other horror fans.

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A Quiet Place

It's mediocre, mostly predictable, and not the most exciting. Not unlike Krasinski himself.

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Motion Sickness: The Movie. Mostly unwatchable, but has some good moments.

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Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey

Their bogus journey is out awesome movie. Totally excellent!

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I wish I could say better things about this movie. It gets goofy towards the end and could have leaned into it Evil Dead style, but it seems to want to take itself seriously right up to the minute. Instead, it's flat, uninspired, and wore out its welcome 45
minutes onto its nearly 2-hour runtime.

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2025: The World Enslaved by a Virus

Absolutely the worst thing ever recorded. Literally nothing about this movie is tolerable, from the intense technical incompetence to the pathetic and self-absorbed persecution fetish. It's bad and dumb. Don't watch this unless you can pirate it. Also, Joshua Wesley groomed his much-younger wife and is a disgusting creep.

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Paranormal Activity: Tokyo Night

Tokyo Night is my favorite in the series. It's a glimpse at what the series could have been - a collection of loosely related hauntings that don't try too hard to create an overarching narrative about witch covens or some other boring crap. Everything else about the movie is similarly smaller in scale to the American sequels. Most of the screen time is spent with just two characters, the setting is a small home, and the events are more subtle. Things start to drag in the final act though, and at one point we're treated to a spontaneously burning cross (one of my least favorite movie tropes, especially in non-western movies). It manages to fill the void for a little over an hour which is about all I can ask from horror.

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The Blackwell Ghost

Creepy and the characters aren't annoying, screaming teenagers. Its documentarian flavor helps it stand out from the crowd. It's short, which is fine but the world would be a better place if we could get more of that delicious third act.

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Grave Encounters 2

It's dollar pizza, not ratatouille. Don't take it any more seriously than it takes itself and you'll have a grand time.

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Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan

This movie is gold. Jason teleports. Heroin just makes Rennie a little dizzy. Downtown Manhattan is a ghost town. There's toxic waste in the streets and sewer. It's exactly the kind of silly schlock fans love about the series, but I give it a 9 because after Sean pulls the e-brake while being chased by Jason in the subway, everyone complains that they're going to be late and one dude cheers Jason on. That's New York.

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What We Do in the Shadows

This is the best vampire movie. If you disagree, you're wrong.

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The Grudge

It’s a 93 minute long fart noise.

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Talk to Me

A well acted and crushing portrayal of loneliness and a person reaching out for human connection. It can feel a bit like its dragging itself to the end, but otherwise it's a stellar slow-burn.

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The Twin

This stupid movie sucks a giant butt. I'm generally sick out of my fucking ass of horror movies centered on motherhood as well as movies that are just lazy metaphors for mental illness, so when I come across one that combines both horrid tropes I can feel the life force fleeing my body. Please, dudes with cameras, I'm begging you to think of different stories because this one is so fucking tired.

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I Live Alone

Surreal, not because of any particular stylistic choices, but because people, ideas, and words pop into existence unbridled by rationality or prior cause, struggle to find purpose, and then vanish like a fart in the wind. Perhaps the only consistency to the movie is just how unpleasant it is as the lack of coherence or direction gives it the same unsettling quality of a nightmare born of an upset stomach. Despite this, I want more. I want to watch something that will make it all make sense, not because I enjoyed it, but because I want to quench the raging fires of the movie's scenes burning in my brain and rationalize unanswerable mysteries that have shaken me to my core.

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Dark Web: Descent Into Hell

Good god - the acting, the nonsensical story, the cringey youtuber aesthetic... it's about as enjoyable as swallowing, and then passing, a whole pineapple.

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It's hard for me to understand why this movie ever became popular, but I say this being over two decades removed from its debut and with the benefit of having seen the vastly superior Verbinski version. The script is a muddy, confusing mess. Anywhere the characters can't be bothered to take initiative, psychic powers are there to propel the plot forward. Sadako herself doesn't have the same effect.

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The Toll

This movie is tense and keeps you guessing, but wraps up things a little too neatly at the end for my tastes. Worth a watch for the excellent performances all around.

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