

Omicron Persei 8

3 Body Problem

The season ends at episode five.

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3 Body Problem: 1x05 Judgment Day

I liked this more than Oppenheimer.

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Conan O'Brien Must Go: 1x02 Argentina

This episode needed more Schlansky.

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Conan O'Brien Must Go: 1x01 Norway

This episode needed some Schlansky.

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Curb Your Enthusiasm: 12x08 The Colostomy Bag

The good thing is it was actually better than I expected when I saw the title.

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Curb Your Enthusiasm: 12x07 The Dream Scheme

Not sure if I’m reading too much into it but is this maybe related to the imminent death of an actual friend of LD?

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Curb Your Enthusiasm: 12x04 Disgruntled


There’s just not a lot here.

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The Simpsons: 9x04 Treehouse of Horror VIII

“Ew, you can be Lisa’s.”

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The Curse: 1x10 Green Queen

I’m not yet willing to commit to my own. I need a rewatch I think.

But I have to say it’s one of the first actual instances of absurdism in what critics have described as a deeply absurd show, so idk. It’s only really as absurd as its subjects; until this we’d never gone there.

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The Curse: 1x10 Green Queen

Loved it. I want theories.

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Fargo: 5x08 Blanket

Above all else, this season is about how certain types of men treat women, how they build structures under and within the patriarchy that give them impunity to do so, and how women either accede to these conditions—or push back and are punished. This episode is the most clear-headed articulation of that thesis (if I'm correct in describing it as such), and it's absolutely devastating.

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The Curse: 1x04 Under the Big Tree

How many millions of incels have been birthed by that very specific feeling in the final scene?

I guess if you've never felt that feeling—the overwhelming anxiety of the knowledge that you have no idea how to perform appropriately in a particular social context and the spotlight is about to reach you, and what can you do, run?, and then the crushing aftermath of knowing that you weren't even paranoid; your self-assessment was correct, and you failed—the character of Asher might not make a lot of sense and the notion of the brutality of that final scene may seem melodramatic...

But it's not.

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Lost: 5x13 Some Like It Hoth

Jack still sucks. (Five words.)

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The Curse: 1x02 Pressure's Looking Good So Far

Incredible satire.

Many fictionalised critiques of awful people caricature them to the point where it feels like the only bad guy left is a straw man or something so uncommon as to be impossible to place in one’s mind. The Curse is more interested in the banality of awfulness, think Arendt or Solondz, and the banality is what connects it to the real world—I don’t know a Thanos or a Napoleon—we all know people like this.

This is very hard to watch, and even harder if you wish to sympathise with its targets, but it’s very good.

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Lost: 4x07 Ji Yeon

yo what the fuck don’t do that

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Lost: 3x09 Stranger in a Strange Land

Jack is stupid and gross

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Lost: 2x02 Adrift

Strong "that's numberwang!" vibes.

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Foundation: 1x01 The Emperor's Peace

Everyone's super chill about the 100 million dead people, huh.

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Episode three is the clearly best episode but this is just really fun the whole way through. Learning is easy when it's fun.

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Peep Show: 1x01 Warring Factions

No comments? Come on, people.

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The Leftovers: 1x05 Gladys

Finally the Wayne/Tom storyline makes sense. We already know this ATFEC organisation will just murder on sight, because we saw it. So when they offer to take care of Kevin's Guilty Remnant problem, we now understand exactly what's going on here. I hadn't thought much about the 9/11 links on my first watch (not because they're not obvious, but because I'm not American), but it's hard to deny that this is straight retort to the invasive powers smuggled in after that event.

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The Leftovers: 1x02 Penguin One, Us Zero

Shout by thingsaregreat
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-08-03T17:51:05Z— updated 2023-08-16T13:53:44Z

This is is an incredible opening two episodes. Turns out all Lindelof shows end up being about a Christian metaphysics in some way or another but as someone raised that way but agnostic for thirty years I’ve let’s say religiously avoided art about faith. And yet I find Lindelof’s takes so thoughtful and nuanced that I can’t help but take them seriously.

This episode is wonderful.

And the cherry on top: the only tick in the “world is explicable” category that we really got all episode (seeing the kids meet his dog-shooting partner was something—I guess it makes him real—but hardly relieved my confusion) was the finding of the theretofore inexplicably disappeared bagels. Just a masterful touch at the end.

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Primal Survivor: Escape the Amazon: 1x01 Poison Jungle

This guy might be a masochist but I'm not sure that he's really a survivalist, or at least that's the very strong vibe I got from the first ten minutes of this episode. (I'm open to being proved wrong, but if that's the case why open episode one with something that indicates the things I pointed out.)

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The O.C.: 1x01 Premiere

Wow, I'd forgotten how completely absurd this episode is.

Not saying I didn't enjoy it though.

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Lost: 1x18 Numbers

I like a lot of the performances here and it's a well-directed 45 minutes, but it's really let down by the schlocky writing (there were a couple of decent scenes, especially the end one, and that's why it's a four not a two).

I know that's a thing that happened when these kinds of shows routinely produced 20+ episode seasons, but I don't have to be happy about it.

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Lost: 1x18 Numbers

That's not an Australian accent.

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The Bear: 2x10 The Bear

I cried a lot because this show is about kindness.

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The Bear: 2x04 Honeydew

As far as overall impressions go, though: wow.

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The Bear: 2x04 Honeydew

I totally understand that a lot of time, effort, and emotional energy would have been invested in the pregnancy reveal, but the reality is it didn't work. They should have cut it and found another way.

(To be more specific, the way it played out in a physical sense just didn't make any logical sense; as an actor she had to wait for the action—the movement and sound—to end before she could speak, or neither we nor the people she's speaking to hear her, but it makes no sense for her to do that IRL, of course, because once she realised everyone was looking at her she would not have revealed this information.)

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The Sopranos: 2x12 The Knight in White Satin Armor

Aida Turturro is on fire in this episode.

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