Shout by thingsaregreat
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-08-03T17:51:05Z— updated 2023-08-16T13:53:44Z

This is is an incredible opening two episodes. Turns out all Lindelof shows end up being about a Christian metaphysics in some way or another but as someone raised that way but agnostic for thirty years I’ve let’s say religiously avoided art about faith. And yet I find Lindelof’s takes so thoughtful and nuanced that I can’t help but take them seriously.

This episode is wonderful.

And the cherry on top: the only tick in the “world is explicable” category that we really got all episode (seeing the kids meet his dog-shooting partner was something—I guess it makes him real—but hardly relieved my confusion) was the finding of the theretofore inexplicably disappeared bagels. Just a masterful touch at the end.

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