


The Blacklist: 7x04 Kuwait

The dialogue between Liz and her new neighbor is SO on the nose.

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The Blacklist: 7x07 Hannah Hayes

I knew Christian conservatives would get triggered af watching this episode :joy:. And the writers didn't even glorify the pro-choice movement!

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Citizen Kane

I can see how young people who checked it out of curiosity in between superhero movies, find it boring. I think Kane's life story as told in the movie was very interesting.

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Killing Eve: 2x02 Nice and Neat

It was good to see Villanelle being a victim for a change

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Road House

I just watched it for the first time (the new 4k UHD looks AMAZING) and I had a blast. As others said, it has a lot of 80s cheese and some problematic female portrayals but I can see why it's a cult hit thanks to cable and the home video market.

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Game of Thrones: 4x07 Mockingbird

Spoilers for season 8!

Melisandre wasn't wearing her necklace!

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Gosford Park

This is one of those movies with great ingredients (great director, great cast, great setting) but the movie just never takes off.
If it weren't for the famous faces, you couldn't possibly remember who's who.

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Lady Vengeance

The least accessible of the trilogy. It's hard to tell who is who and who is doing what and why after only one viewing. The third act is so straightforward it feels like another movie.

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The Dead Zone

The politics of this movie are highly relevant in this day and age

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I can see why young people that were raised on modern horror movies would think this is boring and overrated (there are no scares every 10 minutes to keep the audience engaged) but it's the filmmaking that raise it above the rest.

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The Conformist

The assassination sequence blew me away

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Wings of Desire

Great concept, great setting, beautiful photography. I just didn't care about the internal monologs.

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Mad Max

First time I watched this as a teenager I didn't get what all the fuss was about. Now that I'm more versed in 70s exploitation cinema, I appreciate it the more times I watch it.
People judge it with modern eyes by comparing it to Fury Road and that's just absurd.

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The Manchurian Candidate

One of the better remakes out there.

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Rebel Without a Cause

Shout by The_Argentinian
BlockedParent2023-10-10T11:34:19Z— updated 2023-10-15T16:11:50Z

First time I saw it, I thought it was a cheesy, dated movie. Revisiting it years later thanks to the new 4k bluray, I enjoy it more now. It's a 50s youth melodrama. You have to accept it for what it is.

The themes of loneliness, friendship, longing for love, parenting or lack thereof, toxic masculinity are timeless.

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Bigger Than Life

Typical mandated 50s BS happy ending. But what came before it's good.
Mason miscast over two ball throwing scenes? GTFO. He was perfect.

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The Limey

Squares will be disappointed because it's not a John Wick/Taken-like revenge story told in a conventional way.

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It's a B-movie, really. I would have loved to see Brian De Palma or Dario Argento tackle this.

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Glengarry Glen Ross

Y'all here wouldn't know a good movie if it hit you on the head. Too much talking? Not enough locations? Characters are unlikable? FOH. It was gripping from beginning to end.

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The Hills Have Eyes

Great idea and setting but didn't do much for me. The characters are annoying. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a better and more effective contemporary film.

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I enjoyed this more than Dracula. Karloff gets all the praise but I was surprised by the actor who played Frankenstein. He was really great. Judging the rest of the performances by modern standards is stupid.

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Sexy Beast

Heard nothing but praise for this movie and now I can see why. It lives up its reputation as a cult classic . Funny af.

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Once Upon a Time in the West

Boy, they don't make it like this anymore. Not for inpatient kiddos.

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Game of Thrones: 5x08 Hardhome

Game of thrones meets The Walking Dead :p

This episode was way too epic for the small screen. I thought they saved these for the penultimate episode of the season.

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Some Like It Hot

No matter what generation you are part of, if this movie doesn't make you laugh, there is something wrong with you.

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Fleabag: 2x06 Episode 6

Perfect final scene. She let us go :(

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8x09 The Last Day

I smiled when Gina popped up. Then she reminded us how annoying she is. Who actually missed her?

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This Is Us: 5x01 Forty (1) / Forty (2)

Does anyone else dislike that they incorporated coronavirus into the show? It takes me out.

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Mr. Robot: 4x11 eXit

The scene between Elliott and Whiterose was just beautiful. Written and performed.

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Breaking Bad: 2x13 ABQ

Shout by The_Argentinian
BlockedParent2019-09-12T17:43:52Z— updated 2020-06-12T03:48:22Z

The season-long tease with the black and white openings had a disappointing conclusion in the season finale. I guess the plane crash will have a bigger impact in the following season?

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